So you may wonder why I have not updated this in 3 is because I am disobedient yet again. I have not gone to Palenque in the past three weeks because I have torn my popliteal tendon and lateral meniscus on me left knee. I have not been able to move very easily and so driving a stick, is pretty painful.

I don't know why I thought that I should not update you on what HE has been doing here. I suppose I thought that because I was not actually in Palenque that I was not really working...silly me. I have continued teaching the youth in Romans on Saturdays, the women at the local club on Fridays how to be women, the youth at the local club in Sunday school just basic doctrine, and have been sharing His gospel message with anyone HE allows me to. Not to mention, I have been working hard in my seminary classes learning SO MUCH and just finished my two midterm exams this past week. So, HE HAS BEEN WORKING!! 

I am leaving now to go to Palenque but will be updating you on just some highlights later today from what HE did during these three weeks of being a cripple. Please continue to pry for my knee and pry for this week in Palenque.

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