"I appeal to you brothers, by the mercies of Dad, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to HIM, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of HIM, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Rom 12:1-2

A verse that most of us have memorized but if we are really honest, that is as far as it goes. Romans 12 is the beginning of Paul teaching the Romans how to apply the past 11 chapters of pure True Doctrine. It might be smart for us to allow these words to sink deep into our hearts and transform us.

Our Father expects us to be transformed people! I remember back in the day, there were these awesome toys to play with called transformers; one minute they were a tank and the next minute a large person/robot/thingy. I think I had a couple of hand me down transformers and loved them! And now that they have made several movies about them, they are making a comeback! The change from car to robot/person was obvious. No way to miss that transformation. His Word says, "Kendall, be different, have different values, joys, hopes, and dreams than the pattern of this world."

I wonder sometimes if other people would know that I am a Chrstn just by dealing with me? They should and I should really work at submitting myself to His Authority and allowing Him to transform me. I pry that today we are all transformed into more of His Likeness by the renewing of our minds and looking at things through His Eyes not our own eyes of flesh!

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