LOVE...Twru Lub...Lub is dwat bawrings us toogedaa today! Oh the Princess Bride, what a classic! And love, what a topic! Yes, at the ripe old age of 32, I am still learning what it means to love. I think I do okay with HIS command to love your neighbor like yourself somedays but depending on who is my neighbor in that moment and how full of myself I am, I really stink at loving! HE has been showing me this every single day in every single thing.  And what I have realized is that I really don't know what  loving people like HE loves me really looks like...I think I do...I say I do...I mean, isn't that why I am here?

Paul's words were very encouraging to me today as he pryd for this for the Thessalonians. 
"May the Lrd make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as our does for you. May HE strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of Our Dad." 1 Thess 3:12-13
This is what I am asking for today that HIS love would increase in me and overflow to each of you and everyone...yes everyone! I definitely need HIS love to increase and overflow more with different people than with others but I am realizing that this attitude of mine is wrong...dead wrong!

We are all covered by the same blood...HIS blood.  We are not covered by a little bit less or more than anyone else. None of us are better than anyone else. None of us deserve more than anyone else. We are all the same...nothing. We have all received the same command, love as I have loved you!

The words of Wesley are echoing in my ears right now.,As You Wish" when he is rolling down the hill! AAs you wish, DAD! So please lift me up as I learn to love everyone the way HE loves me. As I stop looking at others with frustration and the feeling of "are you serious", and start seeing them through HIS eyes of compassion and with feelings of "haven't you done the same or worse, Kendall". 

I wonder what the world would look like if you and I would just focus on this one command...Loving HIM with all of our heart, soul, and strength and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. There is a reason HE gave us this command and that Js labeled it the greatest commandment. I think it is time I start focusing on this commandment and let the rest take care of itself in light of my attitude of genuine love! As you wish, Father!!

4/14/2011 11:03:41 pm

I am praying for this as well....and am encouraged by your honesty. Thanks for this post. Love through it all has been what the Father has been teaching me for sure these past couple months.

oh....and LOVE you!!! :)

7/13/2012 03:54:07 pm

good post

9/28/2012 02:44:48 pm

THX for info


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