Darlys and her birthday cake
6:00 AM came too soon on Sunday morning after going to bed only 3 hours earlier! I woke up, spent some time with Him, ran on the beach, and observed as the girls spent time with Him. They spent more time getting ready for club than they did with Him, which is good for me to know as I seek His Will for this group. We finally left for the club, and the SS class was good but the conversation is so shallow still and filled with words of man. I left to go to another club to announce the mission conference and ask the pastor if I could borrow the drum set for the band’s concert on Saturday. As I was speaking with the pastor, my heart hurt as I heard the same lines that I always here from the pastors here about the conference. But he did give me time in the service to announce the conference and the youth activities with the band, and the congregation was quite receptive. After I spoke, it appeared that maybe HE had changed the heart of the pastor who made some different comments to his group than in the conversation that the two of us had 15 minutes earlier! Then a member of the congregation took me to another club where I was able to speak and announce to them as well. It was a good morning as I feel that people are actually going to be at least pryng for this conference and maybe some youth will come to the activities specially for them. I spent that afternoon studying, watching classes, and taking a test. I actually did well on my test and so I rewarded myself by watching a little movie, or at least the last hour of the movie. I went to bed early as I was exhausted!

Ddr and her new glasses
Monday, I woke up tired but began working on paperwork for the board, updating my website, made some calls, and just did basic office work all day. I met with Darlys and we pryd for the upcoming week and planned out what we felt HE was leading us to do this week in Palenque. That evening, I organized with a couple of youth time for them to announce in all the youth group meetings during the week about the youth workshop and concert with Felipe’s band.

Having fun with the glasses
Tuesday, I worked on class work and spent the AM pryng and asking HIM to prepare me for the week. We left for Palenque and had a great time of pryr and discipleship on the way out to Palenque. We arrive, unpack, and head to Ddr’s house for a study with her and her daughter. It was neat to watch Him convict her with His Words in how they both were living in respect to the men in their lives. I love it when people come under conviction by the HS and His Words and He allows us to see it! We spent some time in pryr, answering questions, and encouraging them in these new insights from Him. We headed back to the house and spent time listening to the newlyweds and what HE had laid on their hearts. While we were there, a lady comes to the house asking to buy The Word and wants to learn how to study It. Are you kidding me? HE is sending people to the house looking for His Word and searching for Him! Praise Him. We of course sell her His Word, and arrange a time to meet with her. That afternoon, we headed to a meeting with a local foundation who had given us the opportunity to hear what they were doing and possibly add to it with His Words. They were coming in to help with the violence and illegal activities that were happening in the village. It was interesting to listen to the group of Palenqueros and learn more about their worldview. After the meeting, we head to spend some time with Krstn and her family just to see how they were and when we could meet with them. It was a good first day in the village and Darlys and I spent the evening preparing for the next day and pryng.

Youth meeting on Wednesday night
Wednesday, we were eating breakfast when Ddr called me to ask if I could take the family into another town because an aunt had passed away. I said sure and they said they would send a moto to come and get me so that I wouldn’t have to walk all the way to the farm. I continue to eat my breakfast and in like a minute a moto is at the front gate asking for me. I sip some more coffee and then head out to the farm. I had some time to talk to different members of the family who all wanted to know why I was here and so I shared the gospel with them. I took the family to the other town and came back. Elzr was the only one to stay and take care of the farm and we had some great conversation and time in His Word. We were interrupted when his cousin came and so I, dreading to walk all the way back in the hot sun, left and began my journey. As I was leaving the farm, I thought to myself it would be nice if one of these motos would give me a free ride to the village. And being the amazing DAD He is, a moto turns around to come get me. I was very skeptical at first because they always want money but this one reassured me that he would give me a ride for free. I got on the moto and repented of my lack of faith. Oh the unexpected blessings that Our Heavenly Dad gives us…time with Elzr alone, and a free ride to the village! I came back to the house and confessed my lack of faith to the others which He used in their lives to remind them of how great He IS! We waited for about an hour for Myr who was going to take us to the lady’s house that bought the Word yesterday but she never showed. So we ask Hrln for her name and more or less where she lives, and we head out to find this lady, Lz Mrn. After about a 20-minute search, we eventually find her sleeping in her chair with His Word in her lap. We enter into the house, meet her family, and listen to her story. She is searching for help economically which was sad to hear but she had been accustomed to the other M who lived in Palenque always giving out money. I cannot blame her because that is what she had been taught but it does make our jobs more difficult. We shared the gospel with her and asked if she was willing to study with us. She said yes and so we gave her homework to read and that we would tell her the stories the next time we came. She was excited and we also invited her daughters to our youth study that night.

As we headed back to the house, Darlys was disappointed in how she wanted money and not Him. I tried to encourage her that we were at least invited into her house, we spoke His Truth, and He would do whatever He wanted to glorify His Name and we would be obedient. After lunch, we headed to Krstn and Dncl to meet with them. And the theme of the day would continue, they too began to ask indirectly for things from us. Darlys was really discouraged and so I shared a story and taught them Who He Is and they applied it to their situation and at least Dncl repented of asking us and not Him. We headed back to the house and prepared for the youth study. We started the study on the porch but the group grew so much we went to the street but everyone was so distracted and so we headed in the house. Darlys shared her testimony and connected it with a story in the Bible to show them how to share a testimony and a story with others. Afterwards, we talked about the change that HE makes in our life. That our testimony is who we were before we met Him, how we met Him, and who we are now after He has changed us. In all of the discussion, I presented part of the gospel and once again He began to confront them with His Truths! Oh how beautiful! It was neat to hear out of their mouths that these things were deep and that they had to think about them because they were opposite of what they believed! And it was cool to see Darlys be more comfortable with this type of HS confrontation and conviction. A couple of the youth stayed to ask questions, and then we had a devotional with Hrln and Js Mnl. Darlys and I spent the evening praising Him for revealing Himself to so many people today and how HE is working through the HS in each of their lives. It was a great day of blessings!

Thursday, I spent the AM talking to Js Mnl and Hrln about their passions for Palenque. We did not get to finish as the women began to arrive for our weekly study together. While we were singing, HE told me to ask them what HE had been teaching them. He had told me to plan to teach on faith but as we were singing, I heard Him say to ask them what HE had been teaching them in each of their personal times with Him. And so I obediently asked them and the answers blew me away! Hrln and Js Mnl talked about how He had been teaching them about being chosen in Isaiah and how this had completely changed their ideas of salvation and of Him. (A result of the election conversation that He ordained the week before and some private convos that we had last week.) Jn shared from Isaiah as well but basically repeated the lesson from the night before with the youth which was huge in my book. She is slow to understand concepts and the fact that she could repeat the Truths that we shared was so encouraging to me! And then the biggest one, Ktln begins to share that after our study last week she had been in Romans 9 all week. She woke up meditating on it and went to bed meditating on these Truths that she had not paid any attention to before. At the time that she began to share what she had been learning and what HE had revealed to her, the pastor of the club arrived. He came in and sat and listened as she walked us verse by verse in the revelation that HE had shown her through these verses. My eyes filled with tears of joy as I watched Our DAD open her eyes to Him and His salvation power and His Sovereignty over all things. She confessed that she has now had a difficult time forgiving herself for the years that she had been teaching, serving, and thinking that she did all of this to please Him and earn her salvation. She was memorized my a Dad Who would choose her out of her family to be His Own. She was speechless. So I challenged her with some more questions that she needed to search the Scriptures to find the answers for and Darlys later shared with me that she too was needing to hear those questions that I asked because she had not known how to answer them personally. Oh what a joyful time hearing what HE has been teaching His people when His people allow Him to use His Scripture to open their hearts! My heart was so full after this time and we didn’t even get to finish our discussion but it was so rich!

That afternoon, He kept the blessings and revelations coming as we met with Myr for the first time individually. She asked for help to prepare her for her upcoming marriage. He revealed to her that she doesn’t know much about Him and her relationship with Him. It was cool for her to recognize this as we searched Scripture after Scripture and she finally understood that until her relationship with Him, the Heavenly Bridegroom is where He desires, that she will never be the wife He has designed her to be! Oh what a sweet time at His Feet. Pry for her as she continues to search His Words. Pry that she will not grow weary but honestly have a hunger for His Truths. After this time, we headed down to the farm to meet with Mnl and his family. There was something weird in the atmosphere here but we continued with our meeting. We asked them to share and a couple of them did but there was something going on here that was not normal. We had a good time in His Word as He revealed new things from a familiar story that they have all heard and knew by heart. Our focus with them is to bring everything back to the cross. He has truly revealed new aspects of Himself there. We had a brief English class with the family, as they are preparing for their exam in July when my mom and Stacey come to visit! It was late and Darlys and I pryd that HE would bless us with a free ride back to the village. And as He always does, HE responded and a guy offers to take us all the way back to the house for free and we continue praising a Dad Who doesn’t overlook little details and ways to show His love for His children! We spent the evening processing the day…all the new cultural things we have realized, their desire for things and money more than Him, their lives being confronted with His Truths, and what a blessing it has been to be on the front row for all of it.

Friday, we woke up, packed up, and headed to the farm. Today, Darlys came with me and she enjoyed some time with the kids and Luz Mercy. The women did not show up for the study/pryr time. Stacy came up and she and I had some great times just talking about the week and this next week. She and Julie are getting to go to the states for the women’s conference that I had wanted to go to but could not go. Julie comes back home and there is something not right there, so I ask for some time with her if HE allows. Stacy and the kids went back down to their home and I talked with Josh for a while. During lunch, Julie and I had a great time to just talk and for me to listen what is on her heart and how her week was going. Oh how my heart broke when she told me of situations that are not going well and how she was feeling. It was a good time of just listening and sharing. I did not get to play with the kids too much but we did for a little bit when they had finished all their chores and homework. That night, I came home, unpacked, showered, and began working on my work for my class.

Saturday was a good morning at His Feet and just preparing for SS class the next day and the study with the youth that afternoon. One of the youth arrived 3 hours early and had not eaten so I sent him to the store to eat and met with a guy from the board about my future plans. After our meeting, I went downstairs and spent some time with this youth in pryr as we waited for the rest of the youth to arrive. Once some of them starting arriving, the environment in the room completely changed. It was weird but I expected resistance as today we were talking about the gospel and more importantly how they each presented the gospel. I pryd for awhile over the group and we began. HE revealed so much to me as we listened to one of the youth present the gospel. It was clear that I had missed a step with them and so I apologized to them and redirected our conversation. I presented the gospel message and asked them to take notes of what I mentioned and what Scripture I used. I later told them my testimony and connected it with a story from His Word. I taught them how to do the same and gave them the next two weeks to prepare their testimony, connect with His Words, and meditate over the gospel message. As they left, and Brody and I went for a walk I realized that I had thought they were all stronger than they are in the faith. I had stopped discipling them personally and 3 of them were going through some tough times. I repented of my sin and called each of them that afternoon just to see how they were and encourage them and apologize. I spent the evening on my knees asking for His Plan for this group that I thought were strong and firm in their faith. I praise a Dad who always gives second chances and reveals things to us and then shows us what HE wants to be done. Please continue to pry for these youth that are passing through a faith crisis – not being able to forgive themselves and understanding His forgiveness.

Monday existed of my computer, Augustine, Cassian, and myself all day. I was trying to finish my paper for my seminary class before I left for Palenque, so that I would not be focused on anything except the work. It did not happen. I did have a good meeting with Darlys and Maricela for their time of discipleship. Afterwards, it was back to the paper…

Tuesday, was more of Monday except I hit a wall and could not get past it. So, I talked to Josh and he listened to me and made sense of my thoughts. I sat down with a clear head and began to write some more until another block came. I felt Him telling me to go watch a movie. I did not trust it at first because the last thing I wanted to do was write my paper and it sounded too good to be true for me to have permission to watch a movie. It was indeed from Him and so I watched a small movie called the Encounter. It is about several different people who are traveling, the road is closed, and so they wait out a storm in a diner where they have the encounter with Jss. It was a good movie but HE used to it reveal a root of a sin that I have been fighting against for years, since HE revealed it in my life.

I have struggled with lying my whole life and HE has truly freed me from much of this sin. About 7 years ago, HE revealed to me that I was still lying and not living completely in His Truth. HE revealed that every time I do not tell the entire truth because I want to protect myself and when I exaggerate something to be funny or whatever, it is a lie. I have asked HIM to reveal the root of this sin, as it has wrecked havoc in my life since I was young. I despise liars and I was the biggest one of them all. Well, it was during this movie that revealed that the root of this sin is my pride. I do not tell the entire truth to all people because I want to protect myself…pride. I exaggerate things because I don’t believe that what HE actually did is sufficient to tell people…pride. WOW! HE also revealed that there was one time in my life that I did not understand why and had asked and was waiting for the answer. When I was in college, HE eliminated the opportunity for me to graduate from Baylor. I never understood why HE would take me all the way there and not let me graduate. HE revealed that HE was protecting me from a further fall into this sin of pride. This was just one of the many things HE revealed to me today during this little movie. I immediately got on my knees and repented for all of the times HE brought to my mind and heart that I had lied. HE showed me that when I am challenged to slip again, it is better to remain quiet than to lie. I praise HIM for releasing me and cutting this root of this sin I have been fighting with for so long. I still struggle with pride, do not get me wrong but the rest of the week I was not tempted to not tell the entire truth and was tempted one time to exaggerate in a story I was telling. I heard His Sweet Voice asking me, if what HE did in my life wasn’t sufficient and I thought I needed to “spice it up a little”? Another humbling time in the life of Kendall, I think that this land of sanctification gets hotter and hotter the longer I am in the refiners fire. I sure hope I come out looking a lot more like Him and less like me.

After this revelation, I cannot tell you the freedom I felt…the weight that was lifted off of my shoulders. I head back to my computer and for the next 5 hours write and write and write until I finished my paper! I praise HIM for allowing me to finish this paper before going to Palenque! I spent the evening on my knees in pryr and praise for what HE did in my life and asking HIM to prepare me for Palenque.

Wednesday, we left for Palenque and had a great time of discipleship with Darlys on the way out. She is dealing with lots of doubts that she has had since HE has opened her eyes to some spectacular Truths. I helped her walk through several of these on our way out and of course we spent time in pryr. We arrive and talk to the newlyweds who had recently returned from their honeymoon and then head down to study with Ddr. Darlys did not feel comfortable taking the lead and so I walked Ddr through a review of what we had been studying to see what she did and did not understand. We then headed to Krstn and Dncl’s house and find them busy but willing to talk. So we sit, listen to them talk, and watch HIM open doors for us to share His Word without having a specific study time set with them. HE is really moving in this couple and it is exciting to watch Him transform their marriage (now that they are married), their family life, and just the love between the two of them. It is really beautiful! We head back to the house to eat dinner, and set up for the youth that night. We had decided to show a movie because it had been awhile since we had shown one. We had a huge group of youth that showed up for the movie and the discussion afterwards was very interesting. The movie made them think about lots of different issues and I asked them how they would deal with each of those issues based on what the Word says about each one. They did not know and so I challenged them to pick a couple and search His Words for what they say and how they should respond. It was a really good time with these youth and I pry every day that HE continues to generate a hunger in their hearts for more of Him.

Thursday AM, I had planned to meet with the youth but Susie was still here with her group and asked if we could have worship together. I agreed and so we had worship that morning together with the women whom we normally meet with each Thursday. She then asked me to teach and because Js Mnl (Hrln’s husband) is now living in the house as well, I did not feel comfortable teaching them the lesson I had prepared for the women. I asked Js Mnl to teach and he taught on the persistent widow from Luke. He was using the passage out of context but I just watched and waited for His timing to speak. One of the younger girls with YWAM asked about the work elected and who are the elected. I waited to see what the two men would say or what the other leaders would say and when they said nothing I began to ask questions. I wanted to see what their understanding was of this doctrine before I taught on it. As usual, free will was brought up. I asked to be shown where the word free will is in the Word and then I noticed the tension in the room rising. People were no longer talking in love and seeking Truth but in their flesh and pride. I stopped the conversation and said that I would love to teach on this subject but only after everyone has had a chance to research it. They all agreed and we pryd and finished the study. I had a chance to speak for a little bit with the women and see how they were doing. About the time we were sharing, a lady from a foundation came in to share with us her project and see how we could help. It is neat to see how HE is opening doors for us to share His Truths in different areas. We had a nice conversation and plan to be in their meeting next week to hear more about their plans.

After that little meeting, I sat and listened to Susie share her heart and what has been going on in her life. It was good to hear what HE had been speaking to her about and what her heart condition was at that time, so I can know how to pry. She told me about their week in Palenque and their plans for the rest of the year. We all had lunch together and then Darlys and I headed out to meet with some ladies. It was a good time of just getting to know these ladies and hear about their lives. We headed down to the farm for our study as a family and English class. We are talking about the works of the cross with the family. We are discussing sacrifice and talked about the first sacrifice in the Word and it was cool to watch Him open their eyes to this part of the story. We also spent time in the consequence of sin for man and for woman. I love that this family is so comfortable with us that they show their truth thoughts which gives us a chance to point them to Scripture and allow the HS to refine them in their ways of thinking and acting. It is such a blessing to watch Him work. It was also a great time for me to talk to Darlys afterwards about bringing everything we do back to the work at the cross. She was challenged by the teaching from the fall of man story and had many questions on our long walk back to the house.  That evening, Yeison one of the YWAM members was presenting a slideshow about his trip to Africa. It was a great way for His Name to be spoken in front of several youth who showed up to hear about his trip to Africa. That night, we spent time with the YWAM team just talking and sharing stories. It was really important for me that we bond with this team as they re-enter and that we are unified in what HE has given us to do in Palenque.

Friday, we leave early so that Darlys can get to work and I head to the farm. Finally, I was able to get all the women together for a time of sharing and pryr. It was an awkward time at first and I am not sure why there is a weird tension in the room between the four of them, so I began to pry for discernment as I lead. We pryd for each other and afterward I spent time talking and planning with Luis Fernando. He and I are teaching at the mission’s conference on the gospel and we were discussing what HE had shown each one of us individually. I praise HIM for His faithfulness! He gave both of us the same passage and the same ideas for the workshop we are teaching. We spent several hours planning and studying and pryng together over this workshop. I ate lunch with his family and then headed down to spend time with the Riffle’s.  It was a good day but I had to leave early to get home, look at my paper once more and send it in. I get home and take care of my paper. It was such a relief to have it all taken care of and that assignment finished so I could move on to other assignments. I spent the evening just processing what HE showed me during the week and praising HIM for using me in such a cool ways!

Saturday, I woke up exhausted but it was a full day. I had brought home some clothes of Ktln’s to wash, so I washed her clothes while I spent time with HIM. I spent time studying for the study with the sports team and then the youth girls from the local club that were coming to spend the night. It was a good study with the youth team as we recapped what we had learned in Romans and I gave them a new assignment of preparing their gospel message presentation. I love watching them grow in their confidence of using His Word and allow His Words to be their guide for all their decisions and no longer the beliefs they grew up with based from their clubs. I pry that HE uses these youth to reform the local clubs back to the doctrinal basics that we were meant to stand on and not man made rules and a watered down gospel. That evening, I sat with Darlys and waited for the girls from the club to come. It is Darlys’ birthday and we both decided that if no one showed up that we would go home, eat, and go see a movie but the girls one by one showed up. We ended up with a good amount of girls, which was great for me as I observed them interact with each other and learned so much about them as individuals and a group. I am not sure what HE wants me to do with this group of girls. I am not sure if they even have a desire to truly know Him. As I listened to their testimonies and conversations, I was sad to hear that many of these girls have received “discipleship” yet have no idea what the gospel message is at all. They have based their lives on a lie and for this reason are not completely sold out and are constantly going back to their old sin…they don’t know HIS Grace! It was a good night and I think they all enjoyed it. I was exhausted as we finally got to bed at about 3AM…yes, I am WAY too old for this kind of thing. The next morning, Darlys wanted me to do a devo with all of them but I wanted them to spend time alone with Him. I wanted to see what their personal devos looked like and what He could show me through this and model for them through my time alone with Him. I am excited to see what He does with this group and what role He desires for me to play.

Wednesday, we left early in the morning for Palenque. We had a great time of discipleship in the car and He is really growing Darlys into a cross-cultural M. I am excited to see how HE continues to refine her. When we arrived, Hrln was stressed and excited to see us. We had brought her dress and other things that she needed for her wedding. We spent some time with her, pryng, hearing her plans for the week, and seeing how we could help her. That afternoon, we spent time with Ddr and Krstn studying His Words and hearing their hearts about different themes. It was a sweet time of fellowship and discipleship. On our way back to the house, two of the women who live on our street invited us in to their homes. We were just walking and they called for us to come in their house. It was such a Dad moment that we could not say no…Palenqueros we do not know are inviting us in their homes! He is too good. We had a good time with each one, just getting to know them and seeing their home. We explained the reason that we were here and they apparently already knew. We head back to the house to prepare for all the youth that come to the house for our Wednesday night studies. Because we did not come the week before, we did what we had planned to do with them…and Easter egg hunt. I explained the story behind the egg hunt and they loved it. We did not do a secular egg hunt but a hunt for eggs that had a symbol in each one to represent one part of the story of Jss entering in Jerusalem through His resurrection. It was sad to me the amount of them that could not tell us their little part of the story correctly – a story that they claimed to not only to know but also live. It was a great time of them hearing Truth and understanding more about the cross and what it means to us. It was a blessing to be able to share this story with them and have Him open their eyes to a new way of looking at things. Darlys and I spent the evening debriefing the day, pryng and getting ready for the next day!

Thursday, we woke up and had a time of devotion with the women. It was a sweet time in His Words and their eyes were also opened to more and more Truths. I love the looks on their faces and the light that turns on in their eyes when HE reveals something new to them. It is so incredible how He allows us to be apart of this change He is doing in their lives. After our morning with the women, Darlys and I headed down to the farm to get things ready for the wedding. Oh what a day…I think that they do more for a wedding than we do but all at the last minute. I cut out Styrofoam in different shapes, painted them, carried chairs and tables, arranged flowers, cleaned the farm, and tried to be His Light. I took advantage of every opportunity HE gave me to listen to His People and use my mouth for His glory. It was a LONG day! We ended the day studying His Words with Ddr and her family. Then after the study, they invited us to eat dinner with them and we had our first English class around the dinner table. If you could see the way HE is opening up this family, it is really beautiful. By giving us an entire afternoon with them, HE showed us so much about their family and we had lots of opportunities to share His Stories with them individually and as a group. After a full day, Mnl offers to take us back to the house on his moto and we accept. That evening, we sat with the bride and just talked over fears, pryr requests, and sex. Neither Darlys nor I have any experience in that department, but praise HIM that I was given parents who were not scared to discuss this subject with us and educate us based on His Words and practicality. At first, the bride was a little uncomfortable but after awhile the questions just kept coming and HE gave me the answers for each one. She looked so calm after our several hour talk and so we pryd over her and went to bed.

Friday, we woke up and have a devo with Hrln before heading out to the farm. On our way out, Drlys and I debriefed the past couple of days and pryd over everything. She had been tested to her limit as we had spent two days helping Hrln with the wedding and we did not see Hrln do much of anything. HE was teaching her how to love like HE does and how to been a living sacrifice. That day on the farm, I spent time with everyone. It was great. Julie and Josh and I chatted about different things. Mike and Stacy and I chatted about other things. We were able to play with the kids, take showers, and then we headed to back to Palenque. We had to pick up some flowers, food, and other random things for the bride again. When we arrived back at the house, there were tons of people. There was a group from another club there, Susie and some YWAMers were there, and lots of people from the community. I get started on making the flower arrangements, bouquet for the bride and her bridesmaids, and spent some time talking to Susie and the youth. Darlys begins to blow dry and straighten Hrln’s hair. By the time we had finished, it was late and I was exhausted. We pryd over Hrln for her last night as a single lady and went to bed.

Saturday, we had to wake up at 5:00 so that we could be ready for the wedding at 9:00AM! I spent some amazing time in the Word that AM and HE knew I would need it to make it through the day glorifying His Name and not showing my ugly flesh! I spent the AM cutting hair, fixing hair, doing makeup, organizing things/people, and random other things. It was so hot in that house and as more and more people showed up, the American in me came out! Thankfully, I just kept quiet but I could not believe the amount of people who came into the house to just sit, watch us, and then ask us for food/drink/their makeup/etc. Oh how Great is Our Dad who never gives us too much but only the perfect amount to test our faith and perfect our patience! 

We finally finish Hrln, take pictures, and start the long walk to the local club for the wedding. There were SO MANY people at the wedding that Darlys and I did not fit in and did not want to because of the heat. So we stood on the outside, listening/watching through a door and feeling somewhat of a breeze on the hill. Once the ceremony was over, Darlys and I walk to the farm to get the car and head back to pack up our stuff. We return to the farm and there are so many people there. We walk around to say hit to everyone and wait and wait and wait. We were there for about 2 hours before they started serving any food and it was like 1:00PM...and we were hungry! So we tried to make the best of the situation and spend intentional time with whomever HE showed us... 

We spend some amazing time with Nz just listening to her heart, sharing His Words with her and pryng over her and her family. I praise HIM for ordained times of ministry like this that remind us why we are here...sweating and waiting for 2 hours with headaches and loud music playing! It is all about and for His Glory! After another hour, we had spoken to everyone, congratulated the bride and groom, and had not been served any food. We decided to go ahead and leave. It was an exhausting week but a week where HE worked on Darlys and myself dying more and more to our selfish desires and just serving His people.

Sunday, I went to the local club. I do not know what it was but something was just not right in my Spirit there. SS was good but the youth are not really interested in studying His Words. In the service, it is just music and singing now so, I decided to leave early to go and announce the mission’s conference at a couple of other clubs. The pastor and the club are not doing anything to promote this conference besides sending out flyers. I am not sure why they like to wait until the last minute but they do and assure me that they are going to announce the conference in other clubs. I spent the AM pryng about if this was really where HE wanted me to serve or not. I have felt for a long time a longing to serve at the club on the farm because they have women who want to learn and are asking for a teacher…so you can join me in pryr about this. I am at a club that the women and youth are not really interested in The Word but mainly activities and there are a group of women hungry for more and more of His Word at the club on the farm. I want to be wise in my decision but it seems like He would want me to go where HE is working. That afternoon, I spent working on my paper for my class and catching up on reports for the board. I was really exhausted but needed to get this work finished. So I kept working and finished the night on my knees, just asking Him to reveal His Will for my week and especially what club He wanted me to serve in and mobilize to be on mission for Him.

HE IS ALIVE!! HE IS RISEN!! What a glorious Sunday morning as I awoke to the beautiful promise of life in My Risen King! I did not have Internet service (who knew) nor electricity this AM and was not able to listen to my favorite resurrection song, Arise My Love. So I did what any Baptist would do and I sang it and others at the top of my lungs, on my knees to My Precious Savior! I finished an amazing time of worship and reflection of what today means to me and then head to pick up Eric, the kids, and Jill. We get to the farm just in time for the service. We sing some of my favorite hymns (they did it in Spanish but this AM I sang them in English!) Josh speaks on the resurrection. He takes us all over the Word. He takes us to Romans 8:31-39 and points out the key to this very powerful passage. It is a passage that I have memorized and quote very frequently. Yet how had I been so blind to not see that the connection, the key to all of this was clearly stated in the midst of this powerful passage. I mean I knew that Jss is the key to all Scripture but had completely missed it in this passage.

It reads, “What then shall we say to these things? If Gd is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Who shall bring any charge against Gd's elect? It is Gd who justifies. Who is to condemn? Chrst Jss is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of Gd, who indeed is interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Chrst? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of Gd in Chrst Jss our Lrd.” WOW…look at that…the resurrection talked about in this very passage as that does everything. The verses about our election are connected by His resurrection to the fact that nothing can separate us from Gd because it doesn’t depend on us but on His glorious grace!

After the service, I had a great time of chatting with the brothers about different things HE has been teaching us. I am so thankful for these two as I learn so much from them and they like to hear what HE has been teaching me or challenging me with each week. I spent some time in the main house with Julie (letting Jill get to know everyone) and then head down to spend time with Stacy and the family. We eat lunch, Luis Fernando and another Colombian come down and we have an amazing discussion about His Truths. After some time with the family, Jill and I head back up to play with the kids and end up spending the entire day on the farm. I had some amazing conversations with Colombians that were there, the ladies, the kids, and just enjoyed being together as a family.

Monday, I wake up, spend time with Him and then head to a meeting. I come back from this meeting in the worst mood ever. I have feelings of being all alone, frustrated with my class work, no desire to meet with people for discipleship, no energy, nothing. I cry for no reason. I listen to the accuser remind me of the wretch I am and forget to listen to My Redeemer remind me of who I am in HIM. It was truly a rough day as I cried out to Him for help. I had no Internet to talk to family or friends and pry together. He used Monday to show me what parts of my life are not dead and that I have not surrendered to Him completely. 

I wish I could say that this mood ended on Monday but no, being the disobedient stubborn child that I am – I allowed my emotions to affect me on Tuesday as well. I felt that there was nothing I could do well and just sat in His lap and cried for hours. HE being the Faithful Father that HE is met me there. HE whispered His sweet words in my ear reminding me of Who He is and to take my focus off myself and put it back on Him and His glory. He reminded me to stop looking at my circumstances and allowing them to affect me but seeing how each of these circumstances leads to the advancement of His gospel saving message. He asked me to give Him more of my flesh so that He could kill it and that I would be dead to that sin. He asked me to live in Him each moment and not focus on anything else. It was such a sweet time and I praise HIM for meeting me here and rescuing me from the attack I was under. I spent the rest of the day working on schoolwork, preparing for Palenque, and trying to catch up on reports and emails.

I will post what HE did during the wedding week when I get back from Palenque...

Sunday AM, I taught the youth SS class in Ezekiel. We went through the chapter verse by verse because they are still not to the point where they read during the week and know what is going on. It is neat to watch Him supernaturally unite me with different youth each week and receive their trust. I praise Him for working in these youth and allowing me to be a part of it. That afternoon, a group of ladies came over to the house to continue to study His Words. We spent a good bit of time pryng over each other, sharing what is on our heart, and reading His Words. It was another blessed time in His Words with His kids and watching Him move amongst them. I honestly do not enjoy being at this club but as long as He is choosing to use me there, then there is no other place I would rather be.

Monday was a day full of meetings and homework. I met with my supervisor for paperwork things, Darlys to pry and plan, and a group of ladies to pry and plan for SS. When I wasn’t meeting with the above, I was reading/studying/writing for my class. I honestly feel like this class is suffocating me and I do not have time to leisurely do anything. I hope and pry that HE is using this class to refine me and expand my way of thinking. I hope He is using this class to make me a more effective instrument for Him because right now, all I can see is a mound of books and work that I have to do and trying to schedule my time to fit it all on. I am so thankful that I am not taking another class, as I am sure I would not be surviving at all. Please pry for me as I take this class. My professor is very interesting in his questions on our quizzes and exams and I do not want to become bitter about this class and want to continue to see it as a blessing.

Tuesday was a great day in His Words just allowing Him to empty me out as we planned to leave for Palenque today. I watched some classes, packed the car, and waited for Darlys to be ready to leave. We left and spent the car ride just listening to her and pryng over her as she is stressed out because of her university work. We arrive to Palenque, unload our things, and head to Ddr’s house to study His Words. When we arrive, she is doing her nails and the entire family is around. We did nails, I cut hair, and shared life stories and His stories. We find out that the president of Colombia is coming to visit the next day to check on the progress of all the projects that the government is funding. They showed us where the group began to dig the aqueduct for the waterline and how they had advanced in putting in the gas line. Oh, how Colombians will work when the president comes to town. It was a great time of fellowship and I see Him really opening up this family to us. After our visit with the family, we head to meet up with Pdr and his group of boxers. We watched the end of their practice and as they were stretching we just spent some time getting to know each of them. These were youth that we had never met before and it was neat to get to know another group of young people. Pdr is seeking for Truth and I love that he is so passionate about his search and the people of Palenque. Please pry that He will open up Pdr’s heart to understand His Truths. We head home, make a little dinner, chat with Hrln and then head out to meet with Nz. We arrive at her house and she is not there but there is a large group of young people meeting in her patio. One guy comes to greet us and it is Pdr’s older brother.  We ask introduce ourselves and ask what they are doing here. He begins to tell us that this is a group of young people who want to preserve their culture, learn about their culture, and other historical things. He was thrilled that we came and allowed us to introduce ourselves. We listened to them, they listened to us, and asked if we would be interested in joining their group. I clearly explained that we would if we were allowed to tell His Stories. They agreed and were going to approach one of the leaders to ask permission for us to join their group as educators. He is so cool and opening up doors right and left for us and His Truths! Finally, Nz comes home and we sit on her front porch and catch up. She shares about her weekend, life, and we share His Truths with her. I am not sure when she is going to surrender her all to Him but am excited that He is using us to encourage her each step of the way. It was late and we headed back to the house. We spent the evening debriefing the day and praising Him for the unexpected blessings of the day.

Wednesday, we had a great morning devotional lead by Darlys. She is really growing in her confidence in Him and the HS inside her to lead a study. We stayed in the house as we waited for the president to arrive and leave. We took advantage of some good time together in His Word and some more teaching/planning. That afternoon, we met with Dncl and Krstn in their home. They both were there with His Word in their hands ready to dedicate time to study with us. It was such a blessing and very unexpected. We shared the story of the fall from Genesis and focused on the first sacrifice. They did not know what a sacrifice was and through the story they began to understand. Both of them were hanging on every word of the story, like they had never heard it before and the applications that they drew from the story were all His doing. I think it was the first time that we have been with them that both of them stayed, listened, responded, and did it all without fighting! Praise Him for what He is doing in their lives. We went to meet with Pdr and see his boxing group – he was so excited to see us and promised to come to the house that evening for our weekly study. After sharing a story with his group, we headed back to eat dinner and pry before the youth small group. Pdr came early because he had something else he had committed to but wanted to hear the story and learn more about His Words with us. We had a great group of youth this evening and taught on the end of the Sermon on the Mount – building our house on rock or sand. It was neat to watch Him confront each of them with how they had not been putting into practice the lessons that they have been learning each week. They were truly convicted and were sad. It was neat to see some of them truly repent of their sin. We shall see how He continues to teach them and how they respond to His Truths. We finished the evening with more pryr and debriefing in between Drlys and I. There were lots of things that were done today that I was able to use to teach her and watch her develop into a stronger M for His Kingdom!

Thursday AM we had two surprise visitors – Luis Fernando and Julie from the farm came to visit us. Darlys and I had planned a study with the women at the house and to talk about the work we felt He was leading us to do as women in this village. Not only did the women arrive but Dncl came as well and I asked Luis Fernando to lead our time of teaching. I love how he teaches with such ease and love. It is beautiful to watch someone glorifying Him through the gifts that He has given each one. After the teaching the two men excused themselves, and we talked together as women. It was great to hear their hearts for the women here and their openness to new ideas that HE had placed on my heart. I am excited to see how He grows these women and shares His Truths through them in the village. That afternoon, we went to meet with two more families and had a great time in His Words with each of them. He is truly granting us favor amongst the people here and I can only imagine it is because you guys have been pryng for Him to do so! So I thank you for pryng for this and I am excited to see how HE continues to answer our pryrs.

Friday, we left and I headed to the farm and had an amazing day. I spent the AM loving on, listening to, and pryng with Julie! Something that we had not done in so long and it was such a blessing to me. I headed down to hang out with Stacy and the fam for awhile. Stacy and I tried to spend some time together talking about what He had been teaching us during the week but with so many disruptions, we decided to just head up to the main house and play with the kids. I spent the next 5 hours just loving on all the kids. We played games, we rode bikes, we went on a nature hike, and it was so much fun! I missed my window of time to leave the house and so I stayed for dinner, which gave me some amazing time to listen and learn from my older brother who is being confronted on some new issues. It was cool to listen and now I know how to pry for him. I headed back pretty late that evening, took a shower, and went to bed.

Saturday was a great day in His Words and with Him. I love my Sabbaths and would not trade anything for them…except maybe some more time at His Feet. Darlys came over for some one on one time and I am teaching her guitar – it was a good time. The youth were once again blown away by His Truths and His teachings through Romans. I love this time in His Words with them and watching them have their eyes opened to Truths that are setting them free. I praise Him for this group of youth and how He is uniting each of them in Him and growing us as a team! Please continue to ask that HE will show us where He desires for us to be on mission for Him. Saturday night was more school with little to no Internet. Which is why this post is so late. For the past three weeks, I have had little to no Internet here and have been calling and begging for them to come and fix it. Sometimes I do not love Colombia as much as I should and so I am learning to love like He does in all circumstances!