So obviously you can tell that I have yet to post anything in a month and I am sure you are ready to disown me as your daughter and friend! I do not know what my problem is...well, yes I do and I believe you do as well! I mean HE is doing so much here because HE is The Creator and is concerned for His Glory! Yet as I face week after week of not being allowed to go to my people, I have become discouraged...a little depressed...and feel like I am letting people down that I have asked to join me in this journey. A journey that I believed was to take HIS Truth to a people who have never heard...and has turned out to be nothing like I thought.

HE has once again reminded me that this journey has nothing to do with these people but everything to do with His Glory. HE has called me out in the fact I may say that HE is sufficient but I have not been living like that. The feelings that I was feeling were a clear reflection that I may express verbally that HE is All-Sufficient, that His Word was All Powerful...but my actions were showing something different.

So, forgive me once again for my disobedience in not sharing my day to day with you. Forgive me that I actually thought you would be disappointed in me because I have yet been allowed to go to P. I have been studying anything I can get my hands on that will help me understand these people. I have been out in this city talking to all P's that I can about HIS Truths and their culture. And I have spent hours and hours on my knees, pleading for the salvation of these people! This is where I am...behind My Father...waiting on HIM to move...and living my days in obedience wherever HE commands me to go.

This past week has been really all about HIM carrying me out of this thinking and HIM loving on me through time with HIM, with friends, and experiencing a freedom that comes when certain obstacles are removed! I will start with my return here and work towards getting us caught up to today...

When I arrived back after an amazing time at home with my family and friends, that day began the annual meeting of all the local Baptist clubs here in Cartagena. I found myself spending the next 5 days talking to leaders from all over about P and missions. HE opened up doors right and left for me to share my passion for missions and these people. I listened to, pryd with, and used HIS Words to challenge each leader to live in radical obedience to His Call on our lives and lead their clubs to do the same. It was an exhausting 5 days but exciting to watch each leader "get it" and wake up and be passionate about the reason why they were placed on this earth.

Next another M came to spend a couple of days with us and it was absolutely an incredible time for me! As you know I have become less than thrilled with some aspects of this company, but listening to, watching, pryng with and talking to this M refreshed me to see that leadership has not been completely consumed by political aspects and lost sight of the true reason we are here. This M truly loves HIM and only wants to see HIS Name glorified here on matter what that looks like and what has to change! He gave me approval to go to P for a week to see with my own eyes what is going on out in things I had been lead to believe and things that are did not quite match up. He also gave me the freedom to seek HIS Will for where HE wants me and obediently wait on HIM. He reassured me that where and the what HE reveals to me, will happen. WOW...praise HIM for HIS Faithfulness and this man of HIM!!

This M really listened to me and my heart. He took what I said and HE opened doors through this man's obedience! Please join me in pryng for this M (ML) and his wife (CL) as they lead the work amongst the unreached people in the america region!

Miraculously, the leader of a local club in P (whom I have begged to meet with) was available to meet with us to discuss what is really going on in P. After speaking to him, there are even more questions in my mind and doubts that these people are really unreached. Both this leader and a P told us that the P people have no excuse for not accepting The Truth. This leader has been out there for 18 years and really does need help. He invited us to visit his club. I expressed my desire to go out and stay in P for a week and asked his opinion. He offered me a house to stay in while I was out there and said it would be great for me to go. We left the meeting feeling good and with plans to visit the next Sunday.

I started a study with the youth from the sports team. Eric gave me some booklets from a secret church session called who is Dad. We began this study with the youth on Saturdays and Tuesdays. It has been so cool to watch HIM reveal new Truths to them through this in-depth study of HIS Word. Remember I told you that HE reminded me that HIS Word is All Powerful and the ONLY thing that people need. HE is showing Himself faithful and connecting things in their hearts and challenging them to think for a change. Please pry on Tuesdays and Saturdays that they will continue to be faithful to this study of His Word and Who He is and that HE will refine them through this study.

I have been assisting the other M's here on Thursdays in their work in Arjona. It has been interesting to watch the local leaders come into their own and begin to listen to HIS Voice and no the voice/ideas of the M. I praise HIM for their dedication and passion to take HIS Words to these people. Please continue to pry for these leaders as they seek His Will for their work and make changes that have needed to be made for awhile! It is exciting to watch HIM completely change these leaders and place their dependence in HIM and HIM only!! A miracle that I did not know if I would ever see because of the dependence I have seen for so long in the local M.

HE has granted me the opportunity to spend some quality time with my best friend and united us through study of HIS Word. It was nice to be able to go get coffee with someone, take a road trip to another city, play games with, read HIS word with, to experience new things with and enjoy a lazy day at the beach with someone! I have definitely missed that and am thankful that HE allowed me to spend just a few short weeks doing things that I have missed! It was a wonderfully refreshing time for me!

HE has used me in a different way to minister to my new friends at the farm. Whether it is just taking the kids off their hands for half a day, listening to them, pryng with them, laughing with/at them, or allowing them to come and rest at my home, HE has really allowed me to serve them and ultimately glorify HIS Name! I have really been blessed by these new relationships and can only pry that HE has used me to bless them as well. Please continue to pry for them as they are tired, feeling like they are in a stand still but seeking HIS glory and will each day. Praise HIM that HE has provided funds for the kids to go to school this semester. This will take a huge load off of the adults and allow them to focus on their relationship with HIM, sharing HIS Truths in their community, and move forward with various projects on the farm. Pry for the kids as they start school, some in another language and others for the first time in years...that HE will use this opportunity to bring HIMself glory and that they will take advantage of the blessing that they have received!

So here I I did not go to the farm today because Brody has been very sick. He had another episode last night and I had to take him to the hospital at 2am. He is doing better now and just resting...I think my house has turned into the rest home. My Aunt Una always called her home the rest home and would allow me to go to her house to just rest/sleep/pry whatever and I think I have carried on her tradition. I have seen many a people and now my little pup rest in HIM here...and I am so thankful for the blessing that is this apt. 

I did not go to P this past Sunday but am waiting to hear back from the leader to see if I can take my team out there this Sunday to meet with their leaders and pry with them. Please be in pryr that I will be allowed to use a vehicle, that we will be allowed to go to P, and that HE will reveal things to us through His Spirit. Hopefully after this Sunday, I will know when I will be heading out there to live for a week and will be sure to let everyone know so that they can pry

Thank you once again for allowing me to live here and serve here! Thank you for your sacrificial giving to Lottie and pryrs on my behalf. And thank you for understanding and being patient as I get my act together to let you know all about what HE is doing here!

My pryr today for you and for me...John 3:30: "HE must increase but I must decrease." May that be our goal today and make much of HIM!

5/31/2012 05:48:13 pm

THX for info

9/27/2012 03:08:06 am

THX for info


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