So Friday's meeting was a huge success, thank you for praying! We had a time of pryr for what HE wants to do in October, for the people who had birthday's in September, and for our trip to Planeta Rica. Not to mention, we were able to celebrate their month of "amor y amistad" with a great game to swap presents! And of course, I made a was delicious (or I was just really craving a cake. I am going with the second option!)

Saturday we were on our way out to work, when here came the rain! A lovely downpour that had us return to the apt and I was blessed to spend the rest of the day with 6 of our youth. The boys played soccer with some of the kids who live in my complex while I talked to some of the girls and played with Gomer. Then I made them lunch (yes I know, twice in a row I am cooking/baking...I must be sick!!) And while we ate lunch, we just pryd over Nelson Mandela and the work HE is doing out there. It was a special time of pryr with these guys! 

That afternoon, the rain did not stop and we were unable to go to Villa Estrella but I had another chance to pry with two of the guys that go out there. And we had some special time in The Word and just talking about what HE is doing in each of our lives.

And Saturday night, I went to meet up with the volunteer team to reunite them and get the plan for the week. Well, I was at least able to meet the team but as far as the plan...with Colombians now running the show, the details are not quite as important to them! I finally got the word of where to meet and what time on Monday and then I left.

Sunday we presented our video in a local club and talked briefly to this group about our work. And headed out to Arjona with 1 new youth to help us and we definitely needed it! I feel like each week we go out, we meet more and more youth that want to play with us. I am excited to see how HE uses HIS stories to change their lives!

Monday - Friday are such a blur as my headaches have gotten a lot worse! I have a couple of days of vertigo where I was not able to really leave the house, so helping the volunteers with a soccer tournament was definitely out of the question! I was very sad at missing the opportunity to work with them but know that HE had a different plan for my week! I spent the week in HIS Word, pryng, catching up on emails, watching some sermons, and in a few doctor offices!

The last doctor told me that I had an ear infection, sinus infection, low blood sugar, low iron, low white blood cell count, a parasite, and maybe something wrong with my ovary. So he gave me several antibiotics for the infections and began me on some homeopathic therapies to help correct my imbalances and hopefully will eliminate my headaches. Here is hoping...and continually pryng for His Healing!

So I took this week to rest and allow my body to get better. I still went to work on Tuesday, had some my discipleship appts, and finished the paperwork portion of my job! I had to remind myself that I needed to rest so that I can serve HIM better next week but the devil kept telling me that you are wasting this week!

Saturday, we had an amazing day in Nelson Mandela and will be presenting the gospel message next Saturday, so please be in pry for this!! I am confident that HE is going to call some new family members next week! Villa Estrella was also a great time as Jota is growing closer to the group of family members and Ruth/I are having a great time presenting the Word to new kids for the first time!

Sunday, we presented the video to two other clubs and have a good solid group that are interested in going out with us this coming weekend! Who knows what HE is going to do...but I am thankful that HE has given us the opportunity to show what HE is doing to all the clubs in Cartagena! And then the rains came again...not allowing us to go to work in Arjona! But a group of Colombians came back and we spent the rest of the day together just being together!

Yesterday began and ended with lots and lots of rain! We had a great day of work in Arjona! I had the opportunity to head out to other clubs that I had not been in for over a month. It was great to just sit and talk with them about what He has been doing in their lives. One of our indigenous women who had asked for pryr two weeks ago, openly admitted that HE had healed her from all of her physical ailments! It was powerful to hear her testimony of how the medical doctors had not helped her and that she was confident that HE had healed her! This woman, just months ago, was worshiping the gods of nature and pleading to them for help! What a testimony of the ONE TRUE FATHER and His Power!!

And this morning, it's raining yet again...welcome to October in Cartagena!! Ruth and I have started the Truth Project and we had a great time of sharing this AM! I am very thankful for her but I feel like I am more of a burden to her right now. I have been pryng for HIM to show me how I can serve her best and what she needs. I know she has her sister and her friend Susanne for her accountability. I just want to help challenge her, love on her, and support her! Please join me in pryr as I search for my place in her life and how HE wants to use me! She is a great woman but sometimes I get the sense that I need to be doing something different. Who knows, just please join me in pryr as she continues to adjust to her new home and new surroundings and that I will be a blessing and a refreshing presence in her life!

Well, hopefully tonight I can talk to you, Mom. I was really tired last night after we got in at 8:00 and just ate some dinner, and went to bed! But I will be on tonight, looking for you! I love you! Thanks for always supporting me in everything I do!

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