Wednesday, we left early in the morning for Palenque. We had a great time of discipleship in the car and He is really growing Darlys into a cross-cultural M. I am excited to see how HE continues to refine her. When we arrived, Hrln was stressed and excited to see us. We had brought her dress and other things that she needed for her wedding. We spent some time with her, pryng, hearing her plans for the week, and seeing how we could help her. That afternoon, we spent time with Ddr and Krstn studying His Words and hearing their hearts about different themes. It was a sweet time of fellowship and discipleship. On our way back to the house, two of the women who live on our street invited us in to their homes. We were just walking and they called for us to come in their house. It was such a Dad moment that we could not say no…Palenqueros we do not know are inviting us in their homes! He is too good. We had a good time with each one, just getting to know them and seeing their home. We explained the reason that we were here and they apparently already knew. We head back to the house to prepare for all the youth that come to the house for our Wednesday night studies. Because we did not come the week before, we did what we had planned to do with them…and Easter egg hunt. I explained the story behind the egg hunt and they loved it. We did not do a secular egg hunt but a hunt for eggs that had a symbol in each one to represent one part of the story of Jss entering in Jerusalem through His resurrection. It was sad to me the amount of them that could not tell us their little part of the story correctly – a story that they claimed to not only to know but also live. It was a great time of them hearing Truth and understanding more about the cross and what it means to us. It was a blessing to be able to share this story with them and have Him open their eyes to a new way of looking at things. Darlys and I spent the evening debriefing the day, pryng and getting ready for the next day!

Thursday, we woke up and had a time of devotion with the women. It was a sweet time in His Words and their eyes were also opened to more and more Truths. I love the looks on their faces and the light that turns on in their eyes when HE reveals something new to them. It is so incredible how He allows us to be apart of this change He is doing in their lives. After our morning with the women, Darlys and I headed down to the farm to get things ready for the wedding. Oh what a day…I think that they do more for a wedding than we do but all at the last minute. I cut out Styrofoam in different shapes, painted them, carried chairs and tables, arranged flowers, cleaned the farm, and tried to be His Light. I took advantage of every opportunity HE gave me to listen to His People and use my mouth for His glory. It was a LONG day! We ended the day studying His Words with Ddr and her family. Then after the study, they invited us to eat dinner with them and we had our first English class around the dinner table. If you could see the way HE is opening up this family, it is really beautiful. By giving us an entire afternoon with them, HE showed us so much about their family and we had lots of opportunities to share His Stories with them individually and as a group. After a full day, Mnl offers to take us back to the house on his moto and we accept. That evening, we sat with the bride and just talked over fears, pryr requests, and sex. Neither Darlys nor I have any experience in that department, but praise HIM that I was given parents who were not scared to discuss this subject with us and educate us based on His Words and practicality. At first, the bride was a little uncomfortable but after awhile the questions just kept coming and HE gave me the answers for each one. She looked so calm after our several hour talk and so we pryd over her and went to bed.

Friday, we woke up and have a devo with Hrln before heading out to the farm. On our way out, Drlys and I debriefed the past couple of days and pryd over everything. She had been tested to her limit as we had spent two days helping Hrln with the wedding and we did not see Hrln do much of anything. HE was teaching her how to love like HE does and how to been a living sacrifice. That day on the farm, I spent time with everyone. It was great. Julie and Josh and I chatted about different things. Mike and Stacy and I chatted about other things. We were able to play with the kids, take showers, and then we headed to back to Palenque. We had to pick up some flowers, food, and other random things for the bride again. When we arrived back at the house, there were tons of people. There was a group from another club there, Susie and some YWAMers were there, and lots of people from the community. I get started on making the flower arrangements, bouquet for the bride and her bridesmaids, and spent some time talking to Susie and the youth. Darlys begins to blow dry and straighten Hrln’s hair. By the time we had finished, it was late and I was exhausted. We pryd over Hrln for her last night as a single lady and went to bed.

Saturday, we had to wake up at 5:00 so that we could be ready for the wedding at 9:00AM! I spent some amazing time in the Word that AM and HE knew I would need it to make it through the day glorifying His Name and not showing my ugly flesh! I spent the AM cutting hair, fixing hair, doing makeup, organizing things/people, and random other things. It was so hot in that house and as more and more people showed up, the American in me came out! Thankfully, I just kept quiet but I could not believe the amount of people who came into the house to just sit, watch us, and then ask us for food/drink/their makeup/etc. Oh how Great is Our Dad who never gives us too much but only the perfect amount to test our faith and perfect our patience! 

We finally finish Hrln, take pictures, and start the long walk to the local club for the wedding. There were SO MANY people at the wedding that Darlys and I did not fit in and did not want to because of the heat. So we stood on the outside, listening/watching through a door and feeling somewhat of a breeze on the hill. Once the ceremony was over, Darlys and I walk to the farm to get the car and head back to pack up our stuff. We return to the farm and there are so many people there. We walk around to say hit to everyone and wait and wait and wait. We were there for about 2 hours before they started serving any food and it was like 1:00PM...and we were hungry! So we tried to make the best of the situation and spend intentional time with whomever HE showed us... 

We spend some amazing time with Nz just listening to her heart, sharing His Words with her and pryng over her and her family. I praise HIM for ordained times of ministry like this that remind us why we are here...sweating and waiting for 2 hours with headaches and loud music playing! It is all about and for His Glory! After another hour, we had spoken to everyone, congratulated the bride and groom, and had not been served any food. We decided to go ahead and leave. It was an exhausting week but a week where HE worked on Darlys and myself dying more and more to our selfish desires and just serving His people.

Sunday, I went to the local club. I do not know what it was but something was just not right in my Spirit there. SS was good but the youth are not really interested in studying His Words. In the service, it is just music and singing now so, I decided to leave early to go and announce the mission’s conference at a couple of other clubs. The pastor and the club are not doing anything to promote this conference besides sending out flyers. I am not sure why they like to wait until the last minute but they do and assure me that they are going to announce the conference in other clubs. I spent the AM pryng about if this was really where HE wanted me to serve or not. I have felt for a long time a longing to serve at the club on the farm because they have women who want to learn and are asking for a teacher…so you can join me in pryr about this. I am at a club that the women and youth are not really interested in The Word but mainly activities and there are a group of women hungry for more and more of His Word at the club on the farm. I want to be wise in my decision but it seems like He would want me to go where HE is working. That afternoon, I spent working on my paper for my class and catching up on reports for the board. I was really exhausted but needed to get this work finished. So I kept working and finished the night on my knees, just asking Him to reveal His Will for my week and especially what club He wanted me to serve in and mobilize to be on mission for Him.

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