Just a little highlights of what HE has been doing over the past 3 weeks since my last post...one day I will be better at this updating thing each week.

Well, since we last spoke I have been to Palenque for two weeks and Cali, Colombia for a week. Things in Palenque are going...it is a very tough atmosphere and the people's hearts are hard. But HE is forming HIS Team in Palenque and in Cartagena, so I praise HIM for HIS Faithfulness!

My first week in Palenque, I spent a lot of my time meeting and pryng with the women who live in the house with me S, H, and N. I went out every AM pryr walking and asking for His guidance for where to go, what to do, what to pry, and how to love these people. In the afternoons, I would meet with youth, women, play soccer, sit with the people and watch them in the plaza or spend time in His Word. In the evenings, I taught youth, women, and spent time with the local women of the night. We had one meeting with our team and on of the Palenqueros told me that I should be careful who I spend time with because the "women of the night" were not believers. It was good that HE allowed me to see just how the legalism of this unhealthy club had taught their people that they should not associate with the people of the village who were not believers. I used this time to teach the group on the reason why we are in the village - it was definitely a DAD-moment!

The next week I had the privilege to go to Cali, Colombia to be apart of a week long intensive seminary course on storying HIS Words with some local M's and students. It was a great time of being around  other M's, 2 of my favorite nationals who had left Cartagena to go and study at the seminary, and to spend time pryng/teaching/etc with the local students. It was during this week that HE gave me a glimpse of what my future might look like. 

You know most days I walk around and live my day without being able to see anything that is front of me...because all I can see is HIM. It is so great and I know WHO holds my future and so I just live each moment for what it is...another opportunity to give HIM praise and glory! But while I was on this campus, ministering to these students, listening to them, challenging them with HIS Word, and just loving on them - HE opened up this cloud that is forever in front of me and showed me something amazing. While I was on this campus, I felt a peace in my spirit that I have not felt in a long time. I felt useful for HIS Kingdom. I felt challenged to listen to HIS Spirit as I share HIS Truths with these students coming to me for advice. It was in this moment that HE asked me if I would be okay if this was what HE was preparing me for.

To catch some of you up, my passion has always been to take the gospel to those who have never heard. To love on people who have never experience HIS LOVE and share HIS Truths with them. I have always wanted to be on the front lines of ministry and this is a DAD-given passion. But somewhere along the way, I had let this passion get tainted with my flesh and pride. I wanted to be the one to see when HE opens their hearts and they get HIM for the very first time. HE asked me if I would be just as happy and willing to love on, mobilize, teach, and disciple others to do that job. Not loosing my passion for the gospel message and still allowing it to penetrate every single thing I do day in and day out, but allowing HIM to alter my mission field. 

So, I am pryng through this and excited about the possibilities HE has for me in student ministry and this work of preparing people to be sent out to those who have never heard. I am so excited about this vision that HE gave me right before HE closed the cloud again and now I cannot see anything in front of me. Please join me as I pry for how HE will use me and use this time now to prepare me for what HE has for me. I know that without a shadow of a doubt, that I will need to know HIS Word like never before. HE revealed that to me through several questions of students and professors at the seminary and HE gave me HIS Answers but I need to know more! So I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to take seminary classes and learn more about HIS Words and better prepare me for this amazing adventure I am on with HIM.

And now I just got back from one of the hardest weeks that I have ever had. I spent the week in Palenque but I have not felt that attacked and beat up in a long time. The week started on Monday with problem and obstacle after another until I finally get to Palenque late Monday night. Just a few of the problems - car stops working, headlights go out on a dark dirt road, Eric is in a moto accident and they don't have a van to take him to the hospital, S and N are delayed with paperwork they need, and a voice telling me that I am not wanted and to get out. When I got to Palenque, I felt so completely beaten and exhausted that I typed some of my pryr warriors an email asking them to pry hard this week and they did not receive it (for whatever reason) until yesterday! And when we read the verses reminding us that our war is not against each other but against forces of darkness - we are so quick to think that Paul was out of his mind for writing that!

I am back now with a heavy heart and lots of things going through my head. I have taken today and tomorrow to rest in HIM and seek HIS Face. There are a lot of things I need HIM to process with me and reveal HIS Will for me and this work in Palenque. One of the things that I know I have to have is a stronger pryr support team. I will have to do a better job communicating specific requests to this team and be more diligent in asking for pryr in covering me each and everyday that I am out in the village. 

Please accompany me in this pryr as I seek HIS Face these next two days. If any of you who read this want to be apart of this work in pryr, please email or respond to this and I will add you to my pryr warriors. This can be daily, weekly, monthly - anything helps but be prepared to also receive attacks because this war we are in is very real! We are not welcome in this village because we stand for something that is different than anything that they have ever known. But how exciting to see what HE is going to do amongst these people and that one day we will be face to face with HIM hearing songs and pryrs in Palenquero because HE desires to have these people at HIS Feet worshipping HIM!! Oh what a day that will be!!

6/1/2012 12:43:22 am

My love...

You know I am and always will be prying! Larry and I literally take you and your ministry to the Father daily. I know we get emails late, but the HS is constantly interceding in the midst of the trials. You are a great and faithful warrior and He will only continue to strengthen you and your work there as you get through day by day. I read Psalm 136 today and thought of you my friend...promises of blessings, and literally warriors being handed over by the faith of the chosen people. We go back and forth on our commitments, and our strength of conviction...but our Savior is always faithful and ready to hand us our victory. Love you!!!! praying always!


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