So many of you may think I am on vacation up here, relaxing by the pool, and sleeping late. I hate to break it to you that while I have enjoyed this time at home with my family, catching up with old friends, and reading...I have been working and learning so much! So thank you for pryng for me each week!

So Monday, I have continued attending a study of political islam at my local club. It has been very interesting and very eye opening. I have really enjoyed learning more about this people group. The more that I have learned about them and their captivity, the more I am on my knees for them! I remember in the second lesson of the Truth Project, Dale challenges us to look at non-family members as POWs. Since this time, it has really helped me in the way I view, interact, and pry for the non-family members who at times might frustrate me. Once again, I am reminded of this truth as I am learning more and more of the darkness that this people of group live in. Join me in asking HIM to use HIS TRUTH to set them free!

On Thursday, I had the opportunity to attend another study lead by one the most amazing women I have ever met. I sat in the room of a beautiful group of older women as we discussed a chapter of Rev. The wisdom that oozes from the mouth of this leader is incredible and I just sat and soaked up anything the HS said to me through her and HIS Words. I am excited to continue with this group of women and see how HE uses me in their lives. They are so precious and I have found that I relate more to the older women of the family than I do with women who are closer to my age.

That night, I had the opportunity to attend another study but this time with some local college students. We read through a chapter in Matt and I am beginning to think that HE is telling me that I need to spend more time in this book because I obviously have lots and lots to learn! We had an amazing time of discussion about The Word. It was neat to see how that a lot of these young men and women (who had been in my youth group) had grown up in HIM. It was a great time of reconnecting with lots of them and I also look forward to how HE might use me in their lives.

I was given lots of different opportunities to spend time with different old friends and of course my family. Every day, I ask HIM to give me an opportunity to serve HIM and that I will be obedient to whatever HE places on my agenda. Some days my days are filled with errands, cleaning, washing clothes, and whatever for my family and friends. Some days, my day is filled with just sitting, listening, pryng with, laughing, and encouraging old friends/coworkers. Some days my day is full of making video presentations, talking to small groups, and sending out emails to local clubs. And some days, my days is filled with just me and My Dad time. Please continue to ask HIM that I will be obedient in whatever HE calls me to do!

So what have I been doing since I have been home...well, I feel like  I have not done too much but am exhausted! My sister told me she felt the same way when she got home and reassured me it is a result of all the work we did in Colombia. 

It has been amazing being home with my family! I am loving just being with them and enjoying being a family of four...for now! Not having a car has made my life a little different but my family is amazing and allow me to take them to work and pick them up with free use of their cars! Praise HIM for such a giving and sharing family! So here is a recap of my week...

Monday, I was Cinderella and cleaned the house. It was a great day of spending time with HIM and reflecting on all the blessings HE has given me and my family! That night, I went with my dad to a class on Islam that they are hosting at my club. It was very interesting and now I have some new reading materials!

Tuesday, I went to work with my mom and did a little work with her. It was neat to meet some of her coworkers who I have heard so much about and pryd for. Later that day, I had the opportunity to go eat lunch with one of the young men who was in my youth group. It was such a blessing to hear about him, what he has been doing, and what his plans are for his next chapter. I also had the amazing priveledge to talk to an amazing M friend who is in Texas waiting like I am, for clearance to head back to the field. It was incredible to hear what HE has been doing, what she has been learning, and what HE has been showing them about their next steps. HE is so faithful to provide me with opportunities to hear what HE is doing, worship HIS AMAZING NAME, and encourage others!

Wednesday, I took Kerri to work and then spent the morning in Panera with HIM...enjoying a cup of coffee, time in HIS Word, and catching up on some work stuff. I went to pick up Kerri and we ate lunch at this amazing Greek restaurant. I have really missed different foods and this was perfect. Great conversation about what we had read that day in the Word, rich food, and just some time to relax. That night, I spent the night with Kerri and Mom...doing a little shopping and just enjoying being together!

Thursday, I took dad to work but mom needed some help at her work, so I headed over to help her out. While I was there, I finally met a girl that, no lie, my entire life in Franklin I have been told I look like and been mistake for her. We had never actually met until she walked into my mom's office and I knew right then who she was! It was cool to hear about her life and I hope that we will have another opportunity to hang out! I also had an opportunity to use my spanish as my mom was having a meeting with a spanish speaking family. I got to love on some adorable kids and their was really neat to be able to use this language HE has been teaching me! I continued my duties as Cinderella and went to the grocery and other little errands. Later, I went to eat lunch with dad and got some bonding time with him as we waited for the dogs to get a hair cut. And each night, I am enjoying time with my family.

Friday, I spent the day with my old coworkers and patients. It was really an awesome day just listening and loving on these beautiful people. I was completely exhausted afterwards but it was really worth it and I hope that I shared HIS LIGHT with them. I am excited to see what HE has planned for me as HE uses me to encourage and love on these friends of mine. One cool story was a patient that I had years ago that was waiting for a lung transplant and did not want to continue in rehab with me but did each week. Well she was walking on a TM (something that she could not even dream of before this transplant) and told me that she  received her transplant because they said she was strong enough to endure the surgery. She told me that it was all because of the beatings that I gave her while I was there. We all know that it was only HIM but it was really incredible to see her new outlook on life! I praised HIM for allowing me to see HIS healing power!

Saturday,  I spent the morning with Kerri and mom at the farmer's market. We had a great time together...again just enjoying being a family! That afternoon, my old boss gave me two tickets to go see my first baseball game in years! Unfortunately it has been raining and cold here, but Kerri and I went and had a great time. HE ordained time for me to listen and love on a couple of my old coworkers. I love how HE always provides service opportunities when we open our eyes to see them!

Sunday, I went to our club and out to lunch with some friends to celebrate Laura's birthday. It was a nice time getting to hear about their lives and what they have been doing over the past 4 months. I am asking that He will give me more and more times with love and encourage them! Overall, it was an amazing first week of waiting on HIM and watching HIM provide opportunities to serve HIM! I am excited to see what HE has in store this week!
Once again, I apologize for not reporting all that HE has been doing and teaching me this past month. I have just been so consumed watching and learning from HIM that I had forgotten to take the time to tell you about so that you could rejoice and praise HIM with me!

So the majority of the month, I spent with the youth leaders...discipleing them, teaching them, loving on them, and just fellowshiping with them. It was a great time and HE showed HIMSELF faithful through every aspect of our time together. HE ordained every meeting, every lunch, every study, and every time we were serving together! Thank you for pryng for them specifically and as a group. HE is answering your pryrs. I can report that on Monday, May 9th they had their first meeting without me and all of them showed up. They discussed and planned for ways to receive funds from the local clubs to pay help them with their transportation to and from each ministry site. They also planned for different meetings with different pastors to help encourage each club to support the work through pryr, people, or money. Please continue to lift up these youth!

The women's study that R and I are doing is going amazing! HE is really speaking to them specifically about Truths that are difficult for them to understand because they are so foreign to their culture. R and I are not offering our ideas and thoughts, we are just pointing them to more and more of HIS Words and allowing the HS to reveal everything to them. Unfortunately, some of these Truths have been difficult and hit the nerves of some of our team members. The devil is definitely using this to cause a tension in our team. There are so many Truths that have not been addressed nor talked about because of culture or what-not but as these women read His Words they are being confronted with these Truths. Please continue to lift each one of these ladies up as they accept Truth and rid their lives of matter what the cost!

We had a volunteer team come in from Slidell. There were 5 of them and they were such a blessing! They taught our leaders and people on doctrinal issues, which was exactly what they needed. It was neat to see this team work together like the body of Chrst. There were youth and adults who each took turns teaching on these doctrinal Truths. It was a great time of fellowship for our nationals and these volunteers. 

And now I am home. Excited about what HE has planned for my time here. I have had a great time so far just being with my family and friends and enjoying HIS creation. Since being here, I celebrated my mom's birthday with her. We had a wonderful time loving on some women during a women's brunch at my home club. HE opened up doors for each of us to listen, pry with, and encourage different women who needed to feel HIS love. That afternoon, we went to look at wedding dresses for my little sister and she bought one. It is absolutely perfect and she is gorgeous in this dress! And we just spent the day just being family and loving on each other!  Since then, I have had several opportunities to love and share what HE has been doing with different people. I have had the opportunity to witness in ways I had never imagined and love on people. HE is providing for me, every step of the way. I am excited to see what HE does during this time in the states.

I promise to keep you posted. Thanks for reading and pryng! You have no idea how much it means to me that you want to be a part of this journey! Through your pryrs, HE is strengthening me! Thank you!