Friday night's meeting went okay. There were three of us for about an hour as we waited for the rest of the team to arrive...and you know how much I love to wait on people! (still in that refining process of HIS!!) We ended up having a good group of people, HE spoke through an activity and lesson HE gave me in a powerful way in each of their lives, and I feel like they left motivated to take the message to their own clubs! We shall see...from where I am looking now, it looks like a MONSTER that we will have to take down in order to get this work independent. But I know HE has a plan and everything under control and I am thankful for that!

Saturday in NM was better than the week before but these kids are horrible! It will be a miracle if they even understand what self control is by the end of this tournament, let alone put it into practice. Some were so bad that I had to take their T-shirts away from them and send them home. I told them that they could come back for the next tournament but it was not fair to the rest of the youth that were behaving! I think this sent the message that the mean gringa was serious about the rules of the tournament!

The most exciting thing that happened was that FINALLY an older lady came with us out to the barrio. She is the grandmother of two of the youth in our group. She and Ana, the local leader, went to the houses of the kids who play with us and just talked/pryd with their parents. They have organized two groups to start telling HIS Stories for next week!! I am so excited to see HIM move in this way and take us to where we could possibly take more older people to have services with the parents while we taught the kids! HE IS SO GOOD!! Please pry for this woman, Brbr and Ana as they begin this work!!

In Villa Estrella, I don't know where the kids went but there were hardly any. Jota and Cml had a large group of older youth, as normal, and had a great discussion time with them about self control. I taught the younger group how to play line-up and they loved it! We had a great time! There was this 5 year old on my team who generally never likes to play but he loves this game. He seemed to always be behind me when I passed the ball over my head to him and I would be like, why is someone not taking the ball? Then I would hear Ruth laughing as she watched this little guy jump with all his might to reach the ball. It was cute and he loved it!!

Saturday night, I invited Jota's brother and wife over to spend sometime with them. Remember I told you that she is not very nice to me at times and doesn't have many friends. I made Stacey's chicken casserole, veggies, potatoes, and brownies. We had a great time of talking about HIS Word and work. It was a great time for all of us! It is nice to see that they are open to talk about HIS Words with us and share things with me!

Sunday, I stayed in for a little service online. I had a great time with HIM! And then headed to Arjona where we had a great time starting the tournament with the first group out there! I had some extra time to share and listen to Trs as she shared what HE has been doing in her life. HE was definitely glorified and they understand what self control is and practiced it!!

And of course, the Superbowl last night...which is not exactly the same when you listen to spanish commentators and no great commercials!

I have to finish a video today to send to Faith and her club and some other reports for the board. I have a discipleship meeting and guitar class this afternoon and then the Truth Project! I hope to talk to you soon! I love you so much and pry for you daily, Mom!!
2/13/2011 08:57:15 pm

You are certainly busy lately, but your words reflect your pleasure of pouring yourself into all you serve and serve with. I am very grateful that you are seeing some of the fruits of your teams'service and how it has branched out into the adults of the one community. I imagine that the good food definitely helped to forge more open relationship with jota's sis-in-law. Of course your servant heart was impactful too! That just shows us what He can do in our lives - from served to servant in only two years!!!
Thanks for your prayers, they are always needed. I have been praying with a definite purpose for you as you wrap up this phase of your ministry. Stay in the Word, keep working, and fight discouragement during these final days - that is what S. wants and is continually on the prowl to find a crack to penetrate with his messae of failure. I love you lots and miss you daily. mom


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