So I have so much to write, yet I cannot seem to clearly and eloquently express what HE has been teaching me and showing me these past two weeks. I am beginning to think that this blogging thing is not my forte but HE has placed it on my "To Do List" for I am apologizing now if it does not make sense and asking the Spirit to translate to each of you what HE had intended for your day today!

My overwhelming theme for the past two weeks is just how small and insignificant that I am. I think that I do a great job of convincing myself that I matter and have some sort of say in this day of mine and in this city/world I live in. And this week, I have been reminded of just Who it is that I serve and was created by and for what purpose. I can think that what I did today was all because of my preparations, planning, and prayers but HE has shown me that I need to stop thinking in my flesh and just continue listening to His Voice.

So just to help you understand how He has been teaching me this theme of my smallness, you first need to know what I have been reading, listening to, and doing. It all starts with the book of Romans...need I say more? I mean whenever you are feeling a little too full of yourself, just head on over and receive the smack down from Paul and realize just the sinner you are. Follow that with The Truth Project study I have been doing with Ruth each week. The truths HE has been showing me through this study have not only knocked me to my knees but also have started a process of re-examining every one of my thoughts, actions, and way we live. So if The Truth Project in english wasn't enough, HE provided a copy of it in Spanish which I have started with my youth. Can we say double whammy? Follow that by a blessing from Faith and her friends...the book "Radical" and the Louie sermon series. If you have never heard David Platt's sermon series or read this book, I seriously challenge you to stop reading my non-sense and start it today. (Except if you are part of my family because you never know what Santa had planned for your surprises this year!!) So at this point I am no longer on my knees, but face down on the floor weeping, repenting, praising, thinking about what HE part of the world have I allowed to taint My Saviour. And why not end it all with a great big bang, watch two of Louie's sermons on How Great is Our Dad and Indescribable. Who am I after trying to locate myself on a golf ball that sits on top of Everest? (If you haven't seen these sermons, then you have no idea what I am talking about...sorry about that!)

Add all of that to thoughts and searching His Words about ways to share Him and His stories with these people. What HE wants for me and how do I do what HE is showing me when I have been told that I cannot? And doing all of this I just rest in HIM knowing that HE is the BIG star breathing Father who does whatever HE wants to for His glory and I get to watch it all! This same Creator would call a girl back to Colombia, cancel all that was planned to do for two days, make it impossible to do anything else besides sit in His lap, and called her to HIM just to rest!

In our smallness and insignificance, Our Dad still sees us, hears us, and wants to spend time with us. After all the days, months, and  years that we have spent taking His Words and molding them into what fits our idea of what it means to serve Him...He still chooses to stop everything, close every door around you, and wait with arms wide open just to love on you and show Himself to you!

How do you put all of that into words? How can you begin to wrap your little pee-brain around All That Is, All That Was, and All That Will Ever Be? PRAISE YOU, DAD! Be gloried through my ramblings today and speak to your children now! I am so in love with YOU!!

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