Sunday AM, I taught the youth SS class in Ezekiel. We went through the chapter verse by verse because they are still not to the point where they read during the week and know what is going on. It is neat to watch Him supernaturally unite me with different youth each week and receive their trust. I praise Him for working in these youth and allowing me to be a part of it. That afternoon, a group of ladies came over to the house to continue to study His Words. We spent a good bit of time pryng over each other, sharing what is on our heart, and reading His Words. It was another blessed time in His Words with His kids and watching Him move amongst them. I honestly do not enjoy being at this club but as long as He is choosing to use me there, then there is no other place I would rather be.

Monday was a day full of meetings and homework. I met with my supervisor for paperwork things, Darlys to pry and plan, and a group of ladies to pry and plan for SS. When I wasn’t meeting with the above, I was reading/studying/writing for my class. I honestly feel like this class is suffocating me and I do not have time to leisurely do anything. I hope and pry that HE is using this class to refine me and expand my way of thinking. I hope He is using this class to make me a more effective instrument for Him because right now, all I can see is a mound of books and work that I have to do and trying to schedule my time to fit it all on. I am so thankful that I am not taking another class, as I am sure I would not be surviving at all. Please pry for me as I take this class. My professor is very interesting in his questions on our quizzes and exams and I do not want to become bitter about this class and want to continue to see it as a blessing.

Tuesday was a great day in His Words just allowing Him to empty me out as we planned to leave for Palenque today. I watched some classes, packed the car, and waited for Darlys to be ready to leave. We left and spent the car ride just listening to her and pryng over her as she is stressed out because of her university work. We arrive to Palenque, unload our things, and head to Ddr’s house to study His Words. When we arrive, she is doing her nails and the entire family is around. We did nails, I cut hair, and shared life stories and His stories. We find out that the president of Colombia is coming to visit the next day to check on the progress of all the projects that the government is funding. They showed us where the group began to dig the aqueduct for the waterline and how they had advanced in putting in the gas line. Oh, how Colombians will work when the president comes to town. It was a great time of fellowship and I see Him really opening up this family to us. After our visit with the family, we head to meet up with Pdr and his group of boxers. We watched the end of their practice and as they were stretching we just spent some time getting to know each of them. These were youth that we had never met before and it was neat to get to know another group of young people. Pdr is seeking for Truth and I love that he is so passionate about his search and the people of Palenque. Please pry that He will open up Pdr’s heart to understand His Truths. We head home, make a little dinner, chat with Hrln and then head out to meet with Nz. We arrive at her house and she is not there but there is a large group of young people meeting in her patio. One guy comes to greet us and it is Pdr’s older brother.  We ask introduce ourselves and ask what they are doing here. He begins to tell us that this is a group of young people who want to preserve their culture, learn about their culture, and other historical things. He was thrilled that we came and allowed us to introduce ourselves. We listened to them, they listened to us, and asked if we would be interested in joining their group. I clearly explained that we would if we were allowed to tell His Stories. They agreed and were going to approach one of the leaders to ask permission for us to join their group as educators. He is so cool and opening up doors right and left for us and His Truths! Finally, Nz comes home and we sit on her front porch and catch up. She shares about her weekend, life, and we share His Truths with her. I am not sure when she is going to surrender her all to Him but am excited that He is using us to encourage her each step of the way. It was late and we headed back to the house. We spent the evening debriefing the day and praising Him for the unexpected blessings of the day.

Wednesday, we had a great morning devotional lead by Darlys. She is really growing in her confidence in Him and the HS inside her to lead a study. We stayed in the house as we waited for the president to arrive and leave. We took advantage of some good time together in His Word and some more teaching/planning. That afternoon, we met with Dncl and Krstn in their home. They both were there with His Word in their hands ready to dedicate time to study with us. It was such a blessing and very unexpected. We shared the story of the fall from Genesis and focused on the first sacrifice. They did not know what a sacrifice was and through the story they began to understand. Both of them were hanging on every word of the story, like they had never heard it before and the applications that they drew from the story were all His doing. I think it was the first time that we have been with them that both of them stayed, listened, responded, and did it all without fighting! Praise Him for what He is doing in their lives. We went to meet with Pdr and see his boxing group – he was so excited to see us and promised to come to the house that evening for our weekly study. After sharing a story with his group, we headed back to eat dinner and pry before the youth small group. Pdr came early because he had something else he had committed to but wanted to hear the story and learn more about His Words with us. We had a great group of youth this evening and taught on the end of the Sermon on the Mount – building our house on rock or sand. It was neat to watch Him confront each of them with how they had not been putting into practice the lessons that they have been learning each week. They were truly convicted and were sad. It was neat to see some of them truly repent of their sin. We shall see how He continues to teach them and how they respond to His Truths. We finished the evening with more pryr and debriefing in between Drlys and I. There were lots of things that were done today that I was able to use to teach her and watch her develop into a stronger M for His Kingdom!

Thursday AM we had two surprise visitors – Luis Fernando and Julie from the farm came to visit us. Darlys and I had planned a study with the women at the house and to talk about the work we felt He was leading us to do as women in this village. Not only did the women arrive but Dncl came as well and I asked Luis Fernando to lead our time of teaching. I love how he teaches with such ease and love. It is beautiful to watch someone glorifying Him through the gifts that He has given each one. After the teaching the two men excused themselves, and we talked together as women. It was great to hear their hearts for the women here and their openness to new ideas that HE had placed on my heart. I am excited to see how He grows these women and shares His Truths through them in the village. That afternoon, we went to meet with two more families and had a great time in His Words with each of them. He is truly granting us favor amongst the people here and I can only imagine it is because you guys have been pryng for Him to do so! So I thank you for pryng for this and I am excited to see how HE continues to answer our pryrs.

Friday, we left and I headed to the farm and had an amazing day. I spent the AM loving on, listening to, and pryng with Julie! Something that we had not done in so long and it was such a blessing to me. I headed down to hang out with Stacy and the fam for awhile. Stacy and I tried to spend some time together talking about what He had been teaching us during the week but with so many disruptions, we decided to just head up to the main house and play with the kids. I spent the next 5 hours just loving on all the kids. We played games, we rode bikes, we went on a nature hike, and it was so much fun! I missed my window of time to leave the house and so I stayed for dinner, which gave me some amazing time to listen and learn from my older brother who is being confronted on some new issues. It was cool to listen and now I know how to pry for him. I headed back pretty late that evening, took a shower, and went to bed.

Saturday was a great day in His Words and with Him. I love my Sabbaths and would not trade anything for them…except maybe some more time at His Feet. Darlys came over for some one on one time and I am teaching her guitar – it was a good time. The youth were once again blown away by His Truths and His teachings through Romans. I love this time in His Words with them and watching them have their eyes opened to Truths that are setting them free. I praise Him for this group of youth and how He is uniting each of them in Him and growing us as a team! Please continue to ask that HE will show us where He desires for us to be on mission for Him. Saturday night was more school with little to no Internet. Which is why this post is so late. For the past three weeks, I have had little to no Internet here and have been calling and begging for them to come and fix it. Sometimes I do not love Colombia as much as I should and so I am learning to love like He does in all circumstances!

4/6/2013 09:50:51 pm

I am truly blessed each time I read your daily life experiences - n challenged in my own walk. Thank you for being faithful to His calling and in doing so, calling me to greater accountability for my time spent with and for Him. I love you and miss your voice.


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