Sunday, I stayed in my hammock longer than normal because it was raining and was cool. I just sat listening to the rain and praising Him for a new day. We all went to the same club today and I felt more at home. The service was great and I think I know one song in Akn now that I can sing with them. Josh told the story and it was neat to see Him use Josh in such a cool way. That day they were celebrating two little girls birthdays and here comes the familiarity of where I live. We sat around for awhile, not knowing we were invited to stay for lunch and then some of us helped move the food and get the serving started. All the kids with us were tired, hot, and hungry as we had now been at the club for 4 hours and it was way past time to eat. We get everyone served and they start their own festivities. I think normally, we could have stayed for the entire thing but being that we were leaving the next day, the Shirey's excused us and we headed back home. We arrived at like 4:00 and began cleaning and packing up. We had a community meal together which felt rushed because of the time spent at the club but I enjoyed it none the less. That evening, the MKs put on a cute little presentation of everything that they had learned. It was so cute to see what they had been doing all month and they were so proud! That night, I made some rounds doing my PT stuff on certain people's necks/backs/etc...who knew that I would use all that I had learned on a bunch of Ms! The last one I worked on was Charles and I enjoyed one last convo with these two amazing people before heading back to my house to finish packing up and cleaning. I am not going to say that I am excited about going back but I as I packed and praised Him for this amazing experience, He brought new things to my mind that He was doing in Colombia. It was kind of like a sneak peek of what He had been doing and what He had in store for this year. I know I am called to my people for now but He confirmed in me how at home I feel in a jungle with such limited worldly things and with a team of people who believe the same things that I do. I am excited to see where He takes me to share His Truths.

Monday, we woke up early to shower, finish packing and clean. Christy and I woke up early enough to finish all we had to do so that we could drink coffee, eat breakfast, and spend some time with Him one last time on our porch. Oh sad day for me to have to say goodbye to this amazing porch, river, jungle, and camp. He showed me so much of Who He was and we had such sweet times together here that it is sad to leave...not to mention the amazing family I will be leaving behind that have quickly taken a piece of my heart with them. We head up to the air strip, weigh in, and wait for the plane to come. There was something wrong with the planes and so we had to leave in two different groups and I was in the first one. We said goodbye to our new Akn friends and this island that had been our home. As I sat talking to Britt on the way back to the city, He filled me of His love and desires for this day and I was excited to serve the other families as He had showed me. We arrive back into the city, get our bags, drop them off at the hotel, and go eat lunch. We walk into McDonalds and I go into a fog. I cannot explain the shock of all the people, noise, and options in front of me but it was more than I could process at one time. Good thing Crystal was there for me and she did not think I was crazy for being in this fog. We ate lunch and then went shopping at a souvenir store and the American culture shock grocery store. It was so hard for me to process everything that was going on around me as I had become accustomed to life on the river...the simple life. I was the last one to finish shopping in the souvenir shop (which those who really know me, know that this is crazy as I am the first one in and out normally.) We finished shopping and went back to the hotel. I spent some time in the Word and took a nap while others planned for their day in Trinidad and swam and other things. 

When I woke up, it was time to go eat at the restaurant together as a group...for the last time. The place was incredible! I had a great time being silly with Beth and the two hands on girls, Natasha and Ellen (who I claimed as my girls for the day so that they would not get lost.) Then came the was incredible and there was so much of it! And then Beth took the silliness to another level and was convincing the kids that I would be a perfect match for Charles big brother who is single. We had already closed that door during like week 1 but Beth wanted to bring it up because she thinks she is a good matchmaker. She could not give me her success rate but at any rate had Charles' boys on board, getting his uncle's photo, and making wedding plans. It was good fun until the kids really thought it was serious and I had to break the news to them that it was not happening. We enjoyed some conversation with Britt and others who would sit with us at random. It was neat to see how He had transformed this group of strangers into a community in a month. We head back to the hotel, Charles shows us a video that he had made of the men's trip, and we start saying our goodbyes. Well it was hard to say goodbye to all of the people who you have become accustomed to see each day but especially the Shirey family. What a work He had done in my life through them. What a heaven sent blessing Brittany was for me and another friend/pryr warrior! What a iron sharpener my new big brother had been for me this month! I went back to my room, took a HOT shower (and yes praised Him the entire time!!), and continued my praising for all that He had done.

Tuesday, we leave at 2:00 from the hotel and get to the airport to begin a day of traveling together. We leave Suriname and spend the entire day in Trinidad. It was too expensive for me to leave the airport and see the city and plus it was carnival for them. Unfortunately there was no internet in the entire airport for the 12 plus hours that we were there. We spent time playing games, entertaining the kids, and napping with Joy. One family and the two hands on girls left us first and then the rest of us head to Panama. We had a great last flight together sitting together and just hanging out for the last time. Once we landed in Panama, we all say our goodbyes and head to our own gates to head back to our own countries and ministries. On the way to Colombia, He replayed the ways that He had sanctified me and showed Himself faithful to me during the past month. I felt Him saying well done my daughter. Once I was on this plane, I was ready to land in Colombia to contact my family and friends and see my cute dog...oh and sleep in a bed!!!! As I waited in immigration line that took over an hour and a half, I talked to family and friends and put His patience into practice. I got home, played with Brody for a bit, unpacked somethings, took a shower, and sat on my bed to go to sleep and....BRACK! My bed breaks. I was so exhausted that I was not thinking clearly and start crying. I called a friend of mine who understood I was not thinking in my right mind, told me to take out the boards, put the mattress on the floor, and sleep. Why I couldn't think of that myself, lack of sleep and exhaustion!

Wednesday, Brody wakes me up to go for a walk. We come back, I eat the Cinnabon I had bought in Panama, and I pry for awhile asking Him to let me go back to sleep. I go back to sleep for a little bit. I spent the rest of the day just processing everything and unpacking and washing clothes. I think that is the only thing I did productive was wash clothes and spend time with Him. 

Thursday was more of the same...getting into the routine of things, buying food, fixing things broken in the house...oh how I wished Mr. Joel was around. My vehicle also had to be taken in for some repair and I could barely understood everything the mechanic was telling me...welcome back to the real world Kendall. He blessed me with sweet time in His Words and a must needed conversation with Georgie. She is another blessing in my life and I cannot thank Him enough for her! He also allowed me talk to my parents and brother in law to hear all about their past month. I went to the DVD rental place here in Crespo and rented a movie or two because I just wanted to laugh. I am not that funny in Spanish and I definitely don't think that they are I decided to rent something that would make me laugh but ended up going to bed.

Friday was more of time in His Word, processing what HE had taught me over the past month. I finished several reports for my supervisor, met with him, and talked to several people I had not spoken with in awhile. And then I began to work on my seminary class work. I quickly realized that this class was WAY more intense than I had thought and as I began to look for ways to drop the class and pick up another, I see that I do not even need this class to graduate. It was serving as one of my electives (you know the classes you choose to make an easy A and boost your GPA). Well my advisor had advised me wrong but HE is sovereign and I accepted that I cannot get out of this class and began reading and watching the classes. Oh joy back to the real world for sure with the welcome of this intense theology of church history class...whoever heard of such! 

Saturday, I had an amazing day of rest with Him. The weather was almost perfect. The breeze is here and brings sand and everything else in the house but it is nice and cooler than normal. I listened to a sermon on the gospel, read Ephesians, and just praised Him for Who He is. The youth came over that afternoon to continue their study in Romans. Please be in pryr for them as they are being persecuted by their families and local clubs for this new found Truth. They have been confronted with the Truth and it does not match up to their lives or what they have been taught. As they lead in their homes and clubs, they cannot help but speak of these new Truths that excite them and they are being criticized like no other. They have even been told to stop hanging out with me because I am corrupting them with this nonsense. Praise Him that He has used me to teach them to explain everything with His Words not our own and so the people cannot argue too much. They too are being confronted by these youth who are hungry for more of Him! I praise Him for the miracles He has worked in their lives and how HE is opening their hearts/minds to understand His mysteries and using this group to strengthen each one. What a privilege to lead this group and watch Him transform their lives.

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