I first have to say I am sorry for not updating this site since I have been home. There are lots of reasons why but I won't get into all of that and just updating you on what HE has been doing in my time at home.

HE has given me the opportunity to speak to several different clubs, small groups, and youth groups. It has been a blessing to watch HIM open up the doors for me to share what HE has been doing. And incredible to watch HIM speak through me and ignite a passion for missions in some clubs who had been a little complacent in their lives. I heard stories of HIM blessing congregations and meeting their needs financially! I heard stories of how HE constantly provided for the needs of HIS Children in HIS Supernatural ways! I have seen HIM change lives and stir hearts to be completely sold out and radical believers! And that was just in the small groups and HIS Clubs!

I have had the priveledge to spend some time with some amazing people while I have been home. I have been blessed to spend weekends with best friends, meet new little ones that were born while I was gone, and HE has given me new friendships that have absolutely been more than I could ask for! Not to mention, I have had the best time with my family! As many of you know, Kerri is getting married in November and we have really enjoyed spending our last moments as a family of four! Plus, I had the opportunity to throw my sister a bridal shower that was completely centered around HIM!

I have been a part of studies of HIS Word, profound and deep conversations about HIM, and opportunities to serve HIM alongside of my family and friends! HE has also shown me HIS Faithfulness but constantly placing people in my path to challenge me and even to use my spanish! I have seen HIS Sovereignty in ways that I never thought imaginable! HE is glorifying HIMSELF everyday here and I love being a part of it!

Just this past week, I was able to serve alongside of my sister and her fiance as we taught kids about Colombia in our club's VBS! It was neat to watch them get excited about being M's here in Franklin and challenging them to think outside of their little Williamson County bubble! I can't wait to see how HE shows HIMSELF faithful through the seeds that have been planted, watered and harvested during this intense week with HIM!

And of course, I have eaten some amazing food! But I must tell you that the passion that HE has placed in my heart for the people of Colombia, specifically Palenque, has grown stronger and stronger. I long to be there with my friends...walking alongside of them as they learn more and more about Our Savior and as they share HIM with those who have never heard! I am striving each day to live out Jim Elliot's quote, wherever you are; be all there. It is getting more and more difficult as I wait on HIM and HIS Timing to return. So please continue to pry for my medical clearance process and that I will look for ways to serve HIM here everyday!

I guess that is it for now. My sister is packing up her life and getting ready to move to Bogota to start teaching and soon to be a little wife! I should go and help her out some more...Until next time....

9/24/2012 12:00:16 am

Great info, thanks


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