I am in Romans. Have you ever been reading in Romans and not feel so completely small and undeserving of His Saving Blood and Grace? I really think it is impossible not to fall flat on your face at the Feet of This Holy Dad we serve when you read this book that so clearly presents His Saving Gospel Message!

Today I am in chapter 2 and I read...
"HE will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, HE will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury." 

I don't know what category you fall in but me...I am definitely that self seeker who does not obey Truth. How humbling to read what I deserve! And then to read a couple of verses later that: " DAD judges the secrets of men by Js Chrst!!" Are you kidding me? All of that wrath and fury of My Father for my self-seeking and disobedient ways, you took all of that and now I am judged by You, My Beloved? How do I miss this at times? How do I choose to sin? How do I choose my own way? How can I act the way I do and say the things I do, as if there are no consequences and that I have the right? Who am I?

A nobody who was chosen by The Creator, bought by The King, and a bride waiting for my Bridegroom to come for me! That is exactly who I am - so why don't I act like it and remember that when I choose to be lazy, disobedient, and just ungrateful? 

I mean in the next verses it talks about the fact that I know HIS Will and approve what is excellent because I have been instructed by His Law...and what do I do with that? He continues by telling me that I should be a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of children, because I have the embodiment of knowledge and truth living inside of me! WOW...that took me back a step and I have been reflecting on how I am doing with the above portions of His Words to me through this letter to the romans years ago.

And now my question to you is the same...how are you doing? Are you a guide to the blind daily? Are you a light to those who are in darkness daily? Aer you an inst

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