So HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me, seriously 32? Mom, you are GETTING OLD to have a kid who is 32!! Now back to updating you on the week...

Saturday afternoon we finished the retreat and 5 youth from Turbo came to the house and spent the night with me. We ate dinner, played games, and talked at the Paul's and finally I convinced them that I am old and have to get to bed! 

Sunday, I took them to club at Central and then to eat. I showed them around the city (they had never been to Cartagena) and eventually had to leave to go to work in Arjona! By the time that I had them settled and got arrived back home, it was 3 and too late for me to head to Arjona. I called the youth and there were 7 that went out to Arjona and did our ministry!! Man, HE IS SO GOOD!! So, I took a nap (much needed after 3 days of this retreat) and then went to a meeting.

Monday, we re-started our study on the Truth Project and had a good time of discussion! It was neat to hear their ideas and how this study has challenged them in their personal life with HIM! PRAISE HIM for providing this study in Spanish to the Paul's and their generosity to share it with our youth!

Tuesday, Ruth and I headed out to Arjona for our study with the women. It was neat to see how excited they were to meet with us. We were a little late because our trusty and reliable truck did not want to start, who knew? And for the first time one of the ladies, who has not made a decision to be baptized because she is dealing with a lot of Catholic issues, got on to me because we were late. She told me that she had told me that she had a meeting and we needed to get there early! It was such a change and I praise HIM that she actually wanted to hear...and she stayed and was late to her meeting!! We went through the first chapter of Matt and it was neat to watch the Spirit open their eyes to a list of names from which Our Father brought Our Saviour into the world. We went through all the women and told the stories of their lives...the women were floored that HE chose to use prostitutes, sinners, and not only Jews/kings to bring His Son into the world. I love this sweet time we have with these women and am excited that they are so interested in His Word! We gave them homework to get together and look into other stories of the people listed in this genealogy. We will see what HE will do through HIS stories!!

That night  two other M's came in to see what Brian is doing down here and to evaluate him. We ate pizza and just hung out. To my surprise, they were from Franklin...both graduates of Vanderbilt and have a daughter about my age. It was neat to hear how HE has been using them in their country and through their ministry.

Wednesday morning, I did some reports and watched the Truth project with Ruth. It was a nice time of pryr, sharing, and learning. Wednesday afternoon, we took them to the Zenu indian and gold museum in Centro and walked around Centro for awhile. We also took them to the ferria (which is so small this year in comparison to when you were here last year!) and around town. When everyone was ready to leave, Ruth/Bobby realized that today was the day that they were restricted at what hours they could and could not drive. So the family and I walked to Centro, ate some delish Crepes and Waffles, Jota met up with us, and then we headed back home when it was legal for them to drive again.

Thursday, we headed out to Arjona. It was a great day and just nice to be back there and see everyone. They had so many stories to tell me and were eager to hear HIS Words. I am excited to see what HE does this year in all of them and through all of them. Be pryng!!

Friday, we said goodbye to the M's - I had 2 meetings - and a couple of reports to finish. In the afternoon, I met up with one of the youth where we ate and went to see a movie. It was a good time of listening to her, pryng with her, and trying to encourage her. Her name is Trs - please be in pryr for her as well as she is seeing a lot of sin in her life and not a lot of HIM!

Saturday, we headed out to NM...and man was it awful! Like normal, when we have not been there for a month the kids revert back to their disrespectful ways!! So, it was a tough day but we had two new youth that came out to work with us. I had some time on the bus ride back to talk to them and learn more about them...we shall see what HE does! Things in VE were more calm but still the kids were more disrespectful. The Paul's went all day with us and did a great job! I really have appreciated them coming along and being a part of the work!!

Sunday, I went to club with Jota at another club just to talk to the leader about the work. After that, we walked to the mall and ate lunch. I had received a text message from brian that said that the people in Arjona had planned something for my birthday and so I was excited to see what they had planned. But when we got to my house, it was full of balloons, banners, and people! Jota's family had thrown me a surprise party with food, live music, presents, and of course a cake! And Jota had organized the entire thing with the people in Arjona, so that they were not expecting us and we had 4 youth head out to work yesterday without me!! (PRAISE HIM!!) It was a great day. I was telling Jota yesterday that I think it was one of the first times that I really have felt like I belonged. Most parties and things I go to hear, still feel foreign and like I am a misfit. I am very thankful for my Colombian family! And I ended the day, talking to my family and hearing your famous line..."this is your last night as a 31 year old" and hearing dad tell me that really I am starting my 33rd year! It was great!!!

So, who knows what today has in store for me. I had an amazing time at the beach with The Father in His Word. I am so thankful for my life. I am thankful for my salvation. And thankful that HE gave me you and Dad as parents! I love you! Thanks for being my mom and bringing me in this wor
1/31/2011 09:27:52 pm

What a wonderful update - there seemed to be celebration on every line. I am very thankful that He is showing you many fruits of your labor for Him, with promise of many more to come as the ministries you have helped to plant continue to grow and to multiply. What an awesome opportunity to really get to see Him at work in such a real way with lives being changed and new blvrs. getting it and telling others. That is the great commision! We are continuing to pry for you as you begin to wrap things up for your term of service. I can hear in your words it will be quite a bittersweet time to leave the world you have come to love and where you feel accepted to return to your home country to pursue the next step where He leads. I love you very much and am so very proud that you have chosen this this truly victorious path for your life.


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