Yes mom, if you are just reading this one entry...STOP and go to the bottom and start with Part 1! I tried to break up all the excitement for you in 3 parts, so that you would not be cross eyed nor cross legged while you were reading all about what HE has been doing here in the past 3 weeks!

So the girls arrive a little late but had no problems getting all of the Paul's books here and the little bit of stuff that they brought! Brian meets us with his truck, loads up the luggage while I take the girls to get some moolah. We make it to the house and they are blown away by HIS beautiful creation and the way that HE has been taking care of me by placing me in a safe place to live. We get them settled, drink some water, change clothes and then I take them to the top of the wall in the Old City to watch the sunset. There were lots of clouds that day and a great breeze, so we did not see the sun set but just relaxed while we waited on the Paul's and Jota to meet us there. We took them to where else...crepes and waffles for their first meal in Colombia! I think they kind of enjoyed it and then walked around a little on the wall to let them see the beautiful city. We headed back to the apt, chatted it up for a bit, and then went to bed.

Saturday they got to experience NM and Villa Estrella and all that is this sports ministry. Laura played with the girls while Amy and Stacey helped me with the 8-10 year old boys in NM. It was amazingly cool in NM with a breeze...yes, I am serious a breeze! I am not sure what happens when volunteers come but HE sure does bless them with amazing weather! Laura commented to me how she can see a huge difference in what HE has done in just a year. She said it was incredible to see the youth leaders doing everything, how the youth of the barrio's attitudes had changed, and just the overall presence of The Father there. She was very excited to see how HE has been moving. AFter NM, we went back to eat their first Colombian meal at the tienda before we headed back to VE. I gave them a little extra time to rest before we headed out to VE and so when we arrived a little late, a lot of them were not ready for us. It was incredibly windy at VE and so our volleyball net would stay up and we took turns holding it up. It was a good day of work and first day for the girls. That night, we made a run for some street food and bread!

Sunday, we had a nice relaxing morning with HIM and watched a service together. We shared a lot of things and I think it was a good time to open up for them and I challenged us to take our relationships to a deeper level. They all agreed that our friendships had become superficial (even theirs in between each other) and we asked HIM to help us change that. We went to the mall to meet up with Jota to buy the groceries for the retreat and then back home for some last minute planning and pryng before the youth arrived.

Sunday night we had a service in my house with all the youth. It was neat as we sang in both english and spanish...just a little glimpse of what heaven will be like! JD spoke on having confidence in HIM and the HS really spoke through him not only in the lives of the youth but also of the girls. After the service, we went to the Paul's to eat dinner and watch a movie. Brian had found How to Save a Life in spanish and so we watched it...and it really made an impact on them! 

We said goodbye to the guys as they headed out to Jota's house and we girls got ready for a little spiritual gifts talk. It was neat to watch how HE revealed to them their real gifts that HE gave them and how a lot of them did not know what their gifts were and were trying to use gifts that they were not strong in for His glory. It was a neat time of pryr as we asked HIM to show us how HE wants to use these gifts to impact HIS kingdom! I think we finally finished at 2am and then got ready for bed. I of course lucked out and got to sleep with Drlys...which meant that I really did not sleep at all!!

The next morning, I woke all of them up early at 6:30 to workout together. We were talking about inner beauty but also talking about taking care of our temple! I really think that I should have made a video of this workout session that we had on lawn and by the pool in my apt complex. These girls had not exercised in forever and these girls are young! After the exercise time, we all went to spend time with HIM personally. All the girls headed out to the beach and to my surprise had been listening to our talks about the importance of a quiet time, as they spent a good hour with just HIM!! This was one of the greatest blessings to me, to know that each of them was crawling up into HIS lap as I was and just listening to HIM sing over us!

We finally began our sessions on Inner beauty and it was beautiful to see HIM using HIS Words to not only speak to the youth but also the girls and it was neat to watch them all share their experiences. It was neat to watch their faces as they listened to HIS Words and understood who they are in HIM and what they were created to be! I think HE really challenged each one of them through this study! We had to take an hour break during the morning session because the girls were so tired, don't know why...maybe the 3 hours of sleep was not enough for them! I know I was tired but HE totally filled me up as I translated, lead the discussion, and tried to move the day along without being exhausted! HE is so powerful and always gives just what we need!! Once again, we had an amazing day. It felt like a perfect spring day with a little sun and a breeze. The youth were cold as they wrapped up in blankets and sheets but we Americans felt great.

We finished the study together and had some amazing time of fellowship. We relaxed on the lawn, played volleyball, and waited for the guys to come back...especially to hear what their spiritual gifts were! We saw that none of the girls had the gift of leadership, wisdom, discernment,or knowledge! Interesting, huh? I told them that maybe HE was showing us something in who we are as women which worked perfectly into our discussion of our role as a gentle and quiet woman! HE is so wise in how HE works everything for HIS good! We just spent the rest of the day just relaxing, hanging out together, talking, worshipping, playing and just loving on each other. It was a great day that HE ordained and gave to us! I think we finally got them to leave at about 9 and as soon as they were out of the door, we were in the bed!

Tuesday, we headed out to Arjona to have the study. There was a meeting of the indigenous of the area and so we just went by to say hey to Crmn and others. While there, HE placed on Drlys heart to invite two of them to our study while they waited for their meeting to start. It was definitely ordained by HIM as Jl had been receiving signs from HIM for the past 3 days to come back to HIM. She had lots of questions and uncertainties. HE used the other women and HIS Words to answer their uncertainties. It was a neat time of watching HIM work again! I love just obediently going where HE asks and anxiously waiting for HIM to show off!

That afternoon, we went to eat in Centro at one of my new favorite restaurants. Afterwards went for a little Juan, where we sat and laughed about so much! Old times...good times...just had a great time of laughing, something that I have not done in a long time. We came back to the house to rest and relax. We then headed out to Bocagrande to show this area of town off, ate a little food, shopped a little, and walked around. Just some more great conversations about HIM and time of laughing and loving on each other.

Wednesday, was our relaxing day in the sun...which turned into be a little more than Amy and Stace bargained for! It was a great time for each of to spend in HIS Word and with HIM. A time of refreshment for them, a time of listening to HIM and no one else, a time of just enjoying a gorgeous day, and each other. Unfortunately an entire day in the sun without sunscreen on some parts, did not agree for those two! That night, we ate a traditional Costanean meal of fried fish, coconut rice, patacones, and salad in Santa Domingo square. We followed this excellent meal and conversation with more walking around and shopping.

Thursday, we head out to Arjona to show the girls our weekly ministry in houses. Every house we went to was so concerned about the red legs of Amy and was so funny as they all wanted me to take them to the doctor! One of the houses, an older woman came and immediately started hugging on Laura and thanking her for pulling out her molars. She was mistaking Laura for the dental assistant (they looked nothing alike) and we all tried to explain that to her but she knew that Laura had saved her from her pain but taking out her teeth! I asked her why we did not take her to see the eye doctor as well, as obviously she could use some help with her eyes, and she reassured me that she has gone and her glasses were well guarded in her house! It was an interesting day to say the least. The girls got to experience the joyful giving and hunger for HIS Words from a people who have nothing! I know they were tired after this long day (and might pry a little more specifically for me on these long days) but also were full of HIS blessings!

Friday, we decided to go visit Eric and see where HE works. The girls were very nervous about our travel out to the island and we gave the day over to HIM and knew HE was going to take control of us....and did HE! We were leaving the airport looking for  taxi to take us to the mercado where we could pick up the bus to head out to where Eric lives. Not only did HE give us a nice taxi driver but he offered to take us all the way out there for about the same price as we would pay on the we would have air conditioning and no hassels on the bus! We get on the ferry and the guys tried to get more money from me but you know me, mom...I don't budge and don't like being messed with for being an American. We found some taxis and after my strict lecture and threats, we were off to see Eric at his school. I arrived at the school last and found the girls in pleasant moods and not scared because of their taxi rides.

Eric was so glad to see us. He took us for a little snack, to meet his adopted family, and on a little tour of his school. We got to participate in one of his classes before we all headed out to Playa Blanca. It was neat to watch him teach his students. He loves what he does and they love him. Another moto ride for us, meant some great conversation time with Laura as we were the first to leave and waited on the rest of them. The beach was beautiful and the water gorgeous! We all played in the water for awhile and just spent time talking to Eric. I retreated to read for awhile and given them a chance to be with Eric by themselves. We ate lunch and then relaxed some more. I finally got to spend some good one on one time with Eric and figure out what exactly was going on in his life and how I could pry. It was a good time. I felt like our little group of friends were on a 3 hours vacation. It was so comfortable to all be together...something that it has not been for awhile. I had asked HIM to heal my heart and HE has completely. I can look at Eric like i did before, my friend without any of the feelings of hurt and past memories coming to the surface. It was a beautiful moment for me to see HIS power in my life.

We say good bye, and get on a boat to head back to Cartagena. Laura was a little nervous about this ride as the last time she was with me, we were on a boat that I really thought was going to tip over due to the weather. She was relieved as HE gave us a smooth and peaceful ride back to the city...just a time to reflect on HIM and what HE did this past week in their lives. We ended the trip the same way that they started it...Crepes and Waffles...and great conversations. They have truly been changed by their time here. How could they not be? They came face to face with the Living Father. HE took every little distraction away from them, every excuse that they normally use was not there, and all they had was time for HIM! And HE met them and shined HIS Light into their lives. HE revealed a lot to them and they openly accepted and made themselves vulnerable to HIM. They shared with each other and obediently took steps of faith to take their relationships with HIM to the next level! It was a great week for them! And I praise HIM for bring them here!

Saturday, we say goodbye as they get on a plane and we head out to NM. And would you know that HE did not stop showering me with HIS blessings! HE called three of the youth that I generally work with...the group no one else wants...well HE called them to HIM and they ACCEPTED!! That is right, we have 3 new family members and I am so excited to see what HE does in their lives!! The entire day was a great day serving HIM, even though I was so tired; HE gave me the energy I needed to get through the day! It was amazing! And HE allowed us to end the day watching a little bit of basketball during this blessed time of year!

I know you are praising HIM with me as you read these 3 parts of what all HE has been doing! Sorry, I was busy and did not have a chance to write these earlier! Hope you were blessed by what HE did and is doing! I love you and hope you have a fabulous week!
So the team leaves early Sunday morning, and it is back to life as normal. We head out to meet everyone at the bomba to head to Arjona for a Sunday of fun in the sun. When we get there, there are 3 new guys who we were not expecting waiting to head out with us which is such a blessing! We arrive and the older guys of the barrio are playing on the street we normally use. They have been doing this for about 3 weeks now and I think they are trying to get back into playing with us but we have not started anything yet...just waiting on HIS timing! 

I take my group of little guys which is quite a huge group now...with a lot of girls and guys who are stepping up as leaders and are so close to making a decision!! I am so excited to see what HE has in store for them! Jota takes his group of girls and guys (14-16 years old) which has also multiplied since the tournament. And would you know that the older guys who were playing in the streets were playing in teams of 4 and we just happened to have 4 guys that day with us. So Jota talked to the youth from the barrio to see if they could play and so they got into the game with the older youth. I explained to 3 newbies and JD that the idea is for them to start friendships with them and not to tell any story with them...just get to know them! It was a neat day and I am excited to see what HE has in store for this group!

Monday was full of planning and getting all the final details ready for the retreat that we were having that weekend. And Monday, Gomer moved to her new home with Jota's aunt about 15 minutes away! Tuesday, we had a great time in the Word with the women. We are not moving very fast through the Word but they are understanding each and every verse that we read. HE is using HIS Words to encourage, challenge, and inspire these women. It is really neat to see just how hungry they are for HIS Truth and how HE meets them every week with exactly what they need! HE is so amazing!!

Wednesday, we went out to Arjona because they were starting some festival of the bulls on Thursday and it would not be safe for us to head out there. This was the first time we had gone out since the health brigade and it was exciting to see how many of the people we had met during this brigade were coming and wanting to hear HIS stories. In one of the houses, we had 6 new women that came to hear HIS stories! I was also able to head to Ptrc's house and sit with her and tell her some stories. She is very smart but comes from a Catholic background and has lots and lots of questions. The whole day was full of divine appointments with HIS people and it was neat to watch HIM work! The leaders were shocked with just how many people were open to hear HIS Words, especially in the new area which has been so cold for so long! HE is preparing us for a great harvest!

Thursday, Ruth and I went to Barranquilla to have a day away with Our Father. It was such a blessing to walk around in their mall, eat Burger King, and spend time individually with Our Father. I just needed a change of scenery and needed to hear from HIM about what HIS Will is for my life. We had a great time of talking, pryng, and listening! It was a blessing that HE gave us to just get away with HIM for a day! We also decided that we needed to get together every morning, after dumb insanity, and pry for our leaders of this work, this work, each other...especially if we want to see HIM change anything!

Friday was full of last minute running around, buying, and cleaning before the girls came! And I was able to spend some amazing time with HIM again! Still no words as to where HE wants me to go, I am just patiently waiting on HIS response. HE showed me that yes, I do hear His voice and HE has chosen not to reveal HIS response to me right now. Please continue to pry for HIS Will and for my patience as I wait on HIM! I will not move without HIM!

Okay, time for another break if you need it...I know you are getting older and might need to stretch your legs at this point!
SO it has been a LONG time since I have been on here to update you guys with what all HE has been doing! The past 3 weeks have been incredible and HE has shown just how powerful and faithful HE is. I am sorry that I have not taken the time to sit down and tell you all about it, so that you too could praise HIM for Who HE is and what HE is doing!

Let's start with the volunteer team that came in to do health brigades. The first two days of the health brigades I was too sick to participate, who knew? But I took this time to spend in HIS lap just listening to HIM whisper over me. They were days that were refreshing and healing (not only physically but also spiritually!) I finally get to go out with them when we headed out to Arjona for a full day of work. On this team was an eye doctor and his son, a dentist and his assistant, an ER doctor and his daugther, and a retired M with his family. They were all so incredible and had such servant hearts!

THe first day I worked with the eye clinic where they were giving out glasses to people who needed them. I had a great time getting to know some new people of Arjona, not to mention having the opportunity to watch these volunteers love on these people! HE brought one lady with her son who had recently been displaced two months ago because of the violence going on in the interior part of the country. After about an hour of talking, she asked if we would start coming by her house to tell her about Js!! Please be in pryr for Ptrc, her husband Alx, two sons, and father, Mnl. It was a blessing and such a divine appointment! Another blessing was just watching Scott, the opthamologist, working with these people. He reminded me so much of my dad...this big white guy, so patient, with a big smile, and such a huge heart of a servant! It was a blessing to watch the HS use him to impact these people's lives in a huge way!

Also one of the 14 year old boys, Moises, who plays with us each Sunday was able to see the dentist. He asked me to come with him because he was going to have two teeth pulled. While I was comforting him and trying to distract him, his grandmother told me how all the other guys made fun of him for these two big fang teeth and how it had really been making his life hard. What a blessing that Chris, the dentist, could not only help him physically as these teeth caused him a lot of pain physically but also emotionally! He was such a trooper while getting his teeth pulled and to see his smile! He has been forever changed as Js touched him through the hands of Chris and he has since asked many more questions about Js. Please pry for the salvation of Moises!

The next day we went into a new neighborhood near Arjona where we have just started working with the people. This day I really did not have a real job but just helped the national leaders as they collected the money and gave out cards for each appt that the people had received. I spent the morning telling HIS stories to a group of youth who just were surrounding me. I also taught them the song Send Me by LeCrae because I had it on my phone and it is easy to teach them the chorus of this song. They loved it and wanted to learn more stories from HIS I shared them as the HS lead!! 

That afternoon, I realized that these beautiful volunteers were working so hard that they had not taken any pictures of what was going on. So I took one of their cameras and quickly was named the paparazzi of this location. It was great to get all of them doing what they were sent here to do. It was neat to get to capture the HS loving these people through them on film. Once again, this group was amazing!!

Then on Saturday, we headed out to NM to be with the youth that are in our sports ministry. Well you know NM can be chaotic when we are not giving out cheap medical care, and so we had been on our knees for many days before hand to ask for HIS hand in all of it. And it ran smoothly! The youth leaders just ran with the ministry like normal while Darlys and I were in charge of the yelling people by giving them cards for their medical appts. It was a blessing to watch how HE took control of all of it and the youth leaders loved it! We shall see how this brigade helped open up doors for our ministry!

That afternoon, we all headed to Villa Estrella where the biggest of all blessings was given to us by Our Creator! It is the last site of a long week of work where these volunteers saw over 1,075 people during the week! It was the end of the day and we had already run out of cards to hand out but as usual, we still had more people! I think by this time the volunteers were tired of seeing my face, asking them oh please can you see just one or two more patients. They always were gracious and saw more as long as we had enough meds/glasses/etc to give them. Get ready for this miracle! Well, this older woman had been bugging me for about 30 minutes to be seen by the eye doctor and they were really busy all day but finally slowed down and I got approval to send her over to be their final patient! So Scott starts giving her the eye test (with the chart with the huge E on it and then the letters decrease). Well, she could not see the big, huge E at the top of the test. So Scott starts doing his thing and goes to find glasses for this woman. Meanwhile, she begins to tell us that she has not been able to see for over 20 years and cannot see the faces of her grandchildren because of her vision. Well guess what HE had waiting in the box of glasses just for her...a pair of lenses with the exact magnitude that she needed. She puts them on and starts to read the eye chart again...she is able to read the last line of letters perfectly clear! She begins to cry because she has not seen in over 20 years and begins to just praise HIM!! Scott is crying, she is crying, I've got goosebumps, and HE is incredible! What a miracle!! 

That night the volunteers took us to eat and we had a chance to spend some time with them. This was one of the first groups where I had not had the opportunity to just sit and get to know a group. We were always working during the day and at night they had other activities planned. It was such a great time of sharing who HE is in our lives and how we all got to this point of being in the position to serve HIM in Colombia. I am excited to see how they take what they learned about HIM back to their homes, clubs, and towns! I am thankful that HE allowed me the opportunity to watch HIM work again and meet some of HIS beautiful children!

I think I will stop here so that you are not reading for the next go to the bathroom, refill your diet coke, grab a bowl of delicious cookies n cream ice cream and meet me back here for part 2!

I am having a hard time believing that it is already March! This year is just flying by and means that there is not much more time here...or maybe there is?!? So last week...Hmmm...what all did HE do last week!?! The TP continues to be a great time of discussion with the youth and a time where they are challenged with Del's first question: "Do you believe that what you believe is really real?" It has been neat to see them talk through a lot of their questions and thoughts. It has been great to remind them to continue to go back to The Word and that is where all Truth comes from for their lives.

Tuesday morning, I headed out with Brian at 6:00AM to pick up some of our indigenous believers and go with them to their hometown. I had been asked by the two women and 1 teenager,that I have been discipling, to go home with them to meet their families and be there with them when they share the good news of their decisions to follow HIM! We ended up waiting in Arjona for all of them to be ready until about 9:00 or 9:30AM. Finally, we were all ready and I headed on public transportation with H and A. It was a great time for the three of us to just talk and share HIS Stories! I cherish the time I had with them as it had a huge impact on my life and theirs as well.

When we arrived in Tuchin, we went first to C's aunt's house where I learned how to weave like they do to make the sombreros and bracelets while we waited for her family to arrive. When they had arrived, we had a small service in their home. C actually told the story and A helped her with the questions. It was beautiful to watch them lead their families in telling them about HIS Truths! We then went to H's house to meet her family but quickly left to head to A's house. Once we had met everyone at A's house and waited for all of them to arrive, we had another small service of singing, pryng, and hearing HIS Stories. Brian did all of this service but it was need to see how strong A's family was in their faith!

On the way to A's house we passed by 3 clubs and had the opportunity to talk to one of the leaders of the club. It was exciting to me to hear A describe the work that is going on around his home! Brian had thought he would start work out in Tuchin because he did not know that there were already clubs planting other clubs and a strong network of family members out there! I was excited to see how they have taken the initiative to reach their own!

We then went back to H's house and ate dinner and had another service. It was about 10:30pm at this time and we were all exhausted but it was neat to share HIS stories with them, Brian lead the entire service again. We set up our hammocks out on H's family's property and then went to sleep...or tried to sleep. C had brought her grandson who is 8 months old and who was really sick. He cried pretty much all night long and kept all of us up...especially poor C!

The next morning I was told we were leaving at 8 but things change. We headed back to A's house for another small service and then back to H's house for another service before we left to go home. It was a LONG trip home as H did not want to go into an air conditioned bus (which is faster) and we took public transportation. We finally made it back to the house around 9:00pm. I was exhausted and had to get to sleep for the next day of work! All in all, it was a great trip to spend extra time with the women and meet their families! I praise HIM for the opportunity!

Thursday was a good day of work! Brian did not go and we were able to rearrange some of the day, to finish earlier and make good use of our time. I had the privilege of working Mrhls all day and HE provided us with some amazing opportunities to talk. We had some pretty difficult conversations but I kept encouraging her to look for the answer in HIS Word. I love working with her and watching the Sprt use her to convey HIS Truths to the people! It is such a blessing to have her as a friend, sister, and companion!

Friday was a lot of work, meetings, and reports. Fun, fun stuff...I know! Saturday, we headed out to NM with not many leaders but HE proved HIMSELF faithful through the few of us that were there! We had a great day of serving HIM and even though the tournament is over, there is a huge group of them that are still returning to hear HIS Words! I am excited to see what HE does over the next couple of weeks in their lives! I went to watch Jota play soccer during lunch and it was a lot of fun! He is really good and the others are really entertaining! It reminds me a lot of club league softball except these guys don't always use the nicest words when they get mad over stupid little things!

Then he and I went to VE and met up with Camilo. We had another great time with these youth and it is encouraging to watch how they are growing in their faith and in their love for one another! Please ask HIM for more leaders for this barrio. We only have the three of us and when I leave, that is down to two! Ask that the clubs near VE will want to get involved in what HE is doing there! And that night, Jota's aunt came and got Gomer. She had been telling me for 3 weeks that she wanted Gomer for her own but never came to get here. So Saturday night when I got back, we took her out for her last time on the beach with us, packed her bag, and sad goodbye!

Sunday, Jota and his brother came over early to go to the airport as Jota was heading to Bogota. I came back home and had club in the house, Flat Irons style! And then headed out to Arjona with D and one other youth. We had a huge group of youth to play with in Arjona but were only able to go to one location because we did not have enough help to do both locations! Please ask that the youth leaders we do have, will commit to making this ministry a priority in their lives! We need more leaders in all locations as it was shown to us this weekend with few leaders in every location! But HE provides and will provide in HIS TIME!

Yesterday, I was sick yet again! Fever, flu, sinus infection, and a migraine! It is getting to be redic! But I slept most of the day, talked to HIM a lot about HIS will for my future, and worked on some material for the ministry. We have a volunteer team in right now and they are doing health brigades. Brian came by last night to tell me that they wouldn't need me tomorrow so that I could rest up for the rest of the week. So, here I am again resting up and working from home. I enjoy my days with HIM but am really tired of being sick! I know HE has a plan for everything! I am excited for HIM to reveal HIS plan for me for this next couple of years! I love you and hope to talk to you soon!