This past week was busy but yet I feel like I did not accomplish a lot! Have you ever had one of those weeks? I have been working for some time now on my expense report so that I can have some money to do ministry. The board has tried to unify every process all over the world and we, the ones on the field, are getting to experience all the corrections/mistakes/corrections/mistakes/etc. And now I am having difficulty accessing our new email address (something else that we all have now, all over the world!) I know one day this will make life so much easier for everyone, but right now it is hard to see that!!

And today is Thursday and I have yet to finish this report...thank goodness that tomorrow is pay day!! The work can still go on!!

Ruth and I have continued the Truth project and I am really enjoying the challenging aspect of this study! It has been really good for me to go back to the scriptures and see what HE says and what I am doing...and how that all differs! For example the way we use the words Morals and Ethics...he pointed out how in the world now we have forgotten that these are two different things! He explained the real definition of both and then gave us a simple way of looking at both of them. That a moral is something that is...and a ethic is something that ought to be. Makes you think a little bit, huh? He showed us how now-a-days if over half of the population does it, then it is okay and right to do! WRONG!! And you will be surprised how the devil has creeped into our Christian lives as well with this lie!! I challenge you to look at this closer in your own life!

On Friday, we had a great team meeting at the house. I had them watch 1/2 a episode of Friends and then resolve the problems presented Biblically. At first they did not understand nor did they want to act out the scenes, but after 5 minutes or so they relaxed and HE brought out a lot of truth to them. He showed them ways that they had accepted "culture norms" in their own Christian lives!

Saturday, we presented the gospel message and used the bracelets  with the beads that a volunteer team had given me. I am not a big fan of these bracelets but HE really used them for people to be excited to share HIS Truths with others. We gave the bracelets to everyone that came, listened the story and could retell it to us and their friends. In Nelson Mandela, we had 3 kids who accepted HIM!!! So please pray as we begin to disciple them and teach them more about HIM! And in Villa Estrella, we saw the 7 believers understood this form of telling HIS Story to others and they practiced with the other groups of kids. It was really need to see kids teaching other kids HIS Truths!

Sunday, we went to two clubs and showed our video presentation of the ministry. He is answering our pryrs and 3 of the leaders of the clubs are on board to support us in pryr, people, and money!! I am excited to see where HE will lead us over the next month!!

And I was able to con Ruth into driving us out to Arjona on Sunday, which was an adventure! When we got out there, it was definitely about to rain but we made the most of the opportunity that we had with the kids and adults. Darlys and I were on our way to look for more kids when it began to rain so hard and so we stopped in a house where we have club on Tuesday. He opened up the door for us to share with these women the gospel message and how to use the bracelet to tell HIS Truth. They were very excited and I gave them homework to tell everyone in their families and their neighbors by Tuesday! It was neat to watch Carmen's eyes light up as she understood some truths that she had not understood before and realized that she too, could share His Stories with others.

Monday, another M came to see and talk with the indigenous people of the coast. He went out to work with us on Tuesday and had time to talk to all of the different groups he had hoped to talk to! On Tuesday we went to one club and all the adults were gone. That day the government was offering money for people with such and such income and so they had all left to stand in line to receive their money. And instead of leaving, we had a club with about 10 kids. It was beautiful and they always just amaze me with how much they learn so quickly! It was a good day!

And then yesterday was a day full of reports and personal fav!! Now, here I am today writing you about the week! Today I am preparing for our day retreat with the youth leaders on Monday. So, please be pryng about that day and what HE wants to teach them this day through Jota and myself. 

So here is my week...hope to talk to you soon!! I LOVE YOU!!

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