SO it has been a LONG time since I have been on here to update you guys with what all HE has been doing! The past 3 weeks have been incredible and HE has shown just how powerful and faithful HE is. I am sorry that I have not taken the time to sit down and tell you all about it, so that you too could praise HIM for Who HE is and what HE is doing!

Let's start with the volunteer team that came in to do health brigades. The first two days of the health brigades I was too sick to participate, who knew? But I took this time to spend in HIS lap just listening to HIM whisper over me. They were days that were refreshing and healing (not only physically but also spiritually!) I finally get to go out with them when we headed out to Arjona for a full day of work. On this team was an eye doctor and his son, a dentist and his assistant, an ER doctor and his daugther, and a retired M with his family. They were all so incredible and had such servant hearts!

THe first day I worked with the eye clinic where they were giving out glasses to people who needed them. I had a great time getting to know some new people of Arjona, not to mention having the opportunity to watch these volunteers love on these people! HE brought one lady with her son who had recently been displaced two months ago because of the violence going on in the interior part of the country. After about an hour of talking, she asked if we would start coming by her house to tell her about Js!! Please be in pryr for Ptrc, her husband Alx, two sons, and father, Mnl. It was a blessing and such a divine appointment! Another blessing was just watching Scott, the opthamologist, working with these people. He reminded me so much of my dad...this big white guy, so patient, with a big smile, and such a huge heart of a servant! It was a blessing to watch the HS use him to impact these people's lives in a huge way!

Also one of the 14 year old boys, Moises, who plays with us each Sunday was able to see the dentist. He asked me to come with him because he was going to have two teeth pulled. While I was comforting him and trying to distract him, his grandmother told me how all the other guys made fun of him for these two big fang teeth and how it had really been making his life hard. What a blessing that Chris, the dentist, could not only help him physically as these teeth caused him a lot of pain physically but also emotionally! He was such a trooper while getting his teeth pulled and to see his smile! He has been forever changed as Js touched him through the hands of Chris and he has since asked many more questions about Js. Please pry for the salvation of Moises!

The next day we went into a new neighborhood near Arjona where we have just started working with the people. This day I really did not have a real job but just helped the national leaders as they collected the money and gave out cards for each appt that the people had received. I spent the morning telling HIS stories to a group of youth who just were surrounding me. I also taught them the song Send Me by LeCrae because I had it on my phone and it is easy to teach them the chorus of this song. They loved it and wanted to learn more stories from HIS I shared them as the HS lead!! 

That afternoon, I realized that these beautiful volunteers were working so hard that they had not taken any pictures of what was going on. So I took one of their cameras and quickly was named the paparazzi of this location. It was great to get all of them doing what they were sent here to do. It was neat to get to capture the HS loving these people through them on film. Once again, this group was amazing!!

Then on Saturday, we headed out to NM to be with the youth that are in our sports ministry. Well you know NM can be chaotic when we are not giving out cheap medical care, and so we had been on our knees for many days before hand to ask for HIS hand in all of it. And it ran smoothly! The youth leaders just ran with the ministry like normal while Darlys and I were in charge of the yelling people by giving them cards for their medical appts. It was a blessing to watch how HE took control of all of it and the youth leaders loved it! We shall see how this brigade helped open up doors for our ministry!

That afternoon, we all headed to Villa Estrella where the biggest of all blessings was given to us by Our Creator! It is the last site of a long week of work where these volunteers saw over 1,075 people during the week! It was the end of the day and we had already run out of cards to hand out but as usual, we still had more people! I think by this time the volunteers were tired of seeing my face, asking them oh please can you see just one or two more patients. They always were gracious and saw more as long as we had enough meds/glasses/etc to give them. Get ready for this miracle! Well, this older woman had been bugging me for about 30 minutes to be seen by the eye doctor and they were really busy all day but finally slowed down and I got approval to send her over to be their final patient! So Scott starts giving her the eye test (with the chart with the huge E on it and then the letters decrease). Well, she could not see the big, huge E at the top of the test. So Scott starts doing his thing and goes to find glasses for this woman. Meanwhile, she begins to tell us that she has not been able to see for over 20 years and cannot see the faces of her grandchildren because of her vision. Well guess what HE had waiting in the box of glasses just for her...a pair of lenses with the exact magnitude that she needed. She puts them on and starts to read the eye chart again...she is able to read the last line of letters perfectly clear! She begins to cry because she has not seen in over 20 years and begins to just praise HIM!! Scott is crying, she is crying, I've got goosebumps, and HE is incredible! What a miracle!! 

That night the volunteers took us to eat and we had a chance to spend some time with them. This was one of the first groups where I had not had the opportunity to just sit and get to know a group. We were always working during the day and at night they had other activities planned. It was such a great time of sharing who HE is in our lives and how we all got to this point of being in the position to serve HIM in Colombia. I am excited to see how they take what they learned about HIM back to their homes, clubs, and towns! I am thankful that HE allowed me the opportunity to watch HIM work again and meet some of HIS beautiful children!

I think I will stop here so that you are not reading for the next go to the bathroom, refill your diet coke, grab a bowl of delicious cookies n cream ice cream and meet me back here for part 2!

9/3/2012 01:54:28 am

nice post


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