Sunday, I stayed in my hammock longer than normal because it was raining and was cool. I just sat listening to the rain and praising Him for a new day. We all went to the same club today and I felt more at home. The service was great and I think I know one song in Akn now that I can sing with them. Josh told the story and it was neat to see Him use Josh in such a cool way. That day they were celebrating two little girls birthdays and here comes the familiarity of where I live. We sat around for awhile, not knowing we were invited to stay for lunch and then some of us helped move the food and get the serving started. All the kids with us were tired, hot, and hungry as we had now been at the club for 4 hours and it was way past time to eat. We get everyone served and they start their own festivities. I think normally, we could have stayed for the entire thing but being that we were leaving the next day, the Shirey's excused us and we headed back home. We arrived at like 4:00 and began cleaning and packing up. We had a community meal together which felt rushed because of the time spent at the club but I enjoyed it none the less. That evening, the MKs put on a cute little presentation of everything that they had learned. It was so cute to see what they had been doing all month and they were so proud! That night, I made some rounds doing my PT stuff on certain people's necks/backs/etc...who knew that I would use all that I had learned on a bunch of Ms! The last one I worked on was Charles and I enjoyed one last convo with these two amazing people before heading back to my house to finish packing up and cleaning. I am not going to say that I am excited about going back but I as I packed and praised Him for this amazing experience, He brought new things to my mind that He was doing in Colombia. It was kind of like a sneak peek of what He had been doing and what He had in store for this year. I know I am called to my people for now but He confirmed in me how at home I feel in a jungle with such limited worldly things and with a team of people who believe the same things that I do. I am excited to see where He takes me to share His Truths.

Monday, we woke up early to shower, finish packing and clean. Christy and I woke up early enough to finish all we had to do so that we could drink coffee, eat breakfast, and spend some time with Him one last time on our porch. Oh sad day for me to have to say goodbye to this amazing porch, river, jungle, and camp. He showed me so much of Who He was and we had such sweet times together here that it is sad to leave...not to mention the amazing family I will be leaving behind that have quickly taken a piece of my heart with them. We head up to the air strip, weigh in, and wait for the plane to come. There was something wrong with the planes and so we had to leave in two different groups and I was in the first one. We said goodbye to our new Akn friends and this island that had been our home. As I sat talking to Britt on the way back to the city, He filled me of His love and desires for this day and I was excited to serve the other families as He had showed me. We arrive back into the city, get our bags, drop them off at the hotel, and go eat lunch. We walk into McDonalds and I go into a fog. I cannot explain the shock of all the people, noise, and options in front of me but it was more than I could process at one time. Good thing Crystal was there for me and she did not think I was crazy for being in this fog. We ate lunch and then went shopping at a souvenir store and the American culture shock grocery store. It was so hard for me to process everything that was going on around me as I had become accustomed to life on the river...the simple life. I was the last one to finish shopping in the souvenir shop (which those who really know me, know that this is crazy as I am the first one in and out normally.) We finished shopping and went back to the hotel. I spent some time in the Word and took a nap while others planned for their day in Trinidad and swam and other things. 

When I woke up, it was time to go eat at the restaurant together as a group...for the last time. The place was incredible! I had a great time being silly with Beth and the two hands on girls, Natasha and Ellen (who I claimed as my girls for the day so that they would not get lost.) Then came the was incredible and there was so much of it! And then Beth took the silliness to another level and was convincing the kids that I would be a perfect match for Charles big brother who is single. We had already closed that door during like week 1 but Beth wanted to bring it up because she thinks she is a good matchmaker. She could not give me her success rate but at any rate had Charles' boys on board, getting his uncle's photo, and making wedding plans. It was good fun until the kids really thought it was serious and I had to break the news to them that it was not happening. We enjoyed some conversation with Britt and others who would sit with us at random. It was neat to see how He had transformed this group of strangers into a community in a month. We head back to the hotel, Charles shows us a video that he had made of the men's trip, and we start saying our goodbyes. Well it was hard to say goodbye to all of the people who you have become accustomed to see each day but especially the Shirey family. What a work He had done in my life through them. What a heaven sent blessing Brittany was for me and another friend/pryr warrior! What a iron sharpener my new big brother had been for me this month! I went back to my room, took a HOT shower (and yes praised Him the entire time!!), and continued my praising for all that He had done.

Tuesday, we leave at 2:00 from the hotel and get to the airport to begin a day of traveling together. We leave Suriname and spend the entire day in Trinidad. It was too expensive for me to leave the airport and see the city and plus it was carnival for them. Unfortunately there was no internet in the entire airport for the 12 plus hours that we were there. We spent time playing games, entertaining the kids, and napping with Joy. One family and the two hands on girls left us first and then the rest of us head to Panama. We had a great last flight together sitting together and just hanging out for the last time. Once we landed in Panama, we all say our goodbyes and head to our own gates to head back to our own countries and ministries. On the way to Colombia, He replayed the ways that He had sanctified me and showed Himself faithful to me during the past month. I felt Him saying well done my daughter. Once I was on this plane, I was ready to land in Colombia to contact my family and friends and see my cute dog...oh and sleep in a bed!!!! As I waited in immigration line that took over an hour and a half, I talked to family and friends and put His patience into practice. I got home, played with Brody for a bit, unpacked somethings, took a shower, and sat on my bed to go to sleep and....BRACK! My bed breaks. I was so exhausted that I was not thinking clearly and start crying. I called a friend of mine who understood I was not thinking in my right mind, told me to take out the boards, put the mattress on the floor, and sleep. Why I couldn't think of that myself, lack of sleep and exhaustion!

Wednesday, Brody wakes me up to go for a walk. We come back, I eat the Cinnabon I had bought in Panama, and I pry for awhile asking Him to let me go back to sleep. I go back to sleep for a little bit. I spent the rest of the day just processing everything and unpacking and washing clothes. I think that is the only thing I did productive was wash clothes and spend time with Him. 

Thursday was more of the same...getting into the routine of things, buying food, fixing things broken in the house...oh how I wished Mr. Joel was around. My vehicle also had to be taken in for some repair and I could barely understood everything the mechanic was telling me...welcome back to the real world Kendall. He blessed me with sweet time in His Words and a must needed conversation with Georgie. She is another blessing in my life and I cannot thank Him enough for her! He also allowed me talk to my parents and brother in law to hear all about their past month. I went to the DVD rental place here in Crespo and rented a movie or two because I just wanted to laugh. I am not that funny in Spanish and I definitely don't think that they are I decided to rent something that would make me laugh but ended up going to bed.

Friday was more of time in His Word, processing what HE had taught me over the past month. I finished several reports for my supervisor, met with him, and talked to several people I had not spoken with in awhile. And then I began to work on my seminary class work. I quickly realized that this class was WAY more intense than I had thought and as I began to look for ways to drop the class and pick up another, I see that I do not even need this class to graduate. It was serving as one of my electives (you know the classes you choose to make an easy A and boost your GPA). Well my advisor had advised me wrong but HE is sovereign and I accepted that I cannot get out of this class and began reading and watching the classes. Oh joy back to the real world for sure with the welcome of this intense theology of church history class...whoever heard of such! 

Saturday, I had an amazing day of rest with Him. The weather was almost perfect. The breeze is here and brings sand and everything else in the house but it is nice and cooler than normal. I listened to a sermon on the gospel, read Ephesians, and just praised Him for Who He is. The youth came over that afternoon to continue their study in Romans. Please be in pryr for them as they are being persecuted by their families and local clubs for this new found Truth. They have been confronted with the Truth and it does not match up to their lives or what they have been taught. As they lead in their homes and clubs, they cannot help but speak of these new Truths that excite them and they are being criticized like no other. They have even been told to stop hanging out with me because I am corrupting them with this nonsense. Praise Him that He has used me to teach them to explain everything with His Words not our own and so the people cannot argue too much. They too are being confronted by these youth who are hungry for more of Him! I praise Him for the miracles He has worked in their lives and how HE is opening their hearts/minds to understand His mysteries and using this group to strengthen each one. What a privilege to lead this group and watch Him transform their lives.

On Monday, I got up extra early to spend some alone time with Him before waking up all of our little sleeping beauties. HE keeps reminding me through 1 John the importance of standing firm on His sound doctrine, obeying Him at all costs, and loving like HE commands. So needless to say it was more of a time where HE pointed out all of my wickedness and disobedience in this area, I repented and then praised Him for His mercy and grace that He has for me! Christy gets up and we begin to prepare the breakfast for the girls. Because I am slightly weird (no comments), I decided to speak in a British accent all morning as I woke the girls up, served them their breakfast, and got them ready for the day. They were not too excited about going back to MK school but they went. After our AM devotional, we spent time as ladies once again. Britt lead us in discussions about different aspects of ministry when the men are away, spiritual warfare, etc. It was neat to watch Him open up eyes to Who He is and just how Big He is when we often forget that in the midst of our daily routines. One thing that stuck out with me, that doesn't apply to me now, was that when CS leaves he prys over BS and passes the authority of the house to her. When he returns, they do the same thing in returning the authority of the house back to him. I thought that was a cool idea. That evening, we prepared a community meal together and awaited the return of the men. We had a time of sharing as a group as the men shared what they had seen and done and listened to the women/children tell them about their weekend. It was neat to listen to their experiences and just serve the families.

On Tuesday, another amazing day in His Words as I reflected on putting on the armor of Dad. My grandma Betty challenged me 3 years ago to memorize this passage and put it on each and everyday. It has been neat to watch Him use this simple repeating His Words before leaving my bed each day and how HE has used this to prepare and focus me for the incredible things He had planned for that day. During our devotion, there were some really neat comments made and I really felt that HE was leading our discussion on a topic that too often we overlook. One man said that sometimes we run out of the house so fast, forgetting to put on our armor, and then wonder why our pants have fallen down and we can't walk. Without the belt of truth, we end up looking like those youth with their pants sagging and no one can go to war like that! One person said that he was asked by The Father today if he could even find his shield. The Word says that if we have the faith as big as a mustard seed, we can move mountains -- so can you even see your faith? Can you hold your shield? Or is it too small? I really liked hearing that as I too have been convicted of the same thing and for that reason ask every day for Him to give me more faith to put in Him. Oh and then another man mentioned a guitar analogy that I had heard before but was such a perfect reminder for me today. In this analogy, the guitar is the world, the strings our flesh, and the player is satan. If satan can play one string and excite our flesh, then he is done. Our flesh will take us father than he ever could. This is the reason why HE has been humbling me and emptying me out and convicting me of the lack of His holiness in my life. We must strive to be holy as HE is and we must flee our fleshly lusts and passions because they will destroy us.

After our devotion, we had more debriefing time from the men's trip and then talked about how to have a daily quiet time. It was neat to hear some things that I have been convicted about but have been told that I was crazy and too radical in my thinking about my time alone with Him. I still hold fast to that your time with Him in the AM is the platform for the rest of your day and if that means you have to get up extra early, then get up extra early to be alone with Him at His feet. We were given more time to work on our master plans for our ministries and at lunch time SB flew in. After lunch, he lead our camp time on first aid but he really is just a great source of knowledge. He has lots of experience and lots of amazing ideas of things that most people do not even think about. I am excited to see what we learn from him this week. That evening instead of going out to share with the women, we went to the radio station and Sonia told the story over the radio. It was neat to see the radio station that HE built and how He is using it to get His Word into the homes of these people. I pry that HE will use His Word to change their hearts.

Wednesday, He reminded me through His Words about His Word being my bread and what sustains me. He challenged me to rethink the way I have been doing ministry and make sure that His Word is the first thing off my tongue and if not, to be quiet until it is the first thing. We spent the morning listening to Scott talk about risk management, contingency planning, and hearing of the times when HE has rescued His people from situations. We talked about different ideas on how to be a family in a remote location and make it a joy to serve and not a burden. We had some time to talk about different issues as a community and once again, He lead me to mention that we should fast again as a community before the men leave on Friday. I hope He covered me in His Spirit when I speak these things and they come from humility and a desire to seek His face. I feel like many of the people here think I am crazy or accuse me of being super spiritual. I honestly just want to see Him glorified and hear His voice and obey, whatever He tells me to do. I ask each day that He humble me and sanctify me (which I know this month has been a time of sanctification; especially with my knee being the constant bother that it is!) That afternoon, we had the privilege of soaking up more of Scott's survival knowledge and ideas. It was a good day of hearing His voice and watching Him work in people's lives.

Thursday, I was told to fast from sunup to sundown and He had me reading in all different locations in His Word but reminding me that He is my Jehovah Nissi. I have loved this time of getting to know My Dad in another way and on a deeper level. I could totally stay here in the interior with His nature all around me, His voice speaking clearly, and His work being done in spite of my inabilities. Today we had some member care sessions, talked about morbid things like being prepared for illness, death, etc, and were given some more time to work on our master plans. We spent lunch together in pryr just seeking His face as a community. I love times of corporate fasting and having His Spirit fall on us. It is so sweet that you really don't want to say Amen and leave. After lunch, we had an amazing camp time as we learned how to tie different knots. At this point, He has given me permission to be myself around CS and BS. Bs got onto CS and I for being disruptive in this great to have a sweet reminder of Him in my life. That evening, we went to the island for the last time to share with the women. It was a bitter sweet time for me as I pryd over this island as we walked. In such a short period of time, He has given me His love for these people and I long for them to have the veils removed and really see! There is something magical to me as I have left and leave the island in the boat, just as the sun is setting, and praising Him for allowing me to serve Him in such a cool place and in such a cool way. I came back and spent some more time alone with Him just seeking His face and drawing near to Him. When He released me from my fast, I went to the Shirey's to just be. Their home has been such a place of peace and rest for me. I can let down my guards, speak freely, laugh and be my goofy self, and knowing that HE is there and is getting the glory. I praise Him for time with this family and the conversations that we have had. I was feeling like I was suffocating again and when she invited me over to the house, I almost started crying because HE loves me so, sees me, and was giving me the freedom to go without others. Please praise Him along with me for this amazing family and their ministry!

Friday, we had a great time of worship together and then 3 of the units presented their master plans. I was speechless. HE had unsettled all of our hearts, showed us His desires, and changed our way of thinking about His ministries. Even though their had been some opposition to teaching on pryr, fasting, personal holiness, and things that cause us to fall on our face before our Holy Dad...He had accomplished His agenda just like He always does!! Each one of the units mentioned that they were adding pryr and fasting as part of their goals in their ministries!! YES!! AMEN!! Of course they have to be a part of our plan because it is HIM doing the work and it is really His plan! We definitely have to get on our faces and seek His Will and where He is moving!! Oh it was such a sweet time for me and I praised Him for allowing me to see this miracle of changed and humbled hearts in all of us. After their presentations, we said goodbye to the men and began to clean up the island and prepare to leave. It was a good day of just being together as women. That afternoon, we had all the boys over to have their time with their aunts. We played games, made caramel popcorn, talked, and then swam. It was a sweet time with them but an exhausting time. There were such a difference in age between them that it was hard for us to keep them all entertained and not fighting...but you live and you learn. That evening, we ate dinner with CM and just hung out with her for awhile. We then migrated over to the neighbors house where we just got silly. All month long, I had given BB a hard time for being the best dressed at camp because she always looked so the jungle. So we started laughing at how funny it would be to give out end of camp awards and then we just laughed all night as we searched for awards for each person at "camp." It was definitely a much needed time of laughter and silliness!!

Saturday, I woke up in lots of pain and just felt attacked. My leg hurt, I was exhausted, I had been pushed to my limit with people, and frustrated. I did not see certain people with His eyes nor did I love them with His love. I just wanted to cry because I was done. He tells me to go for a walk and so I leave my house and go for a walk where I just cry out to Him everything I am feeling and thinking. I am sure that the Aknrs thought I was crazy but I had to get away. As I was coming back, BS asked me to get the lunch ready for everyone and so I did and spent more time just asking Him for help. The men came back and it was good to see their dirty selves, not so much smell their dirty selves but whatever. It was neat to hear what they had done and listened to their experiences in the heart of the jungle. I cleaned up after lunch, went back to the house, and needed more time away. But we had to present our master plans again. It was a long time for me to sit and listen but He gave me His patience to make it through. I presented mine fast and we were dismissed. I was still not okay and just wanting to cry because I was not being left alone by certain people. He told me to go to the Shirey's and just be with Him. This is exactly what I did, I told BS I just needed to be and she let me be. She gave me a cold diet coke, told me to watch the dinner, and left me alone with My Savior! And as He emptied me more and more, He filled me again with His love and took away my frustrations. He was my refuge and resting place. He met me where I was and gave me the strength to continue and finish strong. Of course after He replenished me, He gave me time to sit and converse with two of the most amazing family members while they ate dinner. He is so good! 

Monday, it was a great day in the Word. I know I have said this before but I really wish you could be here to sit on the front porch with me, watching the river, and just the peacefulness of silence and Your Creator. Of course, a little Colombian coffee is always nice. It was another day of working with CTT and our projects. We had the opportunity to test our projects to teach basic healthcare to help us get into a village using this strategy. It was neat to watch each group share and listen to the national’s comments and suggestions. That afternoon we learned how to make a bug out bag. I had never heard that term before but quickly realized that it was just my emergency bag that is ready just in case I have to leave the country at an instance. It made me super thankful for our logistics coordinator who has done an excellent job of helping me prepare for emergency evacuations, I really felt the most prepared as I have everything ready. That evening, we had the two college student volunteers over for dinner. It was a sweet time of sharing our stories and hearing the redemptive work of Our Savior. Not to mention, the food was pretty good, as we had bought chicken from the winkle (store) that day on our Monday run.

Tuesday, we had a great devotional time that was a piece of scripture that was very convicting. It was a reminder to me to be prudent with my speech and discern through the HS when to speak and when to be silent. After devotional, we headed out to a nearby community to practice our projects of teaching health lessons and His words. Our affinity leader held a dentist clinic of pulling teeth while each of us took turns heading out with my big bro and BS translating each of our stories. He carried our group to share with a 15-year-old mother, an older women who was a believers, and to pry for a woman who was sick. It was cool to be His hands and feet as I have felt like we have been learning a lot of amazing things in our time in His Word. As we are leaving the village it begins to rain and for some reason Aknrs (like Colombians) do not like to travel when it is raining. So we wait and eventually get to send one group back to camp while we wait for them to return. Then it begins to rain hard for a long time, so long that we did not get back to the camp until 4 hungry, wet and tired. While we waited, I had some great conversations with the others who were stuck waiting with me. I enjoy watching and learning about people and how I can pry for them. We get back, eat some lunch and then I spent some time on the porch in a hammock, as I listened to a sermon, the pouring rain and felt the cool breeze. While I was beginning to prepare something for dinner, our neighbors ask us to watch their kids while they meet with our leadership. So we eat dinner while watching a movie with Joy and Isaac. Before I know it, our house is full of kids…wanting to hang out and play games. The kids had made a show and wanted us to see, so for the next couple of hours I serve my aunt duty and love on some kids. By time for lights out, I was exhausted and ready to shower and go to bed.

Wednesday, we decided to have a corporate fast as we sought His will for the men's 4 day trip up to the spiritual center of the Akn people. So I spent the am in my hammock, listening to the pouring rain on our tin roof, and praising Him for His word, this opportunity and asking Him to empty me of my wickedness and fill me with His holiness. This morning we talked on spiritual warfare and it was an amazing discussion. I think He used my big bro to open up the eyes of many of the others here to what really goes on and how to stand firm on our biblical worldview. After this session, we said goodbye to our affinity leaders and another family who had to return home early. And we welcomed a new couple who will be teaching us from a member care perspective over the next couple of weeks. That afternoon, we learned how to make a water purifier that I am excited to try when I get back to Palenque and see if it can help the quality of life of the house I live in and maybe try it in other homes to help decrease the many parasites and stomach issues that they have. I washed some clothes in the river, listened to sermon, and am now writing this...trying to put into words everything I am experiencing without being too long winded. I wish you could be with me as I wash clothes on two rocks in the river, the peaceful trickle of the waters current from the rain last night. It is so peaceful and allows me to hear Him completely. I love it. Tonight, we had another family to our house to eat, love on them, and just get to know them better. It was such a sweet time of hearing their hearts and hearing how to pry for them.

Thursday, I woke up with the song how deep the fathers love for us on my heart and praising him for that unfailing love. We had a good devotion and then talked about isolation, loneliness, and Aukan culture. It was a great morning. This afternoon, the men had an activity to get ready for their trip and I spent the afternoon working out, listening to some women, and preparing a story to be told that afternoon in the village. After a quick trip to the store, we head over to the island of Dtk for some evangelism. As soon as we get off the boat, I begin to have a huge headache and am sick to my stomach. We head over to a ladies home and sit down and the attack gets stronger and stronger. As we sit, I am prying because I know I am being attacked and I cannot even remember the story I was suppose to tell to this woman. I asked him to tell Brittany to keep talking and hanging out for awhile until He could have control of the situation as it was obvious that something was not wanting me there. Eventually, His peace came over me and I remembered the story and gave BS a look and I told the story. It was a blessing to be free from the headache, nausea and pressure from the enemy. We finished our time with the lady and headed to the other store because BS needed to buy some stuff for the weekend. On our way back, it absolutely begins to pour rain but we make it back…drenched.  Thursday night, I spent the night on my knees just pyrng over the men, their trip, and our time at the camp together as women. We had our woman's pryr time and only BS came because it was raining but it was a sweet time of pryr together.

Friday morning, we had a great devotional and then we said goodbye to the men as they headed off on their 4-day trip to the jungle. Then we women had our first session together as women. They talked about homeschooling and I listened to them, gleaning ways that I could pry more specifically for each of them. We ate lunch and then had a camp time of natural home remedies, which was informative and helpful. I worked out, did some laundry, and helped BS make some popcorn for our movie night. We watched my favorite, Swiss Family Robinson together as a group and ate popcorn. It was a lot of fun.

Saturday, we had our devotion together and then learned a little bit about sewing. BS was so excited to show everyone her house that was clean, so afterward I just at outside on their swing with some of the kids just sharing his stories with them. They were so cute as they loved hearing all about what He has been doing in Colombia. From this time on, they were glued to my hip. We ate lunch together, went swimming together, read a book together and cooked s’mores together. It was so cute. We had an amazing potluck dinner together as a group and played games all night. It was a lot of fun just to be together and get to love on the kids as the aunt of the camp. He blessed me with an amazing time in His words, a challenging sermon, and lots of kiddos to love on today.

Sunday we had club on the island as we storied through the book of Esther. It was neat to hear all the different women tell a different chapter and how He used BS to make each chapter a challenge for each one of us. One of my favorite lessons was after chapter 2 when we see Mordecai checking on Esther every day from the gate, BS reminded us of our gatekeepers who constantly check up on us and make sure that we are alive. We took some time and just praised him for our gatekeepers. I praised Him for my parents, sister, bro in law, grandparents and friends who constantly lift me up and make sure I am doing ok. It was a sweet time in His word together as a group. That afternoon, He blesssed me more than I deserve with some sweet time with Britt. We shared, laughed, cried and pryd together. He showed me that I am not crazy and that there are other people who believe like I believe and feel like I feel with the board. It hurt my heart to see that she has been badly wounded as well but it is reassuring to know the amazing Father we have and I am humbled at the opportunity I have to take her to the throne room on my knees. I am so thankful for her and her friendship and I am thankful for Georgie who told me I could trust her. It was the first time in weeks that I felt I could be myself and let my guard down. I praise Him for answering my pryrs. I helped prepare the dinner we would have together and then we had the girls spend the night at our house. We bunked their hammocks in one of the rooms while Christy and I slept in the other room. We played games, painted nails, and told his stories all night long. It was great to make something special for the girls that they would remember, and point them back to the cross.

Monday, we started the day with an amazing time of worship. I am enjoying my secluded home on the river and my precious times alone with Him. I really do not know why I have been so blessed but praise Him for how He has provided for me. Our classes on Monday we all about language; how to learn a language, how to better your language, and how to evaluate where you are with your language. It was another review for us but you have to make the most of everything, right? That afternoon, our camp time was on hunting and it was the most fun! We learned how to shoot a crossbow, rifle, and shoot fish with a bow. I had the best time learning all about how to use the crossbow. Unfortunately, I am a weakling and could not shoot it without the help of my newly adopted big brother, CS.. He brought me his son's bow to shoot that I was able to do all by myself. I moved on to the shooting a pellet gun...super fun. My new big bro is amazing, his wife, incredible and his kids are adorable. If He brought me here for nothing more than to show Himself through this amazing family, it is totally worth it and I praise Him for them. We are on the same page and it is so comforting to hear that. They have become my family and He has allowed me to let down my guard and be myself with them, which is such a relief. I feel like I can breathe again with them and share my thoughts and His teachings. After a run to the store, oh yes you never knew that a trip to a little store could be so exciting, right? Well, when you are on an island, any trip in the boat is an adventure and everyone wants to go. We ate dinner with the big bro and his family. I love listening to their hearts and having real discussions with them. It is so refreshing and it is just what I needed. He is teaching me so much through them and His Word.

Tuesday, after another time in His Word trying to practice what I have been learning 1 John of abiding in Him and His words, we have a morning of learning more about storying. It was interesting to listen to different people and their opinions of storying but more of a review. In the afternoon, we learned about fishing and set up a snare to catch some wolf fish. The women headed out into the village to share a story with the two ladies that BS is meeting with each week. They were excited to see us and it was neat to watch Him use Brittany to love on them, encourage them, and teach them His truths. We came back pretty late and had our first night without our 2 hours of electricity that they have been giving us each night. So we made some mango empanadas and headed to the trainer house where we shared a meal with the people who are working with the kids each day while their parents are in class me. It was neat to hear their stories and how He has redeemed them and is changing them. It gave me lots to go back and praise Him for and intercede to Him on their behalf. That evening the women came to my house to have a night of pryr. When BS arrived, I heard a loud splash and remembering that we had placed out bait that afternoon for the fish I went down to pull out the fish and I being the novice fisher woman that I am, grabbed way too close to the hook and this fish came jumping out with a hug mouth full of teeth. I screamed like a girl and dropped the line. And with a scream like that you would think that everyone would come running right? Nope. Not one man came to our rescue, so four of us women pulled out the fish, knocked it out with a big piece of wood, and then finally two guys came out to scale it and cut it up to freeze. It was an adventure. That night, we had a great time of just prying for each other and sharing our hearts. It was a sweet time of sitting at the Father's feet and carrying other women to Him.

Wednesday, it was more teaching of language, strategy plans, and just us talking. As we were in our sessions, our affinity leaders came in to spend the week with us. It was great to see them and I was excited to hear from them.  Oh, I forgot to mention the outbreak that came into our campus on Tuesday. Lice. Yes that is right, we had three families with lice, no lice shampoo, or combs. So we all pryd, put vinegar on our heads, and began picking out lice. Oh the joys of community living. By the grace of Dad, CS was able to call a friend in the city to go buy meds and send it on the plane that would come later that day. We canceled our camp time to check for more lice, treat those who had it and begin to collect clothes to be boiled in the cut open half-gallon water jug over an open flame. At least we had had our fire starting class and built this huge fire to boil the clothes. It was such a process and so great to see the community all come together and take care of the problem. That evening, we made dinner for our lice infested neighbors and then went to eat with the sweetest couple here, Mr Joel and Mrs Wilma. It was neat to hear their stories and how they helped build this training center. It was a sweet night of fellowship.

Well Thursday, I wake up super early because I did not sleep well at all. I woke up, layed in my hammock, and just praised Him for another day and another year of life. It was a great time of worship and praising Him. I had to lead the devotional that am and told the story from Joshua 10. Then we had some great time with TL and VL listening to their hearts about different topics and just spend time with them. It was a good morning and a great way to start my birthday. At lunch the mks had made me a large birthday card and two cakes that I shafted with the community. After lunch, we had a time of learning how to build a jungle shelter, which quickly turned into a several hour nit picking session. It was a sweet time that we used to share different stories of His faithfulness. After we had gotten all the nits out of the girl’s head, the women headed out the store across the water. They had some eggs finally and some other goodies that made our day. when we arrived back from the store, the women headed out to share stories with the women at the island next us. It was a great time as we spoke to about 3 different women, pryd with several more, and pryr walked through the entire village. On the boat ride back, Christy gave me a new headlamp for my birthday present. She asked what the traditions that we had and I had told her that my family only gives our presents at the actual time when we born. So, she had brought it to give me at 6 but we were sharing a story with a woman at the time and she didn't feel like it was good timing. I was super excited to get my new headlamp and we returned to our home. She and I made eggs, pancakes, and had some fruit for dinner. It was really good. That night, we had women's pryr time and it was good to hear how He had been moving in the lives of all the women. It was a great birthday. I praise Him for giving me such a great day and how He made it a special day even when I couldn't talk to my family and friends.

Friday, we decided to corporately fast for the women's trip up river on Saturday. So I headed to the pavilion and spent time prying and seeking His wisdom for this trip. Terry led our time of worship and devotion. We have moved out of the book of Joshua and are now studying in 2 Timothy. It was a great time of worship. We started CTT training and had a chance to practice a lot of the training with a local aknrs. At lunch time, we stayed in the pavilion and prayed together as a body. It was a sweet time in the throne room as we carried all the details to Him and asked that He move in a huge way on our trip up river. That afternoon, we continued to pick nits out of everyone's hair until late in the afternoon. I went to help BS pack the trunk for our trip. She was a little stressed about this trip and I wanted to help with as many of the details as I could. I ended up back at her house, inviting myself to dinner, and so we ate little pizzas with her family. She blessed me with a diet coke...I seriously could not believe it. Not only does she bless me with sweet spiritual conversation, but she also blesses me with the one thing I had been missing for such a long time. We had a great night of bonding with the family. I have totally placed myself in the family but I thank Dad for this family as He continues to teach me things and love me through all of them. Today, I am thankful for CS and his honesty as he shared that he has a strong personality and most people like him are crtitical. He shared so transparently that He convicted me of the times I was being critical. Praise Him for a big brothers honesty.

Saturday, we woke up early to have breakfast, spend time with Him and pack for our trip. We had an amazing time of worship and pryr before heading out on our trip. The best part was that BB decided to go. She was not sure as her family was the main family affected with the lice epidemic that we had experienced but it was so great that she could go with us. She said that she decided to go in the last 10 minutes of the 2 plus hour pryr time that we had after AM devotion. Praise Him for His faithfulness. We loaded up the boat and headed up river to another village. I started my time just praising Him for this beautiful creation. There is something about being in a dug out canoe on the river with the jungle all around you that is mesmerizing. I could not stop singing His praise and thanking Him for this opportunity. After awhile, He told me to talk to CM, another m who had left her family and especially her daughter on her birthday. We had a great time of just talking...I listened to her and encouraged her as He lead and she encouraged me. As we were going, I noticed that we were going really slow but because Brittany had asked me to be more of a trainer this weekend to help the other women feel comfortable and take their worrisome minds off of things at home, I did not at anything but kept listening to CMl and it was not until BJPn (the local Aknr who chaperoned us) stopped our boat in the shade did everyone know that something was wrong. We pryd and He answered by sending a boat to pass us that he was able to flag down and ask them to take us the rest of the way. What a blessing as they agreed and we arrived in the village in less than 20 minutes. We arrive, unload the stuff, and carry everything up a hill to where we were going to be staying. And He surprises us again with an amazing house to stay in, with toilets that flush, a couch, and beds to sleep on. I nearly cried with joy as I watched BS’s face completely change as a peace came over her to know that we were not going to rough it and He had taken care of everything. We ate lunch, pryd and then headed out to the village to pry and share His stories.

Once again, He led us to where He was working. We stopped at a field and saw a home with some women that we all felt lead to go to. BS asked who was going to tell the story and none one answered. I began to pry and He gave me a story, and it was the story that BB had memorized. So I asked BB to tell her story of jairus daughter and the woman with the bleeding sickness. As we are speaking to this woman and her daughter, she tells us that she has s bad leg and her daughter has a blood sickness. Are you kidding me Dad? How perfect. He did not stop the entire day as we pryd and shared with different women all throughout the village. When we arrived back to the house, late, we were met with some of the believers on the island. For the next several hours, we pryd for them, they pryd for us and we worshipped our Dad together in two different languages and had a taste of what heaven will be like. It was such a blessing. We had asked to be a refreshment for them but they refreshed our spirits more! After they left, we ate dinner, hung up our hammocks, pryd and went to bed. Before we went to bed, we had a sweet time of sharing as some of the women were dealing with fear and it was neat to watch them share and Him heal them through their sharing and our pryrs.

The next morning, I woke up early and had anothr amazing time in His Word while I waited for everyone else to wake up. We made breakfast, packed up, and then headed to worship with the local believers. It was such a blessing to hear their hearts and share with them. We then headed back to the house, loaded up our stuff, and headed to the boat. The boat had been fixed while we were on the island and we headed back with ease. I spent the time praising Him, eating my pb and j sandwich and just bathing our time in pryr. When we get back, everyone is glad to see us and share what they had done while the women were away. I came back and unpacked, bathed, and took a little nap. When my roomie woke me up, it was time for our community meal of fish and taco soup. We ended the night with some share time together as a community as we reflected on the past week. 

Life in Suriname...

Well Sunday was one big day of traveling for us. I sadly said goodbye to Brody and headed to the airport to leave for Panama. I did not sleep too much the night before, so I was exhausted but spent the first plane to panama just worshipping Him, asking Him to prepare me for the day, and just pryd over my family. I began to get really homesick as I said goodbye to those I could talk to on the phone...and that continued the entire day. I land in {anama, check out the airport, and then wait for the plane. Three other families and Christy meet me in the waiting room and the fun begins. We land in Curaçao, get our stuff,and by the grace of Dad check in early as we begin our 9 hour layover. Two of the families, Christy and I decide to take a tour on an open air bus. It was amazing. I honestly couldn't believe that HE would allow me to see this beautiful island, with amazing weather, eat at Wendy's, and have use of Internet for free. It was a great time and I praise Him for giving us an affordable way to spend 4 of the 9 hours. We finally leave for Suriname, I sleep the entire way there because I am exhausted. We land at 12:30AM, get through customs, and get on a bus for an hour to arrive at our hotel. It is late, and it felt so good to go to bed.

We wake up late the next morning with just enough time to go to the grocery store. We get to the store and I go into culture shock. I have not seen so much American stuff in forever! One leader tells us that they have so much stuff because they have to import everything. I am hoping we can go back so I can stock up before going home. After groceries, we exchange money and pack up the bus again. We go eat roke, which is an amazing Suraneese dish of chicken, green beans, and tortillas. We hear that the airport we were supposed to use was closed and we are heading to another. We get to the airport, weigh in (us and our bags), and then wait for the plane. Christy and I leave first on a 4 seater plane. It was a cool trip...bumpy but cool. We were able to see so much of the country. We land, the pilots take out the luggage, and tell us goodbye. Yep, new country, new language, and the two of us. We waited for about 40 minutes before the local m came up to greet us. They had not told them that we had left, so he did not know we were there. We carried the luggage to the boats, he took us to buy us a coke while we waited for 2 hours for the next group. It was so great to talk to him, listen to his story, and just meet a few of the people.

The next group arrives, we unload, and carry the rest of the luggage through the village to get to the boats. We load up the boats with our luggage and people and head to our new home in the jungle for the next month. It was a 45-minute ride down the river to where we lived. It was so beautiful. I couldn't stop giving thanks to Him for allowing me to see another one of the beautiful places and meet more people that He created. We arrive and I am completely blown away. The camp is amazing. I seriously was surprised at what they had done here. Each family had their own cabin and Christy and I are sharing. Ours is tucked away in the corner with a nice front porch with river right in front of us. We dropped our bags and went to eat an Akn dinner. The funny thing is that Akn dinners are a lot like Colombian dinners...we ate chicken and rice. We had a brief meeting, learned how to tie our hammocks, Mosquitos nets, and where to get water. We went back to our rooms and we set up our house for the next month.

I didn't sleep too much that first night and woke up in time to spend time with Him, get some breakfast and head out on the boat to make my first store run. The island store was full of more things than I thought and even the local m was surprised by a couple of things that they had. On our way back, we were able to see our island a little better. Our island has a run way for the airplanes (but when we came in it was closed because of rain), a small school, houses for the teachers, a clinic, and us. It is a safe island surrounded by Jungle and right on the river. After our store run, we began our orientation and meeting time. It was neat to meet each of the new ms and their families. I have been trying to be intentional with each family to hear their stories and try to figure out how I can best serve them and love them. That afternoon, we were taken and shown how they wash clothes in the river. After finishing washing our clothes, I headed back to the house and spent the afternoon with Him. Just sitting and listening to what He had to say to me. It was an amazing time in His Word and I praise Him for meeting me there. I was still feeling quite homesick, missing lots and lots of people...and wishing that they were here with me, or at least I had one friend here. Every day I realize more and more just how introverted I am and that sweet time with Him is always exactly what I need to be ready to be used by Him.

Wednesday, I woke up on and off all night long for various reasons but mostly for the knee, in the stomach, in the head...lots of pain. So I made sure to spend lots of quality time in His word while I ate some oatmeal and drank some yummy Colombian coffee.  I am reading in I John and He revealed to me the importance of being the light here on this campus. We had a good morning of training where the leadership talked about the importance of personal holiness, different cultural dos and don’ts, and we practiced learning the Aknn language with the local ms here. Every lunch we eat in community and it is typically an Akn lunch. And He blessed me with the opportunity to sit and talk to BS, the local m here. It was so refreshing to hear her story, heart for her people, and passion for Him most importantly. I definitely needed this time and praise Him for giving me the opportunity to hear all about her. That afternoon we learned basic construction skills, tools, dos and don’ts. It was a neat class lead by a volunteer who is the sweetest man and a joy to be around. After "camp time", I spent some more time resting in Him and seeking His face. I was disrupted several times by my roomie, kids, and I decided to join the disruptions in their fishing endeavors. I baited a hook, threw it out, and we waited to catch a wolf fish. Through the night we would check on the line, but we didn't seem to be too lucky and just went to bed. I spent the night praising Him for such an amazing day, time in His word, and with His children.

Thursday, I woke up with less pain and so I immediately hit my knees in praise to a Dad who loves and heals. I did my new morning routine...make the coffee, make the breakfast, get ready, and spend time with Him. After that we all meet together for worship and a devotional time as adults. The children spend the entire morning with some volunteers and other ms having school and learning how to live in the jungle. After devotional time we begin our 3 different morning sessions together learning or reviewing things that will help us be better and more effective ms on the field. Then someone rings the bell for lunch, and we all eat lunch together. After lunch we have camp time, where we learn more practical things to prepare for life in the basic electrical work, solar panels, generators, fire starting, etc. After that, we generally have free time to wash clothes, ourselves, clean, spend time with Him, or do clean up around camp. We can always go for a swim in the river. Two days a week they will take us across the river to the store to purchase things for the week and three days a week a plane will come in and generally have some veggies or breads for sale. At night, we are on our own for dinner and some people have meetings or group time or free time.

So that is my schedule each day, more or less. Today's teachings were informative about building our strategy plan, health issues, and basic rules for the camp. At lunch, I have tried to take advantage of getting to know the many people that are with us. But this lunch, I just helped out one of the families with her kids. During our camp time, we learned the basics of electrical things, which was very interesting. That afternoon, I spent time in the Word and just resting in Him. I wish you could see my front porch where I spend my time with is breathtaking. We were able to go to the store this afternoon and it had some unusual things. The hardest part is not having a place to keep thing cool if we don't use all of the food. We hurried back to the island where we had time to have a meeting as women and then head out with B to another island where she leads some women in study of His word. It was a neat experience but really made me miss my people. It is frustrating to have so much you want to say but not have the ability to say hardly anything. I spent my time prying for B and the women we were meeting with that day. We came back to the island, cooked some dinner, and got ready for the next day.

Friday started with the same routine. We learned about orality and storying, which was a review for me and I believe most of the people. At lunch, I had the privilege to hear the stories of a married couple serving in Chile. It was neat to hear how He called them to Him, and called them to the ministry. I do not get tired of listening to people's redemption stories. As I listen, He reveals new ways that I can pry for each person here. I am still trying to figure out my purpose for being here and why He has brought me here. But everyday, I search for His will and where He is moving and just go there. That evening, Christy and I ate dinner with one couple. It was a definite ministry opportunity as we heard their hearts and what is important to them. It was a good opportunity for me to know how to pry for them and how they need to be encouraged. I pry that He will use me to encourage them just at the right times. And that evening, He used me to listen to my roomie and encourage her and what she has been doing and what she is thinking about for her future. It was a long night but I know He will multiply my sleep.

Saturday, I had an amazing time in His word. Being in 1 John has been challenging as He calls us to abide in Him and to love. The concepts and teachings are not complicated...I am. How simple it is to abide in Him and allow His truth to abide in you and His light to reflect through you. Oh how I pry that I can bring Him glory today through abiding in His words. After our morning devotional, we all pack up the boats and head over to another island. We as a team were going to build a swing set and play with some kids. It was so weird to not be able to communicate but just like with anything when you are thrown in, you either sink or swim. All the basic words and sayings I knew in Akn were used with every kid. We played some games with them, I helped the men a little bit with the swing set but you know men they like to do it themselves, and so I just loved on some people. When we had finally finished, it was so cool to see their faces as they were swinging for the first time. I took so many pictures of their faces because it was priceless. It was a huge blessing to be used by Him, even if I could not communicate His truths. I spent lots of time pryng over the swing set, the sweet faces we met, and the island. The people there were so friendly but it is spiritual dead and dark. I pry that CSS will be reflections of His Light and He will continue to soften hearts to Him. When we came back, we basically spent the evening with another family cooking, laughing, sharing, and just relaxing. It was a great day of Him using us in different ways.

Sunday, we finally get to sleep in a little bit and I spent some much needed time with Him this morning. Then we all leave for different was so neat to ride a boat across the river, walk through the jungle, and eventually end up at a club. And to top it off, it was the first service in a long time that I did not just sweat in because He has blessed us with amazing weather. It was such a blessing to hear testimonies, sing with the aukaners, and listen to a man who recently accepted after a tragic accident with his son just last year. He is an Aukaner not afraid of his faith and sharing at anytime and with anyone. I praise Him for allowing me to experience this service. The afternoon was spent making lunch, listening to more friends, and time in the Word. We had a community American meal of hamburgers, fries, and desert! It was incredible to smell real grilled meat and eat a hamburger that had an actual flavor. We sat around and reflected on the week and prepared ourselves for the next week. I am excited to hear how He will continue to use me this next week and teach me more about Him.