Sorry I am just now having time to update this page mom, normally Monday is my day but we have not had power consistently all week! It's Colombia...what are you going to do!

So my birthday night, about 20 youth come over to watch the Truth Project and bring me a cake! It was great to celebrate my day with them and see how HE is using HIS Words to change them!

Tuesday, Ruth and I went out to Arjona to disciple the ladies. We have now spent two weeks on Matt chapter 1 but it is exciting to see how they are connecting that the people in HIS genealogy have their own stories that we can find in the OT. We told the stories of the women listed in HIS genealogy and it was incredible to watch them get it. They HE uses horrible as we do AMAZING things! I mean, if HE can use a prostitute to bring HIS Son into the world, who knows what HE will do with our lives. I am enjoying spending time with these ladies and with Ruth. And she took me out to lunch for my bday and we just had a great time of talking. It is such a blessing to have her here to talk to, listen to, and laugh with! I was beginning to think I had lost my sense of humor!

That afternoon I met with one of the youth to begin some discipleing classes - not sure what HE wants us to do so we just started with James and see where HE takes us and how HE opens her heart up to HIM! And of course, the team meeting that night...

Wednesday, The Massey's took me to eat Subway and see the Rapunzel movie. It was a cute little love story and I actually understood Spanish! We had a nice time talking and sharing different experiences over the years here in Colombia and in the States. We got back later than I expected and I had planned to go out with the Paul's for Caleb's birthday. So, I took Gomer out and headed back to the mall!! WooHooo...all day at the know how much I love malls (but I do love me some ac!!) Jota and I had planned to take the family to a local amusement park for his birthday. But before we ate, and I brought a cake - we sand and embarrassed the new 13 year old royally!! And then we take him to this park...I think it will be a birthday that he will never forget!

First he, Jota, and Madison go on the big ship that rocks back and forth! Everything was fine before the ride starts and then Bobby realizes that there are no seat belts for the kids...hello, this is Colombia! And then the look on his face when the ride started and this horrible noise that the ride made! It was histerical! Of course, I was pryng that they would actually survive and come off the ride but if not, I knew where the three of them were going! Oh, Colombia!! We later saw that all these rides are actually ran by car motors...yes, there is someone actually driving the ride. Changing gears, giving it more gas, was priceless! So we send the little girls on a little ride, no noises, and so Bobby was better. We all decide to go on the huge ferris wheel. I get the two little girls and Jota the two big kids. What an adventure...between the girls crying, screaming, and eventually laughing I learn that the two big kids are sick to their stomachs! Jota does not know what to do with them so they just ride with their heads down the entire time! Oh the fun they missed out on! Finally Jota, the two little ones and myself head for the bumper cars! Let's just say these cars were not as fast as the ferris wheel! In fact on several occasions they little guy had to push us to get our shiny pink car going! But the little guys had fun driving the cars and we were definitely making memories!!

Thursday in Arjona went really well. We had lots of good discussion and the local leaders are taking responsibility for all of the work there. I am thankful for this step in the right direction - we are not taking out as many of the old team and just working with the new guys! It is neat to watch them take responsibility and get excited to be in charge of the work in their neighborhood!

Friday, we had a meeting with the youth! It went well...we talked through our Mision, vision, goals, and leaders for this year. We have another meeting tonight to finalize all of this. I know HE has a plan and HE will make this ministry completely independent when HE wants is just difficult to see right now. I am hopeful that tonight we can finalize everything and I can begin working with the new leaders before I leave! We shall see...please be in pryr for this!

Saturday, we started our tournament in NM and VE. It was nuts to say the least in NM. Jvr and Cml did not even get to play with their group because they were so bad. I looked over at one time during the day and they had them doing squats, jumping jack...all in single file lines! I asked the kids what happened, they told me they were being grounded for their behavior! All in all, everything went well out there. In VE, it was great! Jota and Felo could not go with me and so HE sent three new people to help me! It was great to see them work and answer a need within the work!

Saturday night, a group of us hiked up to the monastery because they were celebrating some virgin and it was actually safe. We had lots of fun walking up listening to D make up stories to tell me all the history of the monastery! And the view, breathtaking!! We stopped on the way down to have a small time of reading, pryng, and worshiping! It was great! Then we head to the fried festival at about 10 at night! Yep, everything fried! Anything and everything you could want, they had it...frying it! 

Sunday, I went to club with the Paul's and I really enjoyed the leader. I actually understood him as he just talked about the Word. It was a great service. And then SS, well Kay another M told me I had to go with the youth. I go to the youth class where they then ask me to teach the class and share a story with them. Okay, wasn't expecting that (as it has been awhile since i have been to a new club) and so I tell them the story that we were telling in each barrio that weekend. And HE IS SO AMAZING! It was exactly the same theme that the teacher was talking about and HE connected them beautifully!

We did not start the tournament in Arjona because it took us 2 hours to get there and we arrived as the youth from Turbaco were finishing up in one location. So, we just played awhile with the kids and I walked around with girl I am discipleing to invite the youth to the tournament for the next weekend. We had a great time of talking and sharing HIS Word and what HE is teaching us!

Monday was full of meetings, reports, and the study. Every time we get together, I am blown away at how HE is meeting them right where they are. Some are not quite getting it, others get it but have a hard time applying it, and then some get it, take it, and run with it! I am excited to see how they continue to change through the study over the next 6 weeks!

Tuesday, we had a great time with ladies. We just looked at the first 12 verses of chapter 2 and so much to explain to them through HIS Words. They had no idea that so many things have significance for us now. That each things we read and hear from HIS Word, we can take deeper and deeper. I will be excited to hear how HE speaks to them this week!

Tuesday night was my night with all 4 of the Paul's to celebrate Noa's bday and allow Bobby and Ruth to have a date night. We ate pizza, played games, watched a movie, and just laughed all night. THe next morning I made them pancakes, we read the Word, and they went home! It was a lot of fun and I especially enjoyed my time with Noa. She did not want to play all the time, like the other 3, she just wanted to sit by me and talk! She is precious!

Ruth and I watched another Truth Project and had a great morning talking about what this means for our lives and how we are going to apply These Truths to our lives now. I love this one on HIStory! It was incredible! And I have been looking at my life as a stepping stone, lost in HIS Plan and seeing if my life really looks like that and if I am okay if it does!

We had a great day of work on Thursday. They threw me a party out in Arjona and we had a large club service of all the clubs. We had food, cake, and His Story! The sweetest things were the hard work that three of them had put into organizing everything and the three gifts I received. Ln ( a girl I am discipling) made me a beautiful angel, Ktrn (another girl I am discipling) made me a bracelet with my name on it, and then the oldest gentleman we have made me these butterflies/roses but then quoted a poem he had written especially for me. It was absolutely precious! I did not deserve any of it and am constantly blown away by their generosity! They have nothing and yet they give it all away to others! What a beautiful picture of a disciple!

So here is my week, gotta run and get ready for my meeting! I love you and hope to talk to you soon!
7/15/2012 06:01:20 pm

good post

9/29/2012 11:30:40 pm

THX for info


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