"But thanks be to HIM, Who always leads us in triumphal procession in Chrst, and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of HIM. For we are to HIM the aroma of Chrst among those who are being saved and those who are perishing." Where have I been for the past 3 weeks you might ask...I have been here. I been walking behind HIM who leads me in this triumphal procession. I have been offering up myself as a sweet smelling sacrifice to HIM. I have been used to spread everywhere this fragrance of the knowledge of HIM who has sent me. This is one place where I have been.

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the HS, Who is in you, Whom you have received from Dad? You are not your own, you were bought at a price. Therefore honor Dad with your body." I have been trying to make this Truth real in my life. I have been asking for forgiveness for the selfish and thoughtless ways that I have been treating HIS temple...His dwelling place. I have been processing this idea that I am not my own. I own nothing. I am nothing. He bought me for a HUGE price; the life of His Perfect Son. Why do I act as though I am the owner of my body, my time, my money, my food, my things, my life? It is all HIS and I have been given the responsiblity to take care of HIS goods while I am here on earth. Not one time in HIS Word did HE tell me that it was all mine to do whatever I wanted with it, so where did I get this idea engrained in my head?

I think I have spent a lot time meditating on this verse and trying to apply it to my life. I am so use to doing whatever I want, whenever I want...one of the benefits of being single, right? I have to ask HIM what HE wants me to do with everything because it is all HIS and I am just the steward carefully taking care of HIS stuff while I am here on earth. And when HE says everything, HE means EVERY LITTLE THING! From the taxi HE gives me to go to my job, the money HE gives me to buy food, to the time HE has given for each thing on HIS to do list...all are HIS! And I ought to ask HIM how about each and every one of them.

 One thing I have learned about this culture is their idea of being polite changes depending on where you are and what you are doing. One thing that has not changed yet, no matter how many times that each of the youth have come to my house and no matter what we are doing...they always ask to use my bathroom. I mean, I can be in the middle of a lesson or a conversation and they will stop me to ask if they can use the bathroom. Are you serious? Do you know where it is? Do you know how to use it? Well, then why are we still talking about this after a year of being friends! And yes, as you can tell it drives me crazy that they always feel like they have to ask to use my bathroom...some of them are getting better! But what if we took this same idea and applied it to our lives? We know where the bathroom is, we know how to use it, and we are pretty sure that the answer will be yes but out of respect of the person and their things, we ask for permission. Now I am not really talking about the bathroom for us, but what if we did the same with HIM and HIS things? How would our lives change if we took the time to ask HIS permission or sought HIS will for this or that thing that we have in our possession by HIS grace and mercy? 

Now I know that most of you are probably more holy than I and are already practicing being good stewards of everything and realizing that you own nothing, not even your own life! I admit it, I stink at this and HE has been showing me just how much I think is mine and that I am in control of! But when was the last time you were at the mall/Wal-Mart and asked HIM for a parking spot and pryd over your shopping list asking for HIS wisdom as you use HIS money? When was the last time you answered that call from that needy friend of yours and stopped what you were doing to meet them where they were...because HE told you that is what HE wanted? When was the last time you asked HIM if and where HE wanted you to take your wife/husband/friend out for a Friday night and watched what HE had store for you guys?

So my challenge to you is the same as it is for me...to recognize not with just our words but everything that is inside of us that we are truly nothing. We have nothing. We can do nothing. But HE...the Creator of the Universe is in charge of everything and still you are HIS treasured possession. HE has nothing but the best in store for you. Get out of the way...let go of the control and things, and ask HIM for permission and HIS will in everything! Watch and see what HE does!! (oh and tell me about it when HE rocks your socks off by HIS sovereign love and faithfulness!!)

7/14/2012 08:50:18 am

Thank you for details

9/29/2012 06:43:15 pm

Great info, thx


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