My daily life for the past 4 weeks has not been the usual ministry, miraculous jammed back weeks that you are use to reading about here. I became pretty sick over a month ago (high fever, painful rash, weak, etc). It took about a week and a half of sleepless and painful days/nights before the MDs diagnosed my problem...I had a staff infection with a 7cm abscess under my L armpit and 2 abscess under my R armpit. I was hospitalized for 7 days (an experience to say the least), had surgery to remove the abscess (another experience that I am still enjoying the effects of as I type), and have since seen 2 other surgeons to help diagnose my new problem and tell me why I was in so much pain. I currently have deep vein thrombosis in my L arm due to damage done during surgery and the drainage hole has yet to close. So, I am here in the city.

I have felt useless, lonely, exhausted, and really had no desire to write on here or update you on my life. I really only wanted to go to the States and be with my family and doctors that I trust. Yet, that was not in HIS plan. HE wasn't telling me I was useless. HE never left my side. And HE convicted me of my selfishness of not sharing what HE was doing in my life and the lives of those here in Cartagena through this illness. So, please forgive me for my disobedience. Thank you for your pryrs for me as I have definitely felt them during this entire process.

HE has been so faithful and proved to me once again that HE is all that I need. HE has provided for the medical care and costly medicines. HE surrounded me with people to care for me, feed me, clean my apt, bathe me, pry for me, and be by my side through this entire process. HE has given me so much time to pry for all of you, my people, and what HE is doing. HE has given me a chance to finish several books I was wanting to read, sanctifying me through them, and giving me opportunities to share what I have been learning with others. HE has given me times at HIS feet to get HIS "to do" list for these last months here in Colombia. HE has given my people the opportunity to serve me which has opened up many doors to confront many things that may have never surfaced in the lives of the youth and women that I work with here in Cartagena. And HE gave me several opportunities to share HIS love, light, and gospel message with those around me in the hospital, medical visits, and visits in my house.

HE is WAY TOO GOOD! I am unworthy and I praise the LRD Who gives and takes away for His glory. I do not question any of this and strive each day to do everything HE has asked me to do within my limitations from the illness and pain. So, thank you for pryng. Thank you for loving me, even when I have been disobedient. And thank you for loving HIM and serving HIM where ever HE has placed you!

May the LRD of peace fill you with His love and grace for all people!

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