For three weeks, we were not able to go into Palenque. Each and every week it is a fight for us to leave Cartagena and head into Palenque. Each week when it looked as if the door was shutting, I would hit my knees and ask what it was that HE desired for my week. Some days it was a full day on my knees, repenting, pleading, praising, or in silence. Some days it was full of divine appointments with people I know or people I may never see again. Each day was a blessing even though I did not understand why we were not able to go to Palenque and each day I just rested in His Sovereign Hands and waited to obey.

HE did so much during these three weeks that I do not want to go into detail but hit the highlights. Once again I am sorry that I am uploading all of this now, but the internet and power have not been very consistent here lately…don’t you worry…the heat has been consistent and strong!

My times at His feet were incredible. I am in Philippians and learning so much about just how far off I was in my obedience of what is commanded of us through this letter. One day, I was looking at the heart and attitudes of Jss, Paul, Timothy, and Ephroditus. I made a list of what the Word said about each one of them, their actions, and then compared myself to them. We all know where I landed in the comparison to Jss…and Paul wasn’t that far off as well. The streak continued as I do not act or think like Timothy and my  by final hope, did not come close to his heart and actions as well. What I learned from these men was that they love the people of Philippi more than they did themselves. They only thought of others to the point that Paul said that he is remaining in the flesh because it is better for their sakes…not his. This made me think, how much do I love my people? Have I been pryng asking what is the best for the sake of my people if I stay or go? Have I been more concerned about them than future vision that HE has given me for my next adventure with Him? I began to earnestly seek His face and ask His timing for my departure from here. I had always assumed because I knew the next step, that naturally He would want me to begin the next step as soon as possible. Assuming has never been a good idea and so I relinquished all into His Hands and was lead to fast and pry for His timing and His heart for my people. It was another humbling experience to say the least!

The group of young ladies has met twice now. I am really not sure what HE wants me to do with this group of ladies. I know it is a new ministry, it is something that is needed, but I am not sure what HE desires. I thought He wanted me to teach them His Truths (basic doctrine), form a group of young ladies who knew who they were in Him, move them towards outreach (with prostitutes and the widows) but now I am not sure that they are there. They seem to only be interested in activities and not HIM. I have sought His face and just pry each meeting that HE brings whom HE desires and do not worry about the numbers. The first meeting there was 3 of us but it was a sweet time of getting to know a new girl who recently moved here from Bogota. It was good for me to hear her testimony, her doubts, her goals, etc. Darlys had begun to disciple her and so it was cool for me to see their relationship that had been forming. She is hungry and ate up every word that I spoke from His Word. The second meeting, there were 6 of us including one of the young married ladies that I had invited. The young ladies here have no idea who they are in Chrst and what HE has called them to be. They are searching for all kinds of things in men and things…and this includes the young married ladies. We had a good discussion on some basic Spiritual Truths. It is crazy to me that some of these ladies have been in club for their entire lives and look at me like I am speaking another language – that this is the first time that they have heard this liberating Truth. Please join me in pryr as I seek His face for His goal for this ministry and each step He desires us to take to reach that goal.

The sports ministry team is going great!! After HE revealed to me 2 months ago that I need to continue my one on one discipleship of each member, He has opened up their hearts to new Truths and ignited new passions within them. We had a great discussion on the gospel, their testimonies, and as we shared HE revealed so much to me about where they were spiritually. I praise HIM for His Spirit that always shows me things that only HE sees and knows. I have spent time individually with each one talking about their testimonies, sharing the gospel with them, and giving them a chance to practice with me. I have found that if they don’t practice with someone they know, then they will never share with someone they do not know for fear of messing up.

One HUGE DAD story was that of Edgrd. He is one of the newest members of the group who was brought it and never really discipled by the young man who brought him into the group.  Over the past year and a half, I have watched HIM speak clearly to Edgrd and open his eyes to different Truths and ways of thinking. Edgrd was very resistant and proud at first and did not want to accept what His Word was saying but during our long study in Romans, HE opened his heart to understand!! But as I asked them to share their testimonies, Edgrd had problems communicating when and how HE came to know Chrst and submit to His Lordship. I had one of the other youth work with him during the week and this past Saturday, Edgrd came early (as always) for the study. As I asked him to tell me his testimony, he still was talking about his club this, his pastor that, and never really sharing how he met Chrst, how he understood that he was a sinner, and when HE opened his heart, gave him faith, and Edgrd truly believed and repented. I started asking a bunch of different questions, trying to get him to either confess that he did not have a personal relationship or be honest when he first understood. Edgrd began to cry and then apologized for crying in front of me. He then clearly communicated that it was during the Romans study that he surrendered his life to Chrst and became a Chrstn. It was hard for him to accept but as he spoke so clearly, I told him that this is when and how he came to know the Lrd and surrender his life. He said he was embarrassed because he had been baptized, been in club,and a part of the ministry for a year and a half. I reminded him that his salvation does not come from him but from HIM. HE opened his heart at the perfect time. If you could have seen the look on his face as he told me all of this and as I reassured him that he had nothing to be embarrassed about, it was incredible! It was TOTALLY a divine appointment.

With the sports ministry team, we had a night of riding bikes through the old city, shared some food on the wall, and had some worship/pryr time. It was a lot of fun and really united the group. HE is doing some incredible things through this group. Please continue to pry for them!!

With the girls that I am discipling, HE is moving in their hearts and at least they have been honest with me and consistent. One struggles with pride and prides herself in how quiet she is and how she doesn’t speak too much. One struggles with guys and looking to them for everything and not running from temptation but flirty and hugging temptation. One is finding herself in HIM and seeing just how little she knows of Him and His Word. All three are very different but all are at least living with a hunger to meet and know more…what are they exactly searching for, they do not know but HE is showing them! Please continue to ask for wisdom with each girl and that they will continue to be open and honest with me and with themselves.

In the youth SS and with the youth sports ministry team, I have begun teaching the Who is Dad material from Platt. It is evident that they truly do not know Who He is because if they truly did, they would not struggle with basic Truths, fighting against His Will, and ultimately surrendering their lives to His Lrdshp. It has been interesting to watch them after each study, sit in silence. At first, I thought they did not understand one word that I spoke but then after speaking with them I understood that they were in shock. It was the first time for many of them that they had head these things about HIM. This was a sad truth for me to hear but has made me hit my knees and study more each day so that I can accurately present this AMAZING DAD we serve to them in a way that they can understand and HE can use for His glory! 

What a privilege I have had to see HIM work in all areas of my life and I was not even with my people in Palenque. Oh, how I praise HIM for allowing me to watch HIM transform lives all around me! What an honor! What a Savior!!    

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