Remember after a hard week of workouts or volleyball practice/games, your coach or your body will tell you that it is time to recover?! This week has been just that...recovering from 2 months of visitors and all the fun that comes with that!

The week started at Ivan's club where I had a really bad spanish day or else their speaker system was horrible as I did not understand much of the service. Never a good sign when I know it is a full day of working in spanish! He provided and then some as I told the story of the feeding of the 5000 to a group of kids...and they understood!! Gracias Espiritu Santo!!

Monday is generally my day of paperwork...emails, reports, newsletters, videos, phone calls, etc. But my internet has been in and out for the past 3 weeks and yes you guessed it, Monday the internet se fue! It was a sweet time with HIM and His Word. Plus I got to play at the beach for about an hour with Gomer. This week she has learned how to give high five, to fetch a ball (still working on the bringing back part), and how to swim!

Tuesday was a beautiful day of house clubs in Arjona. I will share my two favorite parts of the day. First, in Carmen's house at the end of club, everyone took turns pryng outloud! It was beautiful and I had never heard 5 of them talk to Our Dad before! What a blessing!! And He allowed us time to go work with the new group in Ajrona and share the story of Jesus and the paralytic. There was a little 6 year old boy who told me that we were just like the friends of the paralytic because we were sharing with their group about Jesus. Wow, the wisdom of a 6 year old!

The rest of the week has been a great week of playing catch up as well. A huge highlight for me was that I finished two newsletters, updating this website, talked to several friends on skype, organized material for the discipleship group, and my project of adopt a Colombian to send to my club and the club in Thornton!

The only negative about this week...I am not at home with my family, enjoying some delicious chicken morsels from Chick-fil-a!! 
I LOVE YOU GUYS and wish I was there with you!!