What accompanies a season of loneliness? A dry season! And though I am not proud to admit that is where I am, it is exactly where I am! A time where I am reading HIS Words, soaked in Truth...My Daily Bread and Water, all I read is words that are completely over my head and I feel have nothing to do with my life. Have you been there?

I know I am not alone as I see where David, a man after HIS own heart, experienced a time of dryness that lead to lies, the crazies, and ultimately to his true Refuge! Remember when he was running from Saul and was at the end of his rope? His wife, betrayed him. The king he served, now wants him dead. His best friend must stay at home to watch over his father who has gone a little crazy. His view from the throne and focus on The Father has also been forgotten in the midst of this time of solitude. The same kid who faced a huge giant and did not stop talking about The Father is now running hard after his own thoughts and with a fear.

So where does he run, Gath. Why? Well the people of Gath did not like Saul either and so he figured he would be safe. Gath, a city full of people who he would have never thought about hanging out with, has now become his target and refuge. But for how long? Long enough for them to figure out who David was and be ready to kill him for his service of Saul. And as David is facing another mob of people that want him dead, what does he do? Drop to his knees in pryr to THe Father who saved him time and time again? Nope. In fear, he acts crazy so that the people will kick him out of the city.

And now where does David, a man after His own heart go? A cave where no one else would dare go. But what does he find there? His REFUGE in The Father and we receive some of the most beautiful psalms written during this time. What does The Father do as HE hears His child cry out to HIM? Remind him of his previous actions of lies and flesh? Absolutely, not. He not only meets David in his place of solitude and dryness, but HE surrounds him with others just like him. Other people that the world had rejected because they too had times of loneliness, dryness, lies, bad decisions, the list goes on.

Now David is surrounded by 400 people who are seeking THE TRUTH, THE FATHER and HE has equipped David to lead these people! What a beautiful picture of the club as we have it today! A bunch of us, who have messed up but want so badly to glorify HIM with all we have!

So I write this because I know that there are many others who have been where I am right now...dry spiritually, physically, emotionally. Dry and searching for HIM and HIS Living Water to quench this dryness that no Gath, no king, no wife, or best friend can quench! I just want to be honest with those of you who have taken time to read what HE is showing me and doing here! And ask for your pryrs as My Refuge covers me, lifts me up, and puts me back in my place...in His footsteps! 

Does this mean I have stopped reading, talking, worshipping, serving and loving on this Great Dad of ours? Absolutely not, I am clinging to HIM more now than ever!! And if you are were I am, you should too! HE is THE ONLY ANSWER and THE ONLY ONE with the water to quench this dry season in your life!

Thanks for reading. Thanks for pryng! And thanks for serving Our Dad where ever you are today! It is because of you guys that I am here and HE is working!!
7/16/2012 09:21:22 am

Many thanks for information


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