Recap of life as a cripple:

I have spent 3 weeks not doing too much outside of spending time with Him, pryng for Palenque and the ministry, therapy for my knee, walking with my dog, sharing His Truths with those I meet on my walks, mentoring the women and youth in Cartagena, and catching up with my seminary classes. It has been a very interesting 3 weeks but HE has provided opportunities for me to rest in Him, learn more about Him, share His gospel with others, and love those around me. Does my knee hurt? Yes, absolutely. Do I trust that HE is in control of the entire situation no matter how illogical my injury is, YES absolutely! Please pry as I seek His Will for the next step for my healing, as I am quite immobile and in pain.

In these 3 weeks, I have had the opportunity to share the gospel with two Mormon ladies on the beach, which has challenged me to meet people where they are and not bombard them with the Truths that I know they are ignoring and living a lie. HE told me to take some money with me one day as I left to walk Brody and at first was disobedient but later took the money and waited for Him to direct my paths. HE lead me to a small beauty shop that I had never seen before where 3 women were just waiting for this divine appointment. As one of them gave me a manicure, I listened to them answer all of my questions about their lives, families, beliefs, etc. Then I felt it, the nudge from the HS when they opened the door to share the gospel. We spent 2 hours talking all about different doctrines, answering their questions with His Word, and talking about His Plan for marriage…all without interruptions. It was as if HE had placed His Angels in front of the door and did not permit anyone to interfere with this appointment. After we finished talking, they asked me when I would come back to finish talking as two of them were interested but one was not remotely interested in what we were talking about. So, I made an appointment to get my hair trimmed the next day. I went back, they did not just trim my hair but they chopped a good 5 inches off my hair, no decisions made but there questions were answered. They had the basics, a copy of His Words, my phone number, and 5 inches of my hair. I loved on a young girl getting married from the local club I attend by doing her make-up, driving her to the wedding, organizing her wedding party, gave her last minute marriage counseling, and pryd over her to calm her nerves as she waited to walk down the aisle. I watched as HE connected the dots in the lives of the youth through His Words and challenged their way of thinking. I watched as HE used His Words to make women think about who they were in Him, to understand the fact that HE chose them and they did not choose Him Although some of these women walked out of our first session, they have since returned and are being confronted by His Truths and I can just pry that HE allows them to transform His Life. I had a meeting with the new pastor and his wife to offer my help with starting to teach the club how to make disciples and to begin this process at the local club. I have been challenged by my seminary classes in incredible ways and have enjoyed sharing what I have been learning with the nationals. I have been able to continue to mentor the two Colombian women each week and watch as they begin to allow Him to build their foundation on biblical truths and not their culture. And He did all of this with my bum knee…

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