So you have amazing plans for an incredibly productive week and you are so excited about this week! Your first day passes and nothing goes the way you planned it but no have the rest of the week just a little reorganization here and movement there and are back in business! So the second day comes and goes, at the end of the day you look at your check list and think seriously Tuesday is gone? How? Day after day brings the same thing, lots of things that prevent you from doing what you had planned.

During one of my more frustrating moments this week, I sit to just let my brain rest and relax from all the craziness. I turn on the TV and an episode of Friends comes on. For fellow Friends followers, it was the one where it is Emma's first birthday and nothing goes the way Rachel had planned it. Not to mention, everyone else's schedules were compromised because of this birthday party. It was in the moment when she opens her beautiful cake to find that they had made the cake not in the shape of a bunny but of male genitalia and placed her baby's face on the cake! She rushes off to change the cake before Emma is scared for life. And it was in this moment where the rest of the group shows (without the writer's knowledge I am sure) how to just relax and enjoy whatever situation you are in and glorify HIM. They stop complaining and looking for ways out and just see the blessing that has turned out to be their day!

Can you relate? Have you ever had one of those days? Weeks? Months? Years? I mean as I write this now, I have been waiting on my home club for over an hour to skype with me...guess that is not happening! I am thankful for Our Father who constantly reminds me  of Who is in charge and calls me to Him...even in the midst of a Friends episode! Nothing catches Our Dad by surprise. Nothing is an afterthought to Him. 

In those moments of when we feel nothing is going the way we planned, I am reminded that maybe I did not consult The Planner when I made out my schedule for His Day! Sometimes the reminders are more gentle and subtle and then sometimes it is a smack in the face that stops me in my tracks.

As I finished up Isaiah this week, He reminded me that everything that He does is for His bring His Name show His glory! It has nothing to do with my little check list that I thought He would have been proud of. It has everything to do with HIM and HIS GLORY!

This week He used two verses to remind me that HE is just Father but HE is also a loving Father. He reminds me that He sees me in my frustrations (that I brought upon myself...a lot of the times) and times of overwhelming situations. HE tells us " Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear." (65:24) And "as a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you." (66:13) 

WOW! What a couple of promises that were written for me...for a time just as this! What a great week of learning, falling from my self-dependence, resting in His Word, eagerly expecting to hear His Voice, and the simple realization/reminder that HE is Father...y ya! (We have this word "ya" in Spanish which can mean a number of things, like most vocabulary in this lovely language. But the most common use is at the end of a statement when there is nothing more to say because there are no more arguments, words, thoughts, etc. It is kind of like the irrefutable clause at the end of a statement that is the end all of all terms. And so here, I feel it is appropriate.)

So I say it again, HE is Our Father...y ya! I hope I can remember that this week as He speaks to me through Romans 

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