I had an amazing week with Stacey and Laura. It was exactly what I needed. They arrived Saturday afternoon and because I had a stomach virus we did not go to Crepes and Waffles. We went for a walk on the beach and began our time of catching up on each other’s lives and what He has been doing for the past several months. I took them to get some street food and we just continued our catching up all night.

Sunday, I took them to the farm so that they could see everyone, enjoy club in English, and because I missed Buddy’s birthday from the day before and he specifically asked for me to be with at his party. It was an amazing day of worship. There is just something about worshipping the Creator in the midst of His creation and with a view that is breathtaking. He is Worthy to be praised and so much more! After the service, we caught up with everyone and then headed down to the Riffle’s to celebrate Buddy and eat some lunch. I just love their new house. It is such a blessing from Him and once again a reminder of His Faithfulness and Love for His children. The view is once again breathtaking and its walls are covered with Scripture. I praise Him everyday for this family and how they have taken me in as one of them. We sat, ate, talked, played, and were just a family all afternoon. It was nice for Stacey and Laura to catch up with Stacy and Mike and hear about the ministry. The highlight of this day would have to be when the youngest, Alexander called me Tia (aunt). I don’t think anyone prompted him to say it, which means so much more. I would ask him what my name was and he would say, “Ruth.” I would get mad and he thought that was funny and so it continued. Until one time he wanted my attention but wasn’t saying my name, he was calling me Tia! And now it is stuck!!

That night Stacy came back with us to relax and get away for a little while from the farm. The four of us went out to eat and just had some more amazing conversations centered on Him. We came back home and watched the first of many documentaries…that Stacey would soon to regret and write a song about!

The next morning, all four of us slept in…even Brody! We woke up, had breakfast together, quite time with Him, and then listened to a sermon on dating. Eric shows up at the house, eats lunch, and then picks up his moto and heads to the farm. We go to eat some lunch at the mall and spend more time just enjoying time together. While we were eating, I got a phone call from Susie saying that there is a pm group in Palenque and it is not safe for us to be there. I cannot tell you how my heart sunk into my stomach when I heard this news. We had some great things planned for our time together and I really wanted the girls to see first hand what He has been doing. I gave the girls the news and we pryd to seek His Will for the rest of our time together since we would have 2.5 days free now. We finished the night watching yet another documentary and discussed what it said and how we were challenged by it.

Tuesday morning, we woke up earlier, ate breakfast, had a quiet time, and the Riffle family came over to swim. We had a great time with them and the Paul’s in the pool for the morning. We leave with the Riffle’s to go eat some lunch with them and end up talking the day away in the mall. We get ready to leave and realize that it is nighttime and we have just spent the day talking and laughing. Wednesday was more of the same…time spent alone with Him, time spent together talking about Him, time eating, time playing, etc. We spent the AM with Darlys just doing what girls do best; get their nails done and talk about everything. That afternoon, we went shopping for gifts for the girls to take back to their friends and family. We ended the night, listening to another sermon and packing up bags of stuff that I was sending home with them.

Thursday, I spent some time working on seminary class work while the girls watched another documentary. We went to Centro one last time to eat lunch, get coffee, and shop. I was sad that I was leaving because it had been so nice to have friends around to love on, laugh with, talk about His Words, and just be an American. That afternoon one of the strangest things happened, they put me on a plane to Medellin. I said goodbye to my friends and they headed back to the apt to hang out for the night while I headed to begin working with a volunteer team in Medellin.

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