We did not have a meeting this past Thursday because Brian wanted to enjoy his last night with his oldest daughter, Sara. So, I took advantage of the night off and went to enjoy some deliciously free air conditioning and a cute little movie! It was a great time of fellowship with some friends and a little bit of America all wrapped up into one great evening!

Saturday was an amazing day in Nelson Mandela. I was a bit skeptical as I only had 2 new leaders show up to my house on Saturday and it looked like rain. I really did not know what HE had in store for me this day! But as always, He provided! Jota met us out there and just as we got started playing with about 70 kids...it started raining, not sprinkling but pouring rain! And once again, He provided a tarped place for us to hang out and an opportunity for me to show the new leaders how to respond when the conditions are not always the best. He gave me the spanish to teach the kids the Fruit of the Spirit song to capture their attention...as all they really wanted to do was run and play in the rain! Then He gave me just enough spanish to have the kids act out the story as I narrated it. To my surprise, an older guy responded to one of my questions with the most profound answer and I totally thought he wasn't listening! His response opened the kids up to talking more and before we knew it we had a small discussion amongst some of the hardest kids in Colombia! HE IS AMAZING!!

It continued to rain all day and closed the door for us to head out to Villa Estrella but I was able to talk to the kids and we set up another time to hang out this week. Saturday night I had Mrhls, her 3 children, and Darlys over to spend the night! It was an experience!! I was blessed that we skyped my mom for a minute or two and she could finally meet this amazing servant of Our Father!! And was blessed again as right before we all went to bed, we climbed up in my bed and each took turns saying our pryrs! I loved listening to each of them talk to Our Father!

Sunday, I took them to club with me and Mrhls could not stop thanking me for the opportunity to spend extra time with us and worshiping in club with me! And He did not stop there because when we got to Arjona that afternoon, we knew it would be messy and muddy from all the rain on Saturday. What we did not know is that He opened  and dried up a large field that is normally occupied for us to play. And He introduced us to another group of 40 youth we had never met...it was beautiful to see the youth we normally play with interact with the newbies! Pry that He will open up more opportunities for us to continue to build relationships with these new youth and especially Estephani, an 19 year old girl who has accepted the responsibility to bring the new youth each Sunday!

Monday...no internet again, so Gomer and I went to the airport to use their internet to get ready for our meeting that night with the sports ministry. What a great meeting!! I introduced the team to a new way to study the Book and it was beautiful to see all of them searching the same passage for different answers and discussing it amongst themselves! It was a beautiful time of pryr, worship, fellowship, and planning for this next month! I would challenge anyone who is still reading this to specifically ask me for one of these youth to "adopt" and pry for each day. Their lives are not easy but their hearts are open to Him and His service!

Tuesday was a great day of work in Arjona and an answer to a pryr that I have been pryng for almost 6 months. One of the men in our house clubs was extremely active in the discussion and stood up as a leader and made sure his whole household was focusing on the discussion instead of washing clothes or talking (like normal.) It was neat to see how when he spoke his family listened and he remarked how important this time is each week together and that the clothes, food, and everything else will wait because he will devote this time to The Father. He wants to learn as much as he can about Him so he can share!! PRAISE!!!

So...it has been a busy week! Please be in pryr for this weekend of work. We are also starting a girls group on Monday nights to study Max Lucado's book " Facing Your Giants and Jota has agreed to lead the guys study of another book "Fearless". Ask that He will use this time to open each youth up to His Truths and the fact that they can depend on each other to encourage and not judge them.
8/6/2010 10:49:30 am

I love this website. I feel like I am really there with you each day as you hve put so much into what you say and you say it well. (Ms. McCormick did a good job in spite of your reluctance!!!)
I plan to visit this site regularly now that I have found it. I will definitely be praying for you especially as you lead the girls' group to study Facing Your Giants. That book holds some heavy duty truths for all of us to face and then to grow from. What a wonderful opportunity for them and for you to grow together. Keep on writing on this site. It is great. Thanks for this. I love you lots, mom


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