What category are you in? 

Are you still in Egypt? Like the children of Israel who spent over 400 years being enslaved by the Egyptians, suffering bitterly beneath burdens inflicted on them by their owners, helpless to save themselves, hopeless except for the fact that HE had promised Abraham that He would act to redeem His people. Are you living a life empty of Him? Are you living a life enslaved to the passions of the flesh, suffering under the burden of sin, helpless to save yourself?

Are you wandering in the wilderness? Like the children of Israel who were brought out of slavery and were redeemed but spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness plagued by the memories of the life in Egypt and desiring to return? Have you received the HS and all the fullness of Chrst but are ignoring His presence and struggle through your life as a Chrstn as though Chrst is not there? 

Are you in the Promise Land? Are you enjoying the land that is flowing with milk and honey? Life in the promise land is the enjoyment of Chrst's indwelling. It is Chrst Himself right now living His victorious life right now through me and you. He not only reconciles us to Gd by his death but He saves us moment by moment by His life by His grace. He not only died for what we have done but He rose again to live in you, to take the place of what you are. His strength for your weakness! His wisdom for your folly! His grace for your greed! His love for your lust! His peace for your problems! His joy for your sorrows! His plenty for your poverty! This is Cannan!! Are you reigning with Him in life right now? To reign by One, Jss Chrst, and to know joy unspeakable and full of glory, to know His peace that passeth all understanding, to know that every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon has been given to you, that you may be strong and of good courage, neither afraid or dismayed, in the knowledge that the lrd Your Gd is with you wherever you go.

He showed me that I was not living in Canaan each and every day. I was longing for Him in heaven and not enjoying Him here, now, in this very moment! Thank you Ian Thomas for shedding His Light on my sin.