Monday was a day full of checking off my to do list and trying to organize my schedule so that I can give 100% to every aspect of my life right now. I did everything from grocery shopping, getting the vehicle fixed, paying bills, filling out reports for work, updating my website, working on papers and reading books for school, and of course discipling some of the youth in Cartagena. It was a busy day but I pry that HE was glorified in all of it.

Tuesday, I head out to Palenque sola because Darlys had some work to do for her university and she did not finish the projects over the weekend. I arrive, unpack, eat some lunch, and then head over to Ddr’s house for some time in His Word together. She is the co-pastor’s wife of the local club and asked me to come and teach her how to study His Word. I sat and listened to her tell of how she met HIM, how she fell in love, and what her life has been like since that day. It was so refreshing to my soul to hear a true salvation story and not just some fluff that I have been use to hearing here. She has a deep desire to fall deeper in love with Him and so we decided to do the study “Restore My Heart.” This is the study that compares our love life with Chrst to the Jewish wedding. It was neat to watch Him reveal different aspects of how she learns, what impacts her where she is from a worldview standpoint, and where He desires to take her. When we finished the study, I told her that the objective was for her to learn this material so that she could teach other women in the club this information. She was so excited about the fact that she could teach other women and we even brainstormed about starting with a group of young girls from the club and teach it together. Who knows what HE has planned! She is excited and I love that! The pastor of the local club was in the village and came to Ddr’s house. It was good to hear from him and encourage him. In our conversation, he asked if I would be willing to teach like a women’s seminary course – basically a weekend retreat for the women of the club and village. He said that the women of the village had asked for something like this and asked if I would do it and they would provide all the materials and the place for the retreat! Man, HE is opening doors right and left!!

I leave Ddr’s house to run home, use the restroom, and head to Nz’s  for more time to study His Words. I arrive at Nz’s house and she is not there – so I head back home and Jynr meets me at the gate. He comes in, I listen to his what is going on in his life, and he too asks me if I will teach Him how to study His Word. WHAT? These people are coming out from everywhere to ask me to teach them His Word…of course I will. So we set up a time on Wednesday and I head back out to see if Nz is home. Sure enough she is and the house is full of people. I just sit and watch this culture in action. Her neighbor had died and they began the 9-day celebration that is typical for their culture. I asked lots of questions to lots of people that were coming in and out of the house. HE brought so many people to me and they were very honest with their answers. It was neat to watch Him work as when I ask the question why they do what they do, none of them could give me a reason. When I asked them if they thought it was important to know the reasons behind what you do, some blew me off and others sat and pondered my question. Who knows what HE will do in them but I pry for their salvation. Finally Nz calms down, shares me about her life, and then we shut the front door (a huge no no in the Palenquero culture because it is considered rude when you are in the house) but she did not want any distractions as we began to study His Words. It was neat to watch the HS unfold His Truths to her in a new way and listening to her repeat His Truths over and over; each time coming closer to a true understanding of what HE was telling her brought joy in my heart!

We finish late; I did not go to my other engagement and head home to listen to Hrln. She has been very closed with me but tonight she shared so much with me and actually asked my opinion about several different things. HE had prepared me months before for these questions and the answers I gave her, were none other than His Words. We finished talking; I head to shower, and then try to go to sleep. The heat seems to be getting worse and worse…to the point that even the Palenqueros are complaining about how hot it is!

Wednesday AM comes way to early for me as I am not feeling well (sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, headache, and slight fever) and really did not sleep due to a party going on all night and the heat. Brody and I head out for our morning job, which turned into a walk as my head was killing me and I was physically exhausted. I felt like I had been beaten up all night and had 10lb weights on my eyelids. Hrln did not want to have a morning devo because she had lots of work to do, so I spent some extra time on my knees with My Saviour. I get ready to go to meet up with Ktln, when she tells me that she is busy and cannot meet to study language, His Word, and visit some women. I just change directions and head to Krstn’s house, who is not there either. I ask HIM where He wants me and I head back home. HE gave me the AM to finish reading a book for my class and start on the paper that is due on Friday. I praise HIM for this time and the last 3 chapters of this book were exactly the same things HE has been teaching me in Romans 14 and 15 this week.

After lunch, I wait for Jynr to arrive to study and to help me set up for the movie we are showing tonight at the house. I wait for 2 hours and nothing…he doesn’t show. Not only does he not show, but also the power goes out and it is SO HOT. I try to study and work on my paper but this heat was too much. So, I head out to make a virtual pryr walk video that our affinity pry strategist asked me to make and send to Peru next week. As I was walking and pryng for His guidance, HE brought so many people that crossed my path and asked all sorts of questions. As I sat on the porch of one ladies house, her questions lead me to share the gospel message with her. She did not accept but invited me back to her house next week for some juice and more talks. After about 2 hours, I look down at poor Brody who is painting and exhausted and we head back to the house. I began to set up for the movie night and still have not seen Jynr. The youth begin to arrive and here comes Jynr – apologizing for not coming and we reschedule.

We had a good number of youth come to watch the movie. I showed “How To Save A  Life” and thought it would be good for all youth as it talks about all kinds of different struggles that all youth have. And as we are debriefing over the movie, I had a cultural experience that I never imagined in all my life. When I asked what impacted them the most from the movie, two girls began screaming and yelling about how horrible it was that they just gave their baby away. In this culture, girls at 12, 13, 14 years of age have children and it is a privilege. For them to think about giving their baby up for adoption is the worst thing in the world. It was something that I had not expected but HE showed me where their thinking is and how their culture has truly impacted them. It was quite a long day of cancelations but filled with His Blessings!

The heat only got worse on Thursday and it was seriously unbearable. In the AM, Hrln wanted to have the devotional together and through this devotional, she stated she wanted to study the book of Romans. I told her I would be glad to study it with her or at least give her a guide in how to study. She was interested and I praise HIM for this because she has been so cold and distant with me. Later Ktln arrived to pry and go and visit our women in the village. She shared with me that her drug addict brother had been beating on their mother and that their sister and her daughters were scared to stay in the same house. So the four girls have been sleeping on the floor at Ktln’s house and this AM, the drug addict brother left and no one knows where he is. He has left his mom all-alone, who is 79 years old and Ktln asked that we pry for her family and their situation. So I ask that you pry for the salvation of Ktln’s family and that HE will give her wisdom as she shines His Light and loves with His Love her sister and nieces who will be staying with her. We spent some time in pryr over a lot of different things. I love this woman and her heart for HIM. It is absolutely beautiful to sit and just listen to her pry with such passion and adoration for her Savior! We head out to visit two different groups of women and the first group was not around because several were sick or traveling. So we head up, in the HOT HOT HOT sun to the upper neighborhood and meet with the second group of women. It was a great time of sharing with each other and His Word. I pry that HE continue to unite us as we spend more and more time together and HE begins to form His body amongst them!

We come back to the house, drenched in sweat and I prepare some lunch for the two of us. We eat, the women leave for a sewing workshop they do in the afternoons, and HE gave me the opportunity to take a shower…a real shower…with water coming out of the wall and everything! The water had come and it was so amazing to finally feel a little bit of coolness! HE always gives us just what we need and then HE sent some clouds and a slight breeze (yep that is right, a breeze in Palenque) to cool the afternoon off. I spent a couple of hours working on a paper that is due on Friday for a seminary class and then began the blessings. First, Jynr came to the house for us to study His Word together. It was so neat to hear how the movie from the night before and this chapter in The Word had challenged him. He was very excited about the homework I gave him and actually enjoyed looking up other passages to help us understand what we were reading. I was very encouraged as he left with a smile and a huge hug of gratitude for helping him learn to study His Word. From there, Brody and I walk for about 30 minutes to get to the farm of the co-pastor’s house. We arrive late but the entire family was waiting for us. The time spent with them was nothing less than a blessing from HIM! It was so amazing to feel His Presence amongst us and watch their eyes light up as HE connected His Truths for them in their lives. They were so excited that I had come to teach them how to study His Word that they did not want me to leave but just to continue working. Unfortunately, I had to go to Ktln’s house to start a small group at her house. And that was yet another blessing!! There was Ktln and myself with 6 young people and her little son who is 6. I told the story of creation and challenged them with several different questions. It took them awhile as they were not quite so eager to hear His Words together but once they paid attention, you could see HIM working in their lives. It was really neat to be a part of it and watch HIM work all day today. By the end of the night, I was exhausted but went to the plazas to see the soccer games that were going on. I wanted to see one of the youth I have been working with play but he had already finished. We talked for a little bit and then I went home to pack and go to bed. This girl was tired but it was a good tired!

Friday morning during our devotional, Hrln shares with me that she would like to study more of Romans and asked if I would help her. PRAISE HIM!! She has been so closed to me and cold that I have just let her be and waited on Him! And like always, HE answers in His time and so we started to study the Word that morning and will continue next week! WooHooo! Ktln had asked me for a ride into Turbaco because she had to go to into Cartagena and it was a blessing to pry with her and encourage her more in The Word as we drove. We stopped, had a little breakfast at a bread store, and then I headed to the farm. I arrived and it was so silent. The Riffle’s had moved down into their home and all the kids were at school. It gave me some much-needed time to talk with Julie and hear her heart and just what HE had been teaching her. I had asked for this time as I was missing my friend and like HE always, does HE provided us some time together. The Paul’s arrive and the four of us study His Words together. I love these women and love that HE has brought us together. We came to the conclusion today that the reason that all four of us are here is because we did not learn what HE wanted to teach us in the US…so we surrendered a lot of ourselves to Him this morning. And HE answered another pryr of mine, as Ruth and I walked up to the house we found all the guys (YES ALL OF THEM) studying His Word together!! WooHooo…HE is so faithful! Ruth and I headed down to see the house and man, what a blessing. This house is incredible and such a gift to these laborers of His…who feel undeserving but I say they deserve it! We laughed, chatting about different things and just taking all of it in. Their house was finished; the next step for the foundation is about to happen; our pryrs are being answered!!

I left the farm early because I needed to get home and finish a paper and turn it in. I took the Paul girls home with me and once again the little squirt Ruthie brings up the fact that she wants me to be married. Oh what a blessing she is and I have tried to attach the picture she drew me just last week (Ruth says it was not prompted by her…but you never know with Ruth!) I get them in their house, come home and Susie is still at the house. We chat for awhile, pry with her, and then I head to finish my paper and other work for seminary.

Saturday was a busy morning and then that afternoon; the sports ministry team came over for the first of our studies together in Romans. It was a good time with each of them except the guy I told you about before. I really do not understand him except that he comes to each meeting with his own agenda and he speaks/preaches his own agenda even if it has nothing related to the actual topic we are discussing. He does not listen to others but is constantly planning what he will say next. And for some reason, likes to repeat me but incorrectly. Pry for Keepdris and what he is here for and what I need to learn from this situation. Pry for love for me for this kid because right now, he is just an annoyance and has several characteristics that drive me crazy! Oh what an ugly sinner I am…pry for me! That afternoon, I spent time with Luz Mercy listening to her talk about her life and what she is dealing with. He led me to offer to mentor/disciple her and she gladly accepted and we organized a time to do this. Pry for wisdom as I seek His face for what we should study, how I can help her, and that He will unite us as I walk alongside her in her relationship with Him. That evening, I started working on a virtual pryr walk video for our pryr leader in the affinity. And I don’t know why, but I could not think of anything and so I started to watch a class from seminary and the Internet went out and stayed out all night. I took advantage of the time and continued reading some reading for my classes and pryd for His vision for this video.

Sunday, I woke up after having the weirdest dream. I was married and my husband and I were at the doctor because I was pregnant (now you know why it was weird…married and pregnant…more like a nightmare, right? Just Kidding, Mom!!) The doctor tells us that we are having triplets. I really don’t think I can explain the feeling I had but I know that my husband and I didn’t talk the entire ride home. When we got home, I asked him if I could go for a walk…walk to Ruth’s house and we head down a dirt path walking. I tell her the news and she laughs. Thoughts of how do you feed three children with only two breasts? In a little while, I will not care how dirty my feet are from this dirt road because I will not be able to see my feet. And the ultimate was that I knew that HE would not stop at 3…that there would be more to come and I did not know what to do. I realized that this was a result of feeling like I have so much to do and not knowing how to do or where to start. So I spent some much needed time with Him early this morning…giving Him all my thoughts and things that needed to be done and asking Him to order my steps.

I really wanted to go to the farm this AM because one of the kids was going to be baptized but He told me to go to the club. I went obediently and HE blessed me beyond belief. You may not remember because it has been almost a year since HE gave me this vision/idea to teach the women how to be women and start my Titus 2 project with the purpose of teaching them how to be mentors and on mission for Him. Well, I have patiently waited and waited on the leaders of the youth and women to decide this was something that HE was telling us to do. Today, the leader of the women said we were starting the study in two weeks, every week for as long as He wants! PRAISE HIM!! Later another woman asked if I would help her every two weeks teach 10-13 year olds about missions during the sermon. PRAISE HIM!! And later one of the youth, asked if I would fill in for her teaching SS to the youth while she was away! PRAISE HIM! Now, I feel like my plate is full but I know these are all blessings from Him and I am excited to watch Him work in all of it!

That afternoon, I tried to work on the video and everything I did, I did not like. I was blocked and frustrated because I had so much to do but this video had to be done today because I had to send it to Peru with Brian the next day. I talked to Kerri, Jota, and to others trying to get some direction and then went for a run. I felt a peace and just rested in that when I returned. I spent all night long on that video…I do mean, all night without sleep. But I finished the video, got it to Brian, and then went to sleep.

I don’t know what He has planned for this week but I am excited to watch HIM work miracles again and open doors. I am asking Him to order my steps each day…please ask the same and that I will be able to complete all tasks that HE gives me to the glory of His Name!

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