The theme of my week: Canceled plans and unexpected blessings! 

We start out with a meeting that gives me permission to go to Palenque for a couple of days; something HE put on my heart. Followed by a meeting with my fellow team mates to pry for each of them specifically and for the work that HE is doing...all planned and all completed. And now we start watching HIM bless me in supernatural ways! The young girls that I am discipling canceled on me for our afternoon session which opened up more time for me to be on my knees and preparing for this time in Palenque.

Wednesday was to be the start of another women's study to kick off their celebration of women...canceled! So, I am invited by the Paul's to go to Barranquilla for a little day of America! Blessed by HIS Generosity to me and how HE constantly provides for me in ways I do not deserve! I did not deserve to eat a biscuit and nuggets from KFC but HE gave me permission...DELISH! I did not deserve to be able to love on three precious girls and share scripture with them during the day...INCREDIBLE! I did not deserve to be able to go to Price Smart (the South American equivalent of Sam's/Costo) and feel as though I was in my own country...and purchase several treats while I was there...SPEECHLESS! I did not deserve to be able to have some great conversation and time of pryr with the adults during our trip there and back...PRAISE HIM! I did not deserve to be included in part of a family when I have been really missing mine...PERFECT TIMING!

Wednesday night I get a call telling me that three people have been kidnapped from Palenque and it was not safe for me to head out there. I stay at home pryng and waiting to hear the report from Palenque. The Riffle's from the farm/orphanage come to stay with me for awhile to allow their children's legs and arms to heal from the infections and bites. I spend the day just loving on them and the Paul's...allowing the adults to breath and spend some time with HIM. (The Riffle's have 5 children under the age of 7...that is why I used the word breath there...the air quality here is just fine, no worries!) It was an amazing day just listening to what HE has been doing in their lives, in the kid's lives, in their club, and how HE is moving in powerful ways! I love Stacy and Mike...their humble servant hearts are so brings me to my knees in praise for another family who includes me when I am so far from my family!

Friday, still not able to go to Palenque because there are guerillas present in the village and the entrance has been blocked off. I embrace another day of HIM telling me to love on this family in whatever way that they will let me! HE IS SO AMAZING! HE provides a time for the adults to get together and enjoy a homemade apple pie with ice cream (thanks Ruth!!) and time of just enjoying each other's company...playing cards, laughing, and sharing! 

Saturday, the youth canceled the discipleship study...I was going to help another M with a group of youth gang members she has found but someone died in the neighborhood and we were not able to go out...I was going to start teaching on club planting to a club which was also canceled! Another day of loving on this family and sweet sweet time sharing and pryng with Stacy. Listening to her beautiful heart, reading HIS Powerful Words together, and loving on these precious children! Each moment that I am able to help them have time alone together, alone with HIM, or together to work on paperwork for the orphanage was a way HE allowed me to serve the way HE planned for my day. That evening, I had the privilege of listening to Brdgt (a non-believer who lives here in my apt complex who has been asking lots of questions.) She was let go from her work and while she is prone to depression and her family situation is anything but desirable! She opened up to share all of this with me and I started weeping when the words from her mouth at the end of all of this is like you always say Kendall, HE is in control of everything and everything HE does for a purpose. Who knows, HE might have taken me out of this position to allow me to have more time to understand what it is that you believe and go work with you occasionally!! WOooHOooo...thank you JSS for an answered pryr in this woman's life! A woman with a heart of stone, so consumed with her material wealth and status in the community...allowing the thought of MY DAD to enter into her thoughts during this difficult time! WOW...please join me in pryr as HE opens up times for me to continue to share HIS Truths with her! Pry that HE will open her heart to receive HIM and free her from these other idols that she has worshipped for so long who have done nothing but bring hurt to her!

Sunday, club was great...had two meetings afterwards to make more plans for more teaching and work with the Palenque people here in Cartagena. I am watching HIM form a team that desires to serve HIM to reach the Palenqueros and we will start here in Cartagena. Through a deeper study in Acts, HE will prepare them to evangelize, love, disciple, and see the many neighborhoods of Palenqueros reached here! That afternoon, the YWAM M Susie, who was still in Cartagena waiting to be given permission to go back to Palenque, she came over to rest. Once again, my Aunt Una would be proud as I am carrying on her tradition for now 8 people to rest here in this apt that HE has blessed me with in Cartagena! We had a great afternoon of sharing, pryng, and laughing together! HE has united both of us in many aspects of the work in Palenque and we praise HIM for HIS Confirmation through HIS Words to both of us!

One lesson HE was teaching both of us (me in Acts and Susie in Isaiah) was the importance of worshipping. We both love singing, playing, and worshiping HIM through songs and Psalms. HE showed both of us how we had neglected this aspect of our worship of HIM.  So that evening, The Riffle's, The Paul's and I had a UTube worship time! You talk about incredible! It was so refreshing to feel HIS Presence fall on us as we sang out to HIM! Everyone of us from the little Alexander (1 yr old) to the adults, singing to HIM in awe of HIS love and grace! We continued that time as the adults had another time together just playing, laughing, and sharing! What a Spirit saturated day! It is so incredible to watch HIM glorify HIMSELF through us!

Monday, I had a meeting...time working on reports...and HE then gave me permission to go to a movie! HE also gave Stacy and Ruth the same privilege! So the three of us girls (no children, no husbands, no dogs) left the guys in charge and went to see a movie, eat dinner, and get groceries (I mean, they are two moms with 9 children together!!) HE ordained another time of sharing, pryng, and an opportunity to talk about something HE had placed on my heart for some time. We are going to start studying HIS WORDS together as women once a week...something that I have needed and desired for some time. I had been waiting on HIM to open up the door for this opportunity of iron sharpening iron amongst 4 daughters of The King! I am so excited to see where HE takes us and what I learn from these amazing women of HIM! 

As we were coming home last night, I could not help but smile as all of us had almost forgotten that we were in Colombia and not in America! But here we are, three women from three completely different regions of America united through A HUGE DAD! I praise HIM for these women and how HE chose to bring all of us here for such a time as this! Please join me in pryr as HE grows us into the women HE created for us and that HE will unite in freedom to share and be transparent...all for HIS glory! HE knows what we need and freely and abundantly gives it to us in HIS perfect timing!

My times with HIM have been so rich and full this week! Even though there are 7 other people in my house, HE has guarded my time with HIM so that HE can fill me to be poured out in whatever HE puts on my to do list! Who knows what HE has ordered for me to do today...but I am ready! HE has carried me out of time of worthlessness and feelings of defeat! A week of cancelations might have brought me frustration in the past but HE has completely changed that! HE has killed that part of Kendall and brought me complete peace and joy in knowing HE is in control of everything and I MUST trust HIM in everything! HE will do what HE wants to and all I have to do is obediently following and glorify HIS Name!

How was your week? How is your day going? What has HE blessed you with today? You MUST share that with others so that they can join alongside of you in praising HIS HOLY and PRECIOUS NAME! Thank you for walking alongside of me in this journey and worshipping HIM as HE shows just how sovereign and powerful HE IS! Thanks for reading...for pryng...and for loving me

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