During my time in Palenque, HE had me in Acts. I figure if my job might be to plant a club in Palenque, I should see how HE planted clubs in the first century clubs. So many things were brought to my attention about the start of the first clubs, HE asked me to compare the first family members to my life now and the 21st century clubs that I have been a part of and work with now. The differences were so evident that I praise HIM for drawing my attention to them before I start whatever work.

In chapters 3-5, we see Peter and John healing in HIS Name, being brought in front of the council for questioning, put into prison, and the body multiplying. HE asked me what made Peter and John were effective in their work of HIS? What message did they proclaim? What were the elements of their message? What was the people's response to their message? How did they handle HIS WORD? How did they pry? How did they handle opposition? To what degree did they suffer and how did they handle their suffering? I would challenge you to read through these chapters and allow HIM to help you answer these questions.

And now looking in the early club members in Acts 2 and 4, what was it that they did? Well in chapter 2 we read, "they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread together, pryng, shared everything, saw many signs and wonders, praising HIM, and having favor with all the people." In chapter 4 we read, " that the full number of those who believed were one heart and soul and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common. And with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lrd Js and great grace was upon them all."

Are these statements descriptive of who you are as a member of HIS body...your daily routine, activities, thoughts, etc? Are these statements descriptive of the club that you go to each week? If not, why not? Ask HIM to reveal to you who you are as a member of HIS body and what HIS purpose is for your life. I challenge you to devote yourself to HIS Word first and foremost then allow the power of HIS Word change your life!

It is so simple. These early believers held HIS WORD so highly, desired for holiness amongst them, and wanted HIS Glory more than anything else. Do I? Do you? Would you prefer to take the easy way out than actually uphold the Bread of Life in your life and in the lives of your fellow family members? It is time that we turn off the TV, get off our phones/computers, and focus all that we have in knowing inside and out the words inside of THE Book that the Creator of the Universe wrote for us. Are you ready to devote yourself to the study and practice of HIS WORDS? Are you ready to see signs and wonders happen all around you? Are you ready to surrender the lordship of your life to THE LRD? Are you ready to give HIM all the glory HE is due?

It is something to think about as you and I claim to be HIS body here on earth...

5/31/2012 04:29:24 am

will return before long

7/16/2012 09:56:50 am

Fine info bro


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