So the discussion that we had last week during the Truth Project was incredible and was something that I don't think even the youth had experienced before. (probably because I made homemade cookies and gave them valentine's day treats!) They were actually opening up, sharing personal things, and asking questions. It was neat to watch the little wheels of their brain turning and turning trying to wrap their heads and hearts around what HE designed the family and the club to look the trinity! They were having to process through a lot of things that their culture had taught them was correct but in light of His Word, they have seen that it is not at all truth. Continue to pry for them as they faithfully come to hear, study, and learn more about His Truth! 

Tuesday morning, Ruth and I went out again to Arjona. We found most of them washing their clothes and telling us that they could not meet with us. I just began to pry that HE would get rid of all their excuses and so HE did and one by one they came. We did have to change venues as one woman really had to wash clothes and so we went to her house. We read through chapter 3 and talked about John the Baptist. They really had never heard much about him at all outside except when he took Js swimming. They had many questions about his clothes, why he was in the desert, how he knew all about Js, and why he was the one to take Js swimming. We had some great discussion around John but what I loved more than this was watching these women share with each other. They have really been united and are opening their lives up to one another. They are sharing their needs, hurts, blessings...basically everything! It is beautiful to see how HE is using this time to unite them and how they are truly representative of what the body looks like! Please continue to pry for them as they hunger for HIS Words. Also ask that HE will give Sndr a job where she will not have to miss Tuesday or Thursday with us!

That afternoon, I was suppose to meet up with a pastor to talk about the ministry but for some reason that did not happen. But a youth, Trs came over and wants to start reading HIS Word together and pryng each week. It was neat to see her allow HIM to break down some of her walls as she shared parts of her life with me that she has not shared with others. I am encouraged by her coming to me to request this time of discipleship and am excited to see where HE takes it. Please ask that I will be obedient to follow HIS lead with our times together. That night I met Jota in Centro for some Juanny Juan Juan and we went back to his house to watch a movie with his mom. It was a nice night for all of us especially as I feel like she gets lonely from time to time and just needs someone around!

Wednesday is a complete blurr. I know Ruth and I met in the morning for our time to watch the Truth project and had a great time of pryr and discussion. After that it all became blurry because I received an email from Brian that responded for my request of 3 more months here. I had asked him for 3 more months here for several reason. 1. I have felt like the work he wants to start in Palenque could be started easily with the sports ministry. It would be the easiest way to get our foot in the door and get to know people. So, I thought 3 more months would allow me to help them get started there. 2. It would give me a little more time to help get this ministry completely funded and supported by the local clubs. They are very much set on "my" ministry of "my" club instead of seeing this as a way for the body to work together. I know HE can do whatever HE wants and am asking that HE open some doors for this to begin! 3. I plan to start seminary in August and with 3 more months here, I would not have to find a temporary job until I could start school. So he sent my request on to the powers that be and the response was no. They cannot give me a 3 months extension but the reason my Wednesday became blurry was because they offered another 2 year term if I was interested. What does that look like? What does that mean? I have no idea, hence the blurriness. So we now have another things to pry over as I am not sure what HIS will is for this and what the details of this extension would look like.

Thursday was a good day in Arjona. I spent the morning with Pdr, Mrhls, and Bobby where we had 4 different services. We had some great conversation and had the opportunity to start 2 new groups with parents from our sports ministry. Who says that this strategy doesn't work to start house clubs? Silliness just silliness to think that this strategy does not work!! That afternoon I had the opportunity to head to a new area that was just started working in and it was neat to meet some new people. Js went with us that afternoon and showed me a field that is full of kids. We talked to the kids to see if they would be interested in working with me and hearing HIS Words, they said yes and now we just have to clear it with Brian. "A" wants to go with me to share HIS stories with the youth on Thursday mornings after one house club and are going to talk to Brian tomorrow about the idea to see what he says.

Friday, I had a great morning with HIM. I have been listening to some services from FlatIrons and really being challenged in lots of areas. Not to mention, HE gave me more of a peace about this 2 year extension and what it could look like. I am still not sure but am going to ask for the details, so that I can pry more specifically. That evening, Jota came over to prepare for the Truth Project study with me and we had a great night of pryr about lots of different things that are going on.

Saturday, we finished up the tournament in NM and it went fabulous! PRAISE HIM!! We have not had the celebration but I worked with another group of the older guys and to hear them retell all three stories from our self control theme was incredible!! I was really impressed! And they really have been trying to practice self control and it shows! Now I am desperately on my knees asking for their salvation!! Join me! Villa Estrella went great as Ruth and I taught the smaller ones how to play volleyball! They were too cute and ended up actually playing really well! They also surprised me and were able to tell us each of the stories from the self control theme! HIS Words are powerful and are definitely changing their lives!

Saturday night, I began to feel awful and I mean awful. I had the chance to talk to you on Saturday for awhile and I think about 20 minutes after we hung up I got really sick. High fever, diarrhea, head ache, and body aches. And they lasted all day Sunday (which of course robbed me of my opportunity to go out to Arjona...yes and I only have 10 times more!!) and robbed me of any activity today. Today the fever finally left at like 12 but I have had this migraine all day that has prevented me from doing anything except lay in the dark with my eyes closed. Right now as I type this, I am still not feeling well but better than before. The youth are here watching the truth project with Jota and I am asking that HE use it to challenge them in a powerful way. We shall see what they discuss tonight! And if I wake up feeling better tomorrow and can actually do something! It was a good week and I am excited to see what HE does this week!

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