So last week was busy and rainy! It is definitely rainy season but my pale white skin has not seen the sun in days...they no longer think I am from Bogota and know I am an American! And with the rain makes it more difficult to get out to work and work with our kids.

The rain did not bother me too much this past week as it took away all excuses that I could have come up with and made me use all of my time to get ready for the trip to the Guajira. I spent most everyday in His Word, on my knees, looking for ideas, talking them out with Jota, and then back in the Word. It was a good week but the enemy tried to destroy and distract me...who knew?

I think it was Thursday...I could not think in Spanish, not make any sense in Spanish, nor understand Jota in Spanish! I knew I was doomed when we went to the Guajira because they don't all speak Spanish! UGH!! But HE spoke to me through HIS Words and reassured me that they were HIS WORDS that HE would place in my mouth and so I calmed down and just rested in HIM!

So we get up early on Friday to all pile into the trucks for our 7 hour journey. I seriously wish that Lottie would release a little more money for some padding in the seats of our vehicles as they are not comfortable after 1 hour! We stopped and ate lunch right outside a huge National park where we were able to play/wade in a part of a river. It was absolutely gorgeous! Mountains all around us and us playing in this small river.

We arrived Friday afternoon/evening and were told that they had no water there for us to drink and minimal to bathe. When we arrived, Jota and I did not see many youth at all and were a little disappointed. So we did not do True Love Waits and just ended up leading a group of story telling with the adults. That night we listened to a presentation from each club represented and they danced/sang in their language. It was neat!

We spent the 4 days on the reservation with them and stayed in little mud houses just like they do! And let me tell you it was hot and dirty!! During that first night, I thought I would not make it all 4 days here without a fan, clean feet, and the thousands of mosquitos that I fed during the weekend! I am glad I legs and feet not so much but I am definitely glad we spent the night there! It gave us more time with the people!

Saturday, Jota and I had about 30 youth that showed up out of nowhere to meet with us. We taught them how to use sports, music, and drama to evangelize. And in the afternoon, we had the opportunity to model the strategy to them and also give them a chance to practice with the kids that were on the reservation. It was so great to see the girls act out the story of Zacheus and they actually climbed a tree! They were too funny! That afternoon they invited Jota and I to go swimming with them in a river that was anything but clean! It was a lot of fun to play and just hang out with them!

Each night we had a different service and cultural show. It was so neat to learn about their culture and see how they worship! I have really never seen a better example of the new testament church in all my life. When they read Paul's description, they did not just read it for a general outline for out to do club. They took every word as truth and the ONLY way to do club. I wish we in America would do the same!

Sunday, Jota and I had about 35 youth to teach them True Love Waits. We were unable to finish the material because of the time limits we had and then scheduled to finish it in the afternoon but rain game and people had to leave. One thing lead to another and we had a small group late in the night that we taught some of it to...which lead into a great time of them sharing their lives with us! It was such a blessing to hear their stories and to pry with them!

And then we headed back on Monday, but there were problems with the truck and so we stayed on the reservation for another 3 hours. Which gave us another 3 hours to pour into the people and love on them and took away the opportunity for us to go to the waterfalls in Santa Marta to swim and play! But I would not have traded that extra time with them for the world!

On Tuesday it was pouring rain but Brian and I went out to Arjona. The people were shocked when they saw us and it was such a difference in them and the people I had just spent the weekend with. Here I am in their homes with the WORD, and they are telling me to wait for this or for that and not showing up! And the indigenous would travel 4 hours on their bikes to hear the Word! It was a tough beginning but HE definitely blessed our obedience to go out in the storms that we had!

It was a good week of work, doing reports, and catching up on things! We are heading into the week of festivals, the parade of Miss Colombia, and basic Carnival! So please be in pryr for our safety and discernment as we make decisions to work or not to work. Last weekend there were 41 recorded fights that the police had to break up and 5 people died...for no reason...just fights because this is the time to go crazy! Not sure what this week will look like for me but I will be sure to keep you posted!

I love you MOM! Talk to you soon!

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