I am still processing last week and honestly have not been able to write down what all we experienced. Tuesday, there was a revolt in the village. The governor of Cartagena came to the village on Saturday to see how the projects were coming along. He was shocked to see that the leaders had taken the money from the government but had not made many advances and no project was complete. When we arrived, the plaza was filled with the entire village. The two rival leader groups (the original leaders and the young revolutionaries) were meeting to talk through their differences and find out where all the money had gone. Only one group spoke and prevented the other to speak. This did not go over well and fights broke out -- and then one group running and shouting in one area while they other group fled to the other area. The village was in an uproar and full of hatred. It was difficult to breathe in the village as the atmosphere was extremely heavy. Our first 3 meetings, no one wanted to meet. We headed back to the house and began to pry. We left to meet with our last group, we found them in front of the TV but at least they wanted to talk...not about HIM but wanted to talk to us. We learned a lot Tuesday about Palenque and then Darlys began to be sick.

Wednesday, Darlys was extremely sick. I took care of her and she just rested Wednesday AM. I spent time in His Words, pryd, and worshipped Him. After lunch, we met with Krstn and Dncl. They were in crisis in a bad way. There was so much hate everywhere we looked. We spoke Truth to them and ended our talk on the sacrifice of Chrst. Then we headed into a marriage counseling session -- I praise HIM that HE has given me a passion for marriages and I have studied what HIS Words say about marriage. I spoke Truth in love to them, we pryd over them, and left them with homework. Darlys needed to lay back down and so we went back to the house. I met with another couple at the house and then we had the youth group that night. Right as we were about to meet, a huge storm came in and so it was 6 of us but HE was glorified as we worshipped, study His Truth, and pryd over the village.

Thursday, Darlys felt horrible and was ready to go home. We pryd over her, gave her some medicine, and waited for her to stop throwing up. We decided to have the women's group that morning and man, I needed it. My thoughts were being attacked the entire time we were there...feelings of worthlessness, frustration, etc had creeped in. We met with the group of women...I told the story of Hagar...and we talked about El Roi. It was incredible to watch HIM move in their lives and open their eyes to HIM as The Dad Who sees! WOW...HE IS SO GOOD! It was a sweet time studying His Words, pryng together, and sharing. HE revealed to them that they need to be discipled and asked us to do it!! YES...thank you Jss!! We will hopefully begin next week. I have asked Darlys to disciple one by herself, I will do one by myself and we will disciple another one together. I am excited to see how HE uses this time with these women to strengthen them and sharpen them as instruments of His Righteousness. After lunch, Darlys felt horrible and so she laid down again. I told her I would go get the car and we would leave but she was not feeling well enough to leave. So, HE gave us some time for her to rest and HE sent a young lady to our house to speak Truth and share His love with her. She too asked if we could meet with her on a regular basis. After our meeting with her, I went to explain to the 3 other groups that we would not be meeting today, give them homework to meet together and discuss, and that we would meet next week. We headed back. Darlys rested and I just processed what all I had seen and experienced.

The rest of the week is blurry. I will have to write more once I have processed it. Friday and Saturday were very hard days for me spiritually. HE was victorious but I definitely have some battle wounds that I am allowing HIM to heal and strengthen me through His Words. I will write more later....

6/14/2013 12:12:38 am

Thank you for sharing some hard truths - we WILL be under attack when we serve Him. Always know you are lifted as are your people as they struggle to deal with new truths and let go of the old beliefs that are definitely not going away w/out a fight. I love you and am so very thankful for your continued service in spite of the obstacles you continue to meet. May you find refreshment, restoration, and rest in His arms.


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