For the past 3 weeks, I have had the privilege to spend many hours in different doctors offices and exam rooms. I have been going through a series of tests that the board requested as part of my process to head back to Colombia! And PRAISE HIM, I have passed with flying colors. In fact, they stated that I look like a normal, healthy 32 year old! Something I thought I would never hear but I PRAISE HIM for HIS MIRACULOUS HEALING Power and that HE chose me to glorify HIMSELF! Thank you for your pryrs over the past several months. Thank you for your pryrs over the past 6 years of my life. HE IS FAITHFUL and SOVEREIGN!! And now I am waiting on HIS time to know what is next for me.

As I have read this week in Hosea, " But you must return to Your Dad; maintain love and justice, and wait for Your Dad always!" So as I wait on HIM, I am trying to put into practice the wise words of a M who has gone before us..."where ever you are, be all there." I PRAISE HIM for Jim Elliott and his wisdom that comes directly from OUR DAD. I have had amazing opportunities to lead studies of HIS Words with youth girls, grown girls, small groups, and a local spanish club. I have had lunch and dinner divine appointments that HE has used to draw people to HIM and save them. I have had opportunities to serve in the community, help out friends, and love on my family. Not to mention, sweet times in HIS Word with HIM. HE has blessed my parents with an amazing house and property. There is something about the countryside, the music of nature, soft breeze rustling through the trees that surround their home, and the tranquility of sitting in MY DAD's lap and listening for what HE has for me today. Worshiping HIM alongside HIS Creation. Being robbed of words because my words would not adequately describe my feelings for HIM nor would they come close to describing the glory that HE is due!

Thank you for your support as I have been home. Thank you for taking time out of your day to just tell me what HE has been doing in your life. I have no idea how much longer I will be here and yes my heart longs for the people in Colombia but I am here...for just a time as this! I hope to spend time with each of you as I wait on HIM. I do not want to rush a single thing but want to enjoy every single breath HE gives me and every moment with HIS people. HE is the reason I am alive.