I just returned from an amazing trip to Medellin, Colombia where HE showed me what HE has been doing amongst His People there and in the USA. On Thursday, I left with the other M's from the coast to meet up with a volunteer team from Texas and another M couple that live in Medellin. First, let me tell you that Medellin is known as the most beautiful city in all of Colombia and it did not disappoint me! The weather is incredible! If you can imagine springtime all year long, then you have Medellin! It is a beautiful city and what is even better is that the people are just as beautiful! Here is His Story...

 We wait in the airport for the group from Texas. I knew very little about this team and this trip but went obediently to serve HIM and translate for this group. There were about 10 of them, 2 couples and the rest came without their spouses. Their focus was to teach mentoring to a local group of pastors, pastor's wives, and lay leaders in the church. We had the privilege of working with this group who have a lot of experience with mentoring but also the gentleman who created the material. It was such a blessing to hear their hearts for mentoring and more importantly for Our Savior. So after we all have our stuff, we get on a bus and head down the mountain to the city of Medellin. We get to our hotel and it is amazing! I mean I had air conditioning and hot water all in the same room! What an amazing Dad I serve!

Friday morning, after a hot shower of course,  Nohemi (a girl from Cartagena) arrived at my door and it was nice to reconnect with her. She was also going to help us translate and we have not spent to much time together over the past year...so it was a blessing to listen to her, challenge her, and pry with her. Later, we head out to do some tourism things and see the city. We ride up the mountain on a cable car which allows us to see all over the city. It was a breathtaking view. This city is much more advanced than Cartagena as it has a sky train, a metro bus system, a metro cable car, and now escalators that take the people up the mountain to their houses! That afternoon, we go on top of the other side of Medellin to eat lunch as this mall with breathtaking views! After we eat, we go back to the hotel and R and one of the volunteers head to the athletic complex to exercise. It was incredible as we walked/ran on this state of the art track with the mountains all around us! HE ordained some time where we walked and heard the heart of Ron, the volunteer who wrote the material we were using. It was neat to hear his story and passion for this mentoring idea. That afternoon, we go to the club to meet the local leaders and begin their training. There were about 25 local leaders, which is something new as it is hard for us to get all of our local leadership together for a meeting. It was a true picture of the body of Chrst! Ron leads the introduction to the weekend and we break off into our groups to get to know each other. I was working with Cindy, amazing woman of Dad and 2 local pastor's wives. It was neat to watch HIM connect and unite us as we each shared our stories.

Saturday morning, we start our sessions at 8:00 and go until 6:00pm that evening. We were in our small group the entire time. I translated as Cindy went through the first book with these ladies step by step. I should have taken a picture of their faces as they hung on her every word with such a hunger in their eyes. It was so beautiful to translate for them as they shared ideas and questions and stories. The principles were the basic foundation of who we are as His Children. I could tell you story after story about what HE did through this intimate time with these ladies. I was honored to be there and serve as the mediator in between Cindy and S and A! That evening, we took them to eat at Crepes and then headed back to the hotel...exhausted!

Sunday morning, Cindy, Sharon, The Germany's, Nohemi, and I head to one of the local clubs so that the volunteers can experience club here and Cindy spoke. All four of them were blown away by the way these people worship, welcome, and give. Mr. Germany said it was an eye-opening experience as each person in the club lined up to give what little they had to Our Dad during the offering. Cindy challenged them to commit to this mentor process as a fulfillment of the Great Commission and they were so excited that the four of them came to their club. That afternoon, we had our last sessions in our small group. It was time for S and A to practice what they had learned and they blew Cindy and I away! I am excited to hear the Dad Stories that result from these two women's practicing this mentoring process with other ladies in their club. We then head back to the large group for our last session with Ron. When he had finished, we had some snacks and allowed the volunteer group to say goodbye to the national leaders. Lots of tears and laughs were shared in between to the two groups as I translated goodbye after goodbye. HE had unified them in such a short period of time and neither group wanted to say goodbye. They committed to pry for one another and the volunteer team told them that they will send two more groups to finish teaching the material this year. The nationals were so excited for more and more tools to reach the lost for His Name!

That evening, we too had a meeting with this group. They all shared their experiences from the trip and thanked us for serving HIM here in Colombia. HE put it in their hearts to bless us with a little gift of thanks which was incredible and then they pryd over us. It was a beautiful time for all of us. As I know I personally needed some other mom's and dad's around me, and this group stepped up to the plate and loved on us only like HE can! We said our goodbyes too that night, as they were all so excited to leave at 4:30AM the next morning!!

Monday morning, The Paul's, Nohemi, and I head out for a day of seeing the city. We had asked several people what we should do and see and when and how to get there. We had asked if everything would be open and were reassured that everything would be open...so we head out on the great adventure! We get to our first part and it is...closed! So we walk to the museum close and it too is...closed! We head to a tourism booth and ask them what is open and what is closed. We are told that everything we had planned to do was closed today for maintenance but there was one thing open that was about a 10 minute walk from where we were. We make sure that they see the small children that are with us and double check to see if it really is only a 10 minute walk, and they reassure us that yes it would take us that long. And hour and 1/2 later, we reach the bottom of the mountain that we must climb to reach this little village. I cannot help but laugh the entire time as we stop to ask for directions every once and awhile and not one person tells us the same thing. Classic Colombia! We eventually get there, exhausted, hungry, and to our surprise the food places are also...closed! There was one little store open and we purchase some drinks/snacks and look around. It was a cute little town replica but nothing that warranted the 2 hour climb/hike that we went on to get there. Ruth reminds me that I wanted to hike and tada...I had the opportunity. We eventually get back on a train that takes us to our hotel. We had planned to go paragliding that afternoon (as we were told it is best to go in the afternoon) and to our surprise...it too is closed! So we order pizza and take naps for awhile.

Nohemi goes to a friend's house and I wake up to watch some classes for seminary and spend some more time with Him. It was a great day of laughing and typical Colombian occurrences. Later that evening, The Paul's and I head out in the truck to just see more of the city. Which quickly turned into more comedy for us, and after a couple of hours we find our way back to the hotel and go to bed.

Tuesday, we eat breakfast and then head out to another park. We have been reassured by people and the internet that this park is indeed open. While we were waiting on the second train, I ask the police officer to make sure we were going in the right direction and he tells me that the cable to get to the park is...closed! Brilliant! But we find out that several other parks are indeed open and we head there. We had a great morning in the Botanical Gardens...Our Dad is so creative as we looked at hundreds of different flowers and butterflies and plants. It was a very peaceful time for all of us. We enjoyed a delicious chicken wrap and kettle chips (yep, haven't had those in forever) and then headed to another park. We went to two other parks before it was time to head back to the hotel so that I could get a taxi and get to the airport to come back to Cartagena.

I had an interesting flight home as I was able to share HIS Truths with a business man who sat beside me. He thought he had everything figured out but as HE revealed Truth after Truth in this man's life and revealed his excuses for the lies that they were...this man's heart became softer. He stopped thinking so much with his intellect and started listening with his heart. He did not make a decision but I gave him some material to read...a copy of the mentor book...and told him if he had any questions, to call me and I would get him hooked up with a friend who could help him answer those questions. I pry for his salvation and that he would be able to be a Light for Him wherever he goes! I came back home and had the opportunity to share some with darlys and her all about her life/week with Brody. We pryd and then I crashed as I was exhausted!

And here I am told, resting in HIM, doing some reports, and updating this site! PRAISE HIM for an amazing week of watching HIM work. Please pry for the local leadership as they begin to use this mentoring material with their congregation. That HE will show them who HE desires for them to mentor. Pry for the volunteer team as they process all that HE did in them and through them during this week. And pry for the M's that they would rest in HIM and recuperate from a week of translating and traveling.

What about you? Are you mentoring anyone now? Are you being mentored? If not, pry about that...ask HIM to reveal someone you can walk alongside in this Chrstn life and someone who can pour into you.
So as I try to write this for the third time today...gotta love third world countries, right?

The last time I wrote you guys, I was just about to go into my sauna of a hotel room in Peru with another M who was already asleep. Needless to say, I did not sleep too much that night and finally at 3AM I had to take a cold shower to cool off (and there was hot water, for the record). And who knew it that about the time I was relaxing, cooling off, and falling asleep, my roomie was waking up! So after trying to fall back asleep, I just give up and decided to start the day and get to know this M. I get out of bed, say good morning (still half asleep) and she responds in spanish. Oh no, in my mind I think that they put me in the wrong room last night and I have been in this poor Peruvian's hot sauna of a room all night. What am I going to do...how do you explain this? So, I calmly go to the bathroom to collect my thoughts and get my spanish on. I decided I had to go out and find out what was going on and either apologize to this lady or get to know her. To my surprise, she actually does work for the board, is from Colombia and really only speaks spanish. We have some moments getting to know each other, she gets in the shower and I spend some time with The Father. We both head down stairs to eat breakfast and anyone could have picked out the other M's from the group. Why do you ask...well, they looked like M's and acted like M's. Thank goodness for Stacy and Clinton and my loving family who will take me to NY to be on their show if my M-ness starts affecting my wardrobe! I mean I already have Kerri's great friend Julie who hooked me up in Bogota and I had only been out of the country 2 years!

We meet up in a group and walk to the office to begin our training. It was neat getting to see the america's affinity offices and meet some people that to this point, I only knew by name. HE had shared with me that my job this week was to take the time to get to know each M and learn from them. This is exactly what I did, of course my roomie was with me for most of the time because she needed help understanding. We were a group of M's from all over the America's working in all different kinds of settings and with different people. It was neat to hear what HE has been doing all over our region. After the training sessions, most of the women went to the inca market to shop and I went on a run. Lima is gorgeous! The city is huge but the scenery and weather are beautiful. I had a great run with HIM and ran longer than I had been able to in Cartagena. I came back and my roomie and I went to dinner with some other M's and one of our leaders and her family. They took us to this outdoor mall where we watched Our Creator show off with an amazing sunset over the water and then ate a typical Peruvian style dinner...snack foods. It was good and gave me some more time to get to know other M's and just listen to them share about life. That night, I took an incredibly relaxing hot shower...my first in such a long time...and we turned on the AC and slept like babies.

The next day we had more of a hands-on approach to the training and divided up into groups. I was in the spanish speaking group, who would have ever thought that about me 2 years ago! I was with my roomie and a Peruvian A who works with some of our Jmen in Peru. He is so knowledgable and fun...it was great getting to know him. At the end of this day, I go again for another run and just give HIM my thoughts/pryrs/time! I then had the privilege to go to dinner with the other leader and her husband, who is the leader of our affinity group. It was a great time of sharing how we came to be called children of the Most High, how HE called us, and they shared lots of their experiences while on the field. I was surprised that not only did we have a lot in common (outside of them being WAY older...just kidding!!) but the last group of people they worked with were very similar to the Palenqueros. A lot of my experiences, they had similar stories and shared lots of DAD stories with me. It was so encouraging to have two people just sit and listen and give me feedback. They offered to share any information or story sets that they had...something that does not happen to often in this organization! Plus they took me to Chili's and I had a hamburger, and their delish chips/salsa. I praise HIM for giving me this opportunity to get to know this amazing couple of HIS and how I can pry for them! That night, after I finished my homework, I played cards with a group of ladies and listened to more of their stories.

The last day of training, we each took turns teaching a different lesson that we had come up with for our specific group of people. It was so cool to see how big HE is as I listened to groups teach on basic principles to impact their groups of people. It was an incredible opportunity and I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to learn so much and meet some new M's. Did I tell you how incredible Peruvian food is? Our lunches everyday were great...their food has so much flavor...and it is just good! But that afternoon, I decided to go to the Inca market to buy some goodies for my family and friends. The indians there are so creative in their crafts and I loved just looking and hearing their stories. I decided to have some me time and went to eat a Pizza Hut personal pan pizza instead of running today! I followed that by some Pinkberry yogurt and a Starbuck's coffee. And yes, I am still in Lima! These M's are really suffering for Js I tell you! I met up with a group of the ladies and we took a bus tour to see all of Lima. It was another opportunity to hear more about these women's lives, how I can pry, and encourage them. 

Most people left early Thursday morning but not me, I got the cheapest flight which gave me some time to go back to the office, the inca market, and see some inca ruins that were not too far away. It was so great to be able to walk around and not be covered in sweat! And the people are so interesting here! I say goodbye to my new friends and eventually make my way to the airport. Before leaving this great country, I eat a Papa John's pizza (pepperoni) and a dr pepper! My flight is delayed and so I get in really late that night. But to my surprise, R and Brody are there to meet me! He was a little excited to see me but was well taken care of by the Paul's. When I got home, it hit me...I was exhausted! I had been going and going the entire time I was in Lima. I rarely had a couple of hours just to myself and I was really exhausted! My mom's psychologist/tell me everything face has been passed down as I listened to M after M and their stories...it is confirmed that indeed I am an INTROVERT and need my alone time!

Friday, well it was not going to be the day to get my alone time...we go to the farm. We love on kids, clean floors, make beds, and just help out with whatever we can! As I was sitting down reading a book with the littliest ones, my buddy Andrew tells me he wants to spend the night at my house. I tell him to ask his mom...and of course he doesn't...but proceeds to pack his bag, including his tooth brush and bathing suit. The next thing I know, all 4 the kids that can have packed their bags and in the truck ready to go spend the night with Aunt Kendall! I tell Stacy and Mike that their kids can spend the night tonight and I can bring them back the next day. Well instead of just allowing their kids just to go, the entire family comes to spend a couple of days with me. The kids were so excited and we had a great time. I was exhausted but there is just something about Andrew and Alexander's hugs that just give me energy! Plus I love spending time with Stacy and Mike. We watched a sermon together and it is such a blessing to be surrounded by people who live in fear of Our Holy Father and love Him in radical obedience!

Saturday, it is more playing, swimming, and loving as they relax at the house. While they are there, BM calls me to ask me something and to see if I got a surprise from him. Not knowing what he was talking about, he texted back that my car has arrived! You can guess that I ran over to get the keys and find my vehicle...I praised HIM for answering our pryrs and thank you for fervently pryng alongside of me for this request.

Well Sunday comes and I head out to the farm to be a part of their club service because I never had and then LF, BP, and DS were going to Palenque with me! Yep that is right, get the car one day and heading to my people the next...HE IS SO GOOD! On my way to the farm, well actually as I was turning into the farm...a moto hits my car passing me on the right side as I am turning into the driveway...blinker on...and driving slow! Nothing happened to him or his son but it definitely was an eye-opening experience and has since given the entire family something to make fun of me for! But HE is sovereign and sent two police on this road to arrive only 2 minutes after the accident (This doesn't happen in colombia...normally it is like an hour before they get there and that is in the city...not in the farm!) HE took care of everything as normally in this country it is always the car's fault...well my spanish was on point that day and I think everyone knew whose fault it was and admitted it like 3 times a piece. I just wanted to make sure we were all clear so that there would be no coming to my friends at the farm asking for money...we are americans and in their mind, rich! 

So instead of heading to service, I help Eric with the youth/kids. We eat lunch with everyone, meet the team that had arrived to work that week with them, and then head off to Palenque. What a sweet time we had with the people in Palenque. Susie was hosting a lunch where everyone brought something and they shared. It was so cool how the people came from all over with whatever they had and HE multiplied the food, enough to feed the four of us. BP and LF had a chance to go out evangelizing and pryr walking. They were excited as they came back with renewed focus from what the HS had told them. Then the four of us went to visit some of the women who were sick but a few of the believers. As we head back, we had a great time of pryr together for this village and brainstorming about how/when/what this ministry would look like. We head back to the farm to enjoy a delicious steak, bake potato and salad dinner! D and I help some of the kids with their homework, love on the adults, and then head home.

Did I mention, I was exhausted about 3 days ago...only HE could sustain me through these 3 busy days back in Cartagena! So Monday, I rested...and boy did I rest. I cleaned the house, spent some amazing time with HIM, and slept. It was great!

Tuesday, we had our team pryr meeting and had a great time sharing what HE has been doing and praising HIM for answered pryrs. That afternoon, I met with the youth group for discipleship and a group of ladies to maybe meet weekly for discipleship as well. They asked me to teach them on different things but I told them we had to pry about what HE desired. I also continue to study for an exam that I wanted to take before Stacey came to visit me on Thursday.

Wednesday as I am studying/reading for my test, I get a call from BM asking if I could watch the Paul children for a couple of days while they have to go to Peru for a meeting. I had a lot of ministry planned for the weekend and a trip to Palenque to take Stacey and help Susie with an activity but said of course. I was told I would need to keep them on Friday- Sunday. So, I continue studying and by the end of the night find out that I will become a mother to four the next day.

Thursday, we take the Paul's to the airport and I get the kid's started on their school work. I head back to the house for some last minute studying and to take my test. I check back on the kids, we had our first altercation which I hope will be our last and I start to clean my house. After they finish all their school work, we head to the airport to pick up Stacey. It was so good to see her and I really needed a friend at this time. HE is so good like that, to send us exactly what we need...when we need it! The three girls, Stacey, and I head to Crepes and Waffles for a lovely dinner. Stacey and I put the kids to bed...eventually after yet another altercation and have some time to just talk. It was good to catch up with her and hear all about what HE has been doing in her life and how all of our friends/family are doing back home.

Friday morning, we head out to the farm and what a day! We spend the day doing different activities with the kids and helping Stacy with different things. We plan to leave that afternoon but somethings happen and we end up staying the entire day. We celebrated their 1 year anniversary of coming to Colombia. Eric and I went to get some food for dinner and we prepared/cleaned/and just allowed them to enjoy being together and not worrying too much about cleaning or the kids but just celebrate what HE has done in their lives. How HE has provided in miraculous ways for this ministry! It was a great time for Stacey and I to serve and to be reminded of just how selfish we are!

When we got home that night we were exhausted, put the kids to bed, and went to bed ourselves. Saturday, we were suppose to go to Palenque but did not feel like going and taking all the kids. So the kids clean their house and we watch a movie together waiting for their parent's to come home. The Paul's come back and don't have the best news to share with us (well they have been told that they can't say anything)...so please continue to pry for this situation. HE is sovereign and in control! That afternoon, I take Stacey to do a little shopping and eating and just chatting. We went to bed really early this day because we were exhausted from just 3 days of being parents...and we praise HIM yet again that we are still single and without children, except for Brody!

Sunday AM, we head out to the farm so that Stacey can see their club and hear preaching in english. It was a great morning. Stacey helped Eric the first hour while LF preached in Spanish and then I helped Eric so that Stacey could hear Josh preach in english. Eric and I ran out of things to do with the kids, because the service went a little longer than planned and so we played a game with the kids which is basically Colombia's version of dodgeball. And being in true Eric and Kendall style, we both peg the littlest kids with the balls and lots of tears are shed. We eat lunch and then convince Eric to come back to Cartagena with us so we can all just relax and hang out. And relax, we sure did until the Riffle's came and then the party started! We hung out with Stacy and the kids for awhile and then put on Just Dance and it was probably one of the funniest sights I had seen in awhile. The Riffle kids had played Just Dance with me but Mike and Stacy...well let's just say they became Just Dance pros that night and it was hilarious! It was a great time of just laughing together!

Monday, Eric, Stacey and I head to the beach for some time together and with HIM. It was a beautiful day at the beach. We played a little volleyball, read a little, slept a little, swam a little, and just stood in awe of HIM! HE is too good to us each and everyday! HE had given us another day to relax and rest in HIM! HE knows exactly what we need!

Tuesday, we were going to head out to Palenque but were told it would not be safe. So, we spend the day at home...me studying for my next test on Saturday and Stacey reading and catching up. Then we begin to not feeling too well. And it was not just the two of us, Brody did not feel well either and we had to take him to the hospital. This day was definitely a DAD-ordained day as we decided if we began to feel like we did all day in Palenque, we would have been miserable and would not have been able to take Brody to the hospital to get the meds he needed. That night, we take Ruth and her girls to eat dinner out for Ruth's birthday! We had a great night of just being girls and I think Ruth was able to take her mind of what has been her life here in Colombia!

Wednesday, Stacey wakes up feeling worse and we cancel our plans again to stay in for the AM. That afternoon, we ran around and bought the things that Stacey wanted to for her family and friends. She had her traditional Colombian meal and we just relaxed that night. I was able to show her The Agenda, a documentary that truly shocked me after I watched it. I challenge each of you to watch The Agenda and then research everything for yourself but at least watch it. We have got to fight for our nation...we have got to fight for our country on our knees...and we cannot continue to keep silent! There are several new documentaries that have come out about our country but this one is definitely a must see!

Thursday, we head out to Turbaco to be a part of a marriage training workshop that a club from LA had come in to teach. We spend the AM with the women translating and teaching about roles of the wife, mother, and simply our role as a woman. The afternoon group sessions taught more on marriage and what is a true marriage like HE describes in His Words. After this afternoon session, 7 different couples decided to get married in front of HIM! It was a beautiful ceremony and I am excited to see how these couples allow HIM to use their marriages for His Glory! Please pry for them and for couples to rise up to mentor these newlyweds as they learn more about what marriage really looks like, not what their culture teaches! We head back to the farm that night to pick up Ruth's kids, end up eating dinner, and helping out a little. My little buddy, Andrew asks again if he can come to my house. I reply that he has to ask his mom, she says no, and so he gives me his clifford the dog to take with me to sleep with since, I cannot sleep with him tonight! HE IS PRECIOUS!

I have really had a hard week, even though Stacey was here with me. I had been experiencing culture shock in a bad way. I had not had thoughts and feelings like this in a long time and truly just desired to go home and be with my parents. I was irritated with everything and anything. It was not a pretty picture! But when Andrew told me this, it filled me with HIS love and it was like HE was telling me, Kendall I see you...and I am here. Come and rest in Me.

Friday, I put Stacey on the plane and have never been so tempted to just take Brody and go with her. But we quickly go to the farm, where we had planned a easter egg hunt with resurrection eggs. The kids loved it and it was the first time in awhile that we had all the kids together. The kids who had been in school were on break and they loved the easter egg hunt. And then we shared as a group the last days of Our Savior, Js on earth. It was so great to watch all of them participate and I pry that each of them accept HIM as their personal Lrd and Savior! We had our first women's study in His Word and it was apparent that each of us was struggling. HE had revealed to me earlier in the week that this was just the enemy's way of distracting us from this amazing weekend! We all agreed and pryd together against his attacks and that we would rest in HIM this Easter weekend! 

Before leaving the farm, I was talking about being irritated, of course, and Josh came up to us where we were...no idea what our conversation was about...and says love endures all things and bear all things. Talk about conviction...HE hit me right between the eyes because in that same passage of Scripture it also says that love is not irritable! Yep ladies and gentleman, Kendall was not loving, yet again. HE says that HE is love and that if we don't love then we do not know or have any part of HIM! And here I was, being irritated at the world! Ugh, I am so ugly...so I spend Friday night and Saturday not only studying for my exam but also resting in His Words and asking HIM to teach me to love like He does. Talk about some amazingly tough days...that was Friday and Saturday for me!

But on Sunday, what a glorious day! I wake up and just abide in His Word and Love! I listen to a sermon online and spent some great time in worship...and pryr...just the two of us! And it was exactly what I needed...to abide in HIM and allow HIM to purge the evil that was in my heart and had manipulated my thoughts/emotions! HE allowed me to talk to my mom and sister as well...HE is too good, I tell you! And why do we constantly reject HIM and not focus only on HIM? We are idiots, that is why! HE is Our Sustainer, Comforter, Refuge, Rock, Savior, First Love, and Dad...but we will turn to a quick pleasure from this world over Him day in and day out! Oh what a Savior full of love and grace!

I praise HIM for allowing me to vulnerably and honestly admit that I was struggling with my friends and family here in Colombia! In the past, I would have put up a front and said everything was okay...which would have been a lie. But HE stripped me of that and in that, HE healed me as only HE can do! I thank you all for pryng for me! HE answered your pryrs and saved me again from myself!

What a couple of weeks and what a long update...sorry! Well, yesterday I went to Palenque...amazing time. Had a much needed conversation with one of my closest friends...refreshing time. And now preparing for yet another busy week, serving A Creator who is also My Friend...a Friend Who will never leave my side and loves me with a sacrificial love like I have never known. Thank you for reading...sorry it was so long...I will get better, promise!

Until next time...