I have been studying Romans for about a month now and HE has been revealing things to me right and left. Seriously, this book is intense and so full of so many doctrinal truths...if we will just take the time to sit and let His Spirit reveal them to us. I have so many things that I want to share with each of you but HE has lead me to write this summary of my time in Chapter 5. These are not all my own words as I am having difficulties expressing myself clearly in english, spanish, and palenquera these days. May HE bless you as you read these Truths...

When HE created the heavens and the earth, He created man in His Image. He created a man and a woman and told them they could eat freely of the fruit of any tree in the garden except of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He told them that the day that they ate of this fruit, that they would surely die.Have you heard this before? So what happens next...

Eve takes the fruit, eats, it and gives it to her husband. Adam takes the fruit and eats it as well. What just happened? In this one act, sin entered into the world and death through that sin. The very first man and woman went into exile as HE casts them out of the garden into the world to experience the consequences of their sin. But in His Nature, HE promised them a Seed Who would eventually defeat Satan, the serpent. HE provided a cover for their nakedness, by shedding the blood of an animal (the first sacrifice.)

In Romans 5, Paul takes us back to the Garden...to this first man, Adam and the first sin. We learn that because of this one single act, everyone would not encounter death. And Paul contrasts this one act with the one act of the Righteous One, Js who overturned what Adam did. HE is the promise seed that we read about in Genesis 3:15. That is right my friends, from Genesis to Revelation...it is all about HIM, this Promised Seed, this Righteous King, The One who defeats Satan. According to Hebrews 2:14-15 He died so that "through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives."

DID YOU READ THAT? Did you get that good news? PRAISE YOU JS for Your radical obedience of The Father!

Dad accomplished this great act of reconciliation as a gift to us! In GRACE, motivated by LOVE, and while we were yet sinners, HE sent HIS ONLY SON to die in our place that we might live!! "By Dad being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which HE loved us even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ, and raised us up by Him, and seated us with HIm in the heavenly places in Chrst Js, so that in the ages to come HE might show the surpassing riches of HIS GRACE in kindness towards us in Chrst Js!!!" ~Eph 2:4-7

Sin once reigned through death but those who receive the abundance of GRACE and the GIFT of righteousness will now reign in life through Js Chrst!! 

So what do we do now that we are justified by faith?We have peace with HIM...the war is over...we are no longer enemies - we are reconciled! And what do we have to look forward to? We can exult in the GLORY OF DAD!! We can also exult in tribulations because we know that tribulations brings about perseverance, and perseverance brings about proven character, and proven character brings about hope, and hope does not disappoint! We have the Hly Sprt! We have eternal life! We will reign!! Thanks be to HIm for His indescribable gift!!!

Now if these Truths don't lead you to HIS Throne in worship and adoration of what HE has done for us and WHO this GRACIOUS, LOVING DAD is...then get on your knees and ask the HS to reveal these Truths to you in a real way that you will be lead to share these Truths with everyone!!

You are a LIGHT in the darkness...SHINE HIS LIGHT!!

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