Hey Mom...
Since I have not spoken to you in over a week, I guess this page on my website was a good idea! And maybe tonight or some day soon we can catch up on each other's lives!

So the retreat Monday went well! Thank you for pryng!! I woke up at 3AM with a 104 fever that did not break until that afternoon and pouring rain! So you know how when it barely snows in Franklin or they even mention rain, all the milk is gone from the local Krogers and the world shuts down? It is the same here with rain. So when I woke up to a river outside of my house, I knew that it was not going to be good for our attendance nor our activities for the day! I came really close to calling everyone and canceling when Jota arrived, we pryd and felt that whoever shows up is who HE wanted and will be an amazing day with HIM!

Sure enough, they came...20 of our youth leaders came!! HE spoke through Jota and my sick butt! (I can only imagine it was HIM as you know how logical I can be with a high fever...dare I mention the lawn mower incident...as if you or Stacey would ever let me forget!) It was a great time of learning, worshiping and bonding for them! I called the day short due to my illness and this gave them time to just hang out...some thing that they do not do very often!

Tuesday at work was a good day. I went around with Orlnd all morning and we had some great times of discussion and worship with some locals in Arjona. HE opened up a great opportunity to talk to a couple about different issues and doubts that they were having about some of the Word.

Thursday a team of 5 people came from FBC Slidell to work with us over the weekend. So we had a time of pry and preparation for the weekend of work with the local leaders and then we headed out to Crepes to introduce them to all the yummy goodness of this restaurant. 

And Thursday, I received the great news that they have extended my time until the 25th of April!! I am so excited and am confident that by then HE will have this ministry completely independent of IMB funds and personnel!

Friday we headed out to Arjona where they shared stories to talk about some doctrinal issues. They lead us in discussing Who is The Father and Who is The Son. It was neat to hear the people talk amongst themselves as the Spirit revealed new aspects of Himself to them. 

One of the neatest things that happened was a new believer, Crmn was listening to a story from Revelation about Who The Son is and Where He is now. She did not focus on the teaching but told us that she had never heard that those whose names are not in the Book of Life are going to hell. She was in shock as she repeated what happens to them, the beast, satan, etc. when Jesus comes back! She immediately said that we have to get busy to tell more people so that their names can be written in The Book of Life, like hers is! It was beautiful to see the Spirit show her the urgency and need in her community to share HIS Truths with them!! Please continue to pry for Crmn as she steps out with boldness to share HIS Truths! Ask for angles to protect and guard her as she steps out on the front line of this battle!

Saturday the volunteer team went back to Arjona but I went with youth to Nelson Mandela and Villa Estrella. In NM, I ran into about 10 new guys (17-19 years old) and asked them to come and play with us. At first of course they were punks but eventually HE changed their minds. And Ivn told me that they thanked him for coming, playing with them, and sharing HIS Stories with them. They were shocked that no one was paying us and that this is what we wanted to do with our own free time. Please ask that these guys will come back and HE will use Ivn to reveal HIMSELF to them!

In Villa Estrella, we also had another 12 new guys that came to play with us. Jota, Ivn, and Cml had a huge group of older guys to play with and I (of course) had the pleasure to play with about 20 little guys! And I know it is the rainy season and accept that this is just a temporary time that interferes with our work, but normally we have some sort of warning before a downpour! Well, definitely did not receive even one warning before we were all soaked and kids were running everywhere, so happy!! But HE provided time for us to talk about HIM under a shelter while we waited for it to lighten up...a little before making the hike home.

And as we waded through water up to our knees (did I mention it was filthy water) trying to leave the barrio, the guys told me that probably no one would want to let us in their bus or taxi. Of course, they were correct...but I pryd and HE delivered a bus that took us home an hour later but we at least made it home!

Sunday, I went with the team to club and then out to a farm in Arjona where we held another time of talking about doctrine. It is always neat to me to see how HE uses volunteers to bring the people to HIM! I mean, we must have had 30 people listening to HIS Stories yesterday at this farm! I cannot remember the last time I saw all 30 of these people but it was really exciting to see them there wanting to learn. In fact, the couple I told you about from Tuesday came and after a discussion about baptism, they each told me that they understood, accepted, and wanted to be baptized!! PRAISE HIM!!

Then last night we had a meeting to talk about the weekend and to make plans for the future. Stuart, the pastor, and I talked about the possibility of bringing in a group to do a sports camp next year...before I leave!

So here it is Monday, the team left early this morning! I came back to the house with Gomer, read and then Eric called me to see if I wanted coffee! I have not seen him in about 2 months and was excited to meet him and hear all about what HE has been doing in Santa Ana over the past two months. Eric's friend Kelcy is coming to visit him for a week and he is so excited!! It was good to catch up with him and hear about his plans for his future.

And now, I am going to finish this update and get ready for the study with the girls tonight. We are going to finish this study tonight and I will prepare them for what we are going to start in November!

This week I am going to spend preparing for our big weekend to the Guajira and so I hope we can talk soon...I miss you mom!! I love you very much!!
This past week was busy but yet I feel like I did not accomplish a lot! Have you ever had one of those weeks? I have been working for some time now on my expense report so that I can have some money to do ministry. The board has tried to unify every process all over the world and we, the ones on the field, are getting to experience all the corrections/mistakes/corrections/mistakes/etc. And now I am having difficulty accessing our new email address (something else that we all have now, all over the world!) I know one day this will make life so much easier for everyone, but right now it is hard to see that!!

And today is Thursday and I have yet to finish this report...thank goodness that tomorrow is pay day!! The work can still go on!!

Ruth and I have continued the Truth project and I am really enjoying the challenging aspect of this study! It has been really good for me to go back to the scriptures and see what HE says and what I am doing...and how that all differs! For example the way we use the words Morals and Ethics...he pointed out how in the world now we have forgotten that these are two different things! He explained the real definition of both and then gave us a simple way of looking at both of them. That a moral is something that is...and a ethic is something that ought to be. Makes you think a little bit, huh? He showed us how now-a-days if over half of the population does it, then it is okay and right to do! WRONG!! And you will be surprised how the devil has creeped into our Christian lives as well with this lie!! I challenge you to look at this closer in your own life!

On Friday, we had a great team meeting at the house. I had them watch 1/2 a episode of Friends and then resolve the problems presented Biblically. At first they did not understand nor did they want to act out the scenes, but after 5 minutes or so they relaxed and HE brought out a lot of truth to them. He showed them ways that they had accepted "culture norms" in their own Christian lives!

Saturday, we presented the gospel message and used the bracelets  with the beads that a volunteer team had given me. I am not a big fan of these bracelets but HE really used them for people to be excited to share HIS Truths with others. We gave the bracelets to everyone that came, listened the story and could retell it to us and their friends. In Nelson Mandela, we had 3 kids who accepted HIM!!! So please pray as we begin to disciple them and teach them more about HIM! And in Villa Estrella, we saw the 7 believers understood this form of telling HIS Story to others and they practiced with the other groups of kids. It was really need to see kids teaching other kids HIS Truths!

Sunday, we went to two clubs and showed our video presentation of the ministry. He is answering our pryrs and 3 of the leaders of the clubs are on board to support us in pryr, people, and money!! I am excited to see where HE will lead us over the next month!!

And I was able to con Ruth into driving us out to Arjona on Sunday, which was an adventure! When we got out there, it was definitely about to rain but we made the most of the opportunity that we had with the kids and adults. Darlys and I were on our way to look for more kids when it began to rain so hard and so we stopped in a house where we have club on Tuesday. He opened up the door for us to share with these women the gospel message and how to use the bracelet to tell HIS Truth. They were very excited and I gave them homework to tell everyone in their families and their neighbors by Tuesday! It was neat to watch Carmen's eyes light up as she understood some truths that she had not understood before and realized that she too, could share His Stories with others.

Monday, another M came to see and talk with the indigenous people of the coast. He went out to work with us on Tuesday and had time to talk to all of the different groups he had hoped to talk to! On Tuesday we went to one club and all the adults were gone. That day the government was offering money for people with such and such income and so they had all left to stand in line to receive their money. And instead of leaving, we had a club with about 10 kids. It was beautiful and they always just amaze me with how much they learn so quickly! It was a good day!

And then yesterday was a day full of reports and meetings...my personal fav!! Now, here I am today writing you about the week! Today I am preparing for our day retreat with the youth leaders on Monday. So, please be pryng about that day and what HE wants to teach them this day through Jota and myself. 

So here is my week...hope to talk to you soon!! I LOVE YOU!!
So Friday's meeting was a huge success, thank you for praying! We had a time of pryr for what HE wants to do in October, for the people who had birthday's in September, and for our trip to Planeta Rica. Not to mention, we were able to celebrate their month of "amor y amistad" with a great game to swap presents! And of course, I made a cake...it was delicious (or I was just really craving a cake. I am going with the second option!)

Saturday we were on our way out to work, when here came the rain! A lovely downpour that had us return to the apt and I was blessed to spend the rest of the day with 6 of our youth. The boys played soccer with some of the kids who live in my complex while I talked to some of the girls and played with Gomer. Then I made them lunch (yes I know, twice in a row I am cooking/baking...I must be sick!!) And while we ate lunch, we just pryd over Nelson Mandela and the work HE is doing out there. It was a special time of pryr with these guys! 

That afternoon, the rain did not stop and we were unable to go to Villa Estrella but I had another chance to pry with two of the guys that go out there. And we had some special time in The Word and just talking about what HE is doing in each of our lives.

And Saturday night, I went to meet up with the volunteer team to reunite them and get the plan for the week. Well, I was at least able to meet the team but as far as the plan...with Colombians now running the show, the details are not quite as important to them! I finally got the word of where to meet and what time on Monday and then I left.

Sunday we presented our video in a local club and talked briefly to this group about our work. And headed out to Arjona with 1 new youth to help us and we definitely needed it! I feel like each week we go out, we meet more and more youth that want to play with us. I am excited to see how HE uses HIS stories to change their lives!

Monday - Friday are such a blur as my headaches have gotten a lot worse! I have a couple of days of vertigo where I was not able to really leave the house, so helping the volunteers with a soccer tournament was definitely out of the question! I was very sad at missing the opportunity to work with them but know that HE had a different plan for my week! I spent the week in HIS Word, pryng, catching up on emails, watching some sermons, and in a few doctor offices!

The last doctor told me that I had an ear infection, sinus infection, low blood sugar, low iron, low white blood cell count, a parasite, and maybe something wrong with my ovary. So he gave me several antibiotics for the infections and began me on some homeopathic therapies to help correct my imbalances and hopefully will eliminate my headaches. Here is hoping...and continually pryng for His Healing!

So I took this week to rest and allow my body to get better. I still went to work on Tuesday, had some my discipleship appts, and finished the paperwork portion of my job! I had to remind myself that I needed to rest so that I can serve HIM better next week but the devil kept telling me that you are wasting this week!

Saturday, we had an amazing day in Nelson Mandela and will be presenting the gospel message next Saturday, so please be in pry for this!! I am confident that HE is going to call some new family members next week! Villa Estrella was also a great time as Jota is growing closer to the group of family members and Ruth/I are having a great time presenting the Word to new kids for the first time!

Sunday, we presented the video to two other clubs and have a good solid group that are interested in going out with us this coming weekend! Who knows what HE is going to do...but I am thankful that HE has given us the opportunity to show what HE is doing to all the clubs in Cartagena! And then the rains came again...not allowing us to go to work in Arjona! But a group of Colombians came back and we spent the rest of the day together just being together!

Yesterday began and ended with lots and lots of rain! We had a great day of work in Arjona! I had the opportunity to head out to other clubs that I had not been in for over a month. It was great to just sit and talk with them about what He has been doing in their lives. One of our indigenous women who had asked for pryr two weeks ago, openly admitted that HE had healed her from all of her physical ailments! It was powerful to hear her testimony of how the medical doctors had not helped her and that she was confident that HE had healed her! This woman, just months ago, was worshiping the gods of nature and pleading to them for help! What a testimony of the ONE TRUE FATHER and His Power!!

And this morning, it's raining yet again...welcome to October in Cartagena!! Ruth and I have started the Truth Project and we had a great time of sharing this AM! I am very thankful for her but I feel like I am more of a burden to her right now. I have been pryng for HIM to show me how I can serve her best and what she needs. I know she has her sister and her friend Susanne for her accountability. I just want to help challenge her, love on her, and support her! Please join me in pryr as I search for my place in her life and how HE wants to use me! She is a great woman but sometimes I get the sense that I need to be doing something different. Who knows, just please join me in pryr as she continues to adjust to her new home and new surroundings and that I will be a blessing and a refreshing presence in her life!

Well, hopefully tonight I can talk to you, Mom. I was really tired last night after we got in at 8:00 and just ate some dinner, and went to bed! But I will be on tonight, looking for you! I love you! Thanks for always supporting me in everything I do!