First, let me apologize for my lack of updating this site. My last month has been a world wind and this is no excuse because HE was the cause of the whirlwind and I just got caught up watching HIM work and forgot to tell you about it.

So where I am today...Acts 10 when we learn about Corenlius. In Verse 10, he is described as a devout man, who feared Dad with all his household, gave alms generously to the people, and pryd continually to Dad. So this is where my thoughts and questions start, am I someone who HE would describe in this manner? Oh that HE would call me like this...refine me Dad until I am this reflection of you!

I also love in verse 15 when Dad tells Peter in his vision, that what HE has made clean, do not call common. HE is talking about you and me! Sometimes I feel so common and inadequate for anything but here HE is telling us that those HE makes clean, are not common but have been set apart for a purpose! What a beautiful picture and a good word for each of us that are going through our daily routine of serving HIM, loving HIM and others!

But you know what stands out to me the most today in this chapter. Peter was going about his day, serving HIM, loving HIM and loving others when The HS tells him to go to Joppa with some guys. Peter obediently goes and what does he find when he gets there, Cornelius and a room full of people excited to hear about HIS TRUTHS. I am not pretty sure that this what not in Peter's plan for the day nor had he prepared a sermon. But what we see is a man who loves HIM and has an intimate relationship with HIM and just opens HIS mouth obediently and allows The Father to teach the people!

Oh to be daily ready for The HS to call me to another location and preach HIS Good News! Oh that my relationship with HIM would be so intimate that I could hear HIM clearly speaking to me! Oh that I would be a devout woman, who fears HIM, gives generously, and prys continually! And Oh that I would get to experience and see the HS falling on all that hear HIS Words, every single day of my life! PRAISE YOU, Dad for all that you have planned for today and for this life...not so common a

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