Since being home, HE has taken me all over the place in HIS Word and with HIS teachings. It has been eye opening time of seeking HIM and HIS will for this time at home. I have marveled as HIS sovereignty and power in Genesis, beat up in Romans, worshiping through Psalms, challenged through Revelations, and taught through Acts.

Being here as been amazing but I really don't feel like I fit here. I feel really out of place in my homeland and things that are so familiar...I feel like the foreigner. I am so thankful that my sister is here and she is going through the same things. Balancing being HIS Light here and continually walking daily with My Saviour in a busy, busy culture.

 I am learning how to be more of a Barnabas and be an encourager while I am here. Realizing that I do not need to speak on my convictions, what I have seen, and what HE has taught me through the past couple of years. I have found that most people do not want to hear about it, really but I am here for a reason and HE has a purpose for my time here. And so I have been challenged by Barnabas to just encourage people while I am with them. Encourage them wherever they are with HIM, in whatever they are doing for HIM, and in their current mission field. 

I know that I am no better than anyone at all and in fact I am one of the ugliest of sinners that exists. HE has revealed so much of my sin to me while I am here and I am so thankful that HE has given me the opportunity to really repent. It has been truly a humbling time and now I am learning to just sit quietly and listen. When/if HE gives me words to speak, I will share with them but until that point all I can say is here I am, My Lrd...send me wherever...and look for HIS divine appointments!

This is random, I know but it is where I am! All over the place; running hard after HIM! Please pry for me as I walk obediently with HIM and honestly want to glorify HIM here. I want to share with everyone what HE did these past two years in Colombia and in my life. I want to share with everyone what HE has called me to do for the next two years and recruit pryr warriors as I know that nothing is more powerfu

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