Monday, we started the day with an amazing time of worship. I am enjoying my secluded home on the river and my precious times alone with Him. I really do not know why I have been so blessed but praise Him for how He has provided for me. Our classes on Monday we all about language; how to learn a language, how to better your language, and how to evaluate where you are with your language. It was another review for us but you have to make the most of everything, right? That afternoon, our camp time was on hunting and it was the most fun! We learned how to shoot a crossbow, rifle, and shoot fish with a bow. I had the best time learning all about how to use the crossbow. Unfortunately, I am a weakling and could not shoot it without the help of my newly adopted big brother, CS.. He brought me his son's bow to shoot that I was able to do all by myself. I moved on to the shooting a pellet gun...super fun. My new big bro is amazing, his wife, incredible and his kids are adorable. If He brought me here for nothing more than to show Himself through this amazing family, it is totally worth it and I praise Him for them. We are on the same page and it is so comforting to hear that. They have become my family and He has allowed me to let down my guard and be myself with them, which is such a relief. I feel like I can breathe again with them and share my thoughts and His teachings. After a run to the store, oh yes you never knew that a trip to a little store could be so exciting, right? Well, when you are on an island, any trip in the boat is an adventure and everyone wants to go. We ate dinner with the big bro and his family. I love listening to their hearts and having real discussions with them. It is so refreshing and it is just what I needed. He is teaching me so much through them and His Word.

Tuesday, after another time in His Word trying to practice what I have been learning 1 John of abiding in Him and His words, we have a morning of learning more about storying. It was interesting to listen to different people and their opinions of storying but more of a review. In the afternoon, we learned about fishing and set up a snare to catch some wolf fish. The women headed out into the village to share a story with the two ladies that BS is meeting with each week. They were excited to see us and it was neat to watch Him use Brittany to love on them, encourage them, and teach them His truths. We came back pretty late and had our first night without our 2 hours of electricity that they have been giving us each night. So we made some mango empanadas and headed to the trainer house where we shared a meal with the people who are working with the kids each day while their parents are in class me. It was neat to hear their stories and how He has redeemed them and is changing them. It gave me lots to go back and praise Him for and intercede to Him on their behalf. That evening the women came to my house to have a night of pryr. When BS arrived, I heard a loud splash and remembering that we had placed out bait that afternoon for the fish I went down to pull out the fish and I being the novice fisher woman that I am, grabbed way too close to the hook and this fish came jumping out with a hug mouth full of teeth. I screamed like a girl and dropped the line. And with a scream like that you would think that everyone would come running right? Nope. Not one man came to our rescue, so four of us women pulled out the fish, knocked it out with a big piece of wood, and then finally two guys came out to scale it and cut it up to freeze. It was an adventure. That night, we had a great time of just prying for each other and sharing our hearts. It was a sweet time of sitting at the Father's feet and carrying other women to Him.

Wednesday, it was more teaching of language, strategy plans, and just us talking. As we were in our sessions, our affinity leaders came in to spend the week with us. It was great to see them and I was excited to hear from them.  Oh, I forgot to mention the outbreak that came into our campus on Tuesday. Lice. Yes that is right, we had three families with lice, no lice shampoo, or combs. So we all pryd, put vinegar on our heads, and began picking out lice. Oh the joys of community living. By the grace of Dad, CS was able to call a friend in the city to go buy meds and send it on the plane that would come later that day. We canceled our camp time to check for more lice, treat those who had it and begin to collect clothes to be boiled in the cut open half-gallon water jug over an open flame. At least we had had our fire starting class and built this huge fire to boil the clothes. It was such a process and so great to see the community all come together and take care of the problem. That evening, we made dinner for our lice infested neighbors and then went to eat with the sweetest couple here, Mr Joel and Mrs Wilma. It was neat to hear their stories and how they helped build this training center. It was a sweet night of fellowship.

Well Thursday, I wake up super early because I did not sleep well at all. I woke up, layed in my hammock, and just praised Him for another day and another year of life. It was a great time of worship and praising Him. I had to lead the devotional that am and told the story from Joshua 10. Then we had some great time with TL and VL listening to their hearts about different topics and just spend time with them. It was a good morning and a great way to start my birthday. At lunch the mks had made me a large birthday card and two cakes that I shafted with the community. After lunch, we had a time of learning how to build a jungle shelter, which quickly turned into a several hour nit picking session. It was a sweet time that we used to share different stories of His faithfulness. After we had gotten all the nits out of the girl’s head, the women headed out the store across the water. They had some eggs finally and some other goodies that made our day. when we arrived back from the store, the women headed out to share stories with the women at the island next us. It was a great time as we spoke to about 3 different women, pryd with several more, and pryr walked through the entire village. On the boat ride back, Christy gave me a new headlamp for my birthday present. She asked what the traditions that we had and I had told her that my family only gives our presents at the actual time when we born. So, she had brought it to give me at 6 but we were sharing a story with a woman at the time and she didn't feel like it was good timing. I was super excited to get my new headlamp and we returned to our home. She and I made eggs, pancakes, and had some fruit for dinner. It was really good. That night, we had women's pryr time and it was good to hear how He had been moving in the lives of all the women. It was a great birthday. I praise Him for giving me such a great day and how He made it a special day even when I couldn't talk to my family and friends.

Friday, we decided to corporately fast for the women's trip up river on Saturday. So I headed to the pavilion and spent time prying and seeking His wisdom for this trip. Terry led our time of worship and devotion. We have moved out of the book of Joshua and are now studying in 2 Timothy. It was a great time of worship. We started CTT training and had a chance to practice a lot of the training with a local aknrs. At lunch time, we stayed in the pavilion and prayed together as a body. It was a sweet time in the throne room as we carried all the details to Him and asked that He move in a huge way on our trip up river. That afternoon, we continued to pick nits out of everyone's hair until late in the afternoon. I went to help BS pack the trunk for our trip. She was a little stressed about this trip and I wanted to help with as many of the details as I could. I ended up back at her house, inviting myself to dinner, and so we ate little pizzas with her family. She blessed me with a diet coke...I seriously could not believe it. Not only does she bless me with sweet spiritual conversation, but she also blesses me with the one thing I had been missing for such a long time. We had a great night of bonding with the family. I have totally placed myself in the family but I thank Dad for this family as He continues to teach me things and love me through all of them. Today, I am thankful for CS and his honesty as he shared that he has a strong personality and most people like him are crtitical. He shared so transparently that He convicted me of the times I was being critical. Praise Him for a big brothers honesty.

Saturday, we woke up early to have breakfast, spend time with Him and pack for our trip. We had an amazing time of worship and pryr before heading out on our trip. The best part was that BB decided to go. She was not sure as her family was the main family affected with the lice epidemic that we had experienced but it was so great that she could go with us. She said that she decided to go in the last 10 minutes of the 2 plus hour pryr time that we had after AM devotion. Praise Him for His faithfulness. We loaded up the boat and headed up river to another village. I started my time just praising Him for this beautiful creation. There is something about being in a dug out canoe on the river with the jungle all around you that is mesmerizing. I could not stop singing His praise and thanking Him for this opportunity. After awhile, He told me to talk to CM, another m who had left her family and especially her daughter on her birthday. We had a great time of just talking...I listened to her and encouraged her as He lead and she encouraged me. As we were going, I noticed that we were going really slow but because Brittany had asked me to be more of a trainer this weekend to help the other women feel comfortable and take their worrisome minds off of things at home, I did not at anything but kept listening to CMl and it was not until BJPn (the local Aknr who chaperoned us) stopped our boat in the shade did everyone know that something was wrong. We pryd and He answered by sending a boat to pass us that he was able to flag down and ask them to take us the rest of the way. What a blessing as they agreed and we arrived in the village in less than 20 minutes. We arrive, unload the stuff, and carry everything up a hill to where we were going to be staying. And He surprises us again with an amazing house to stay in, with toilets that flush, a couch, and beds to sleep on. I nearly cried with joy as I watched BS’s face completely change as a peace came over her to know that we were not going to rough it and He had taken care of everything. We ate lunch, pryd and then headed out to the village to pry and share His stories.

Once again, He led us to where He was working. We stopped at a field and saw a home with some women that we all felt lead to go to. BS asked who was going to tell the story and none one answered. I began to pry and He gave me a story, and it was the story that BB had memorized. So I asked BB to tell her story of jairus daughter and the woman with the bleeding sickness. As we are speaking to this woman and her daughter, she tells us that she has s bad leg and her daughter has a blood sickness. Are you kidding me Dad? How perfect. He did not stop the entire day as we pryd and shared with different women all throughout the village. When we arrived back to the house, late, we were met with some of the believers on the island. For the next several hours, we pryd for them, they pryd for us and we worshipped our Dad together in two different languages and had a taste of what heaven will be like. It was such a blessing. We had asked to be a refreshment for them but they refreshed our spirits more! After they left, we ate dinner, hung up our hammocks, pryd and went to bed. Before we went to bed, we had a sweet time of sharing as some of the women were dealing with fear and it was neat to watch them share and Him heal them through their sharing and our pryrs.

The next morning, I woke up early and had anothr amazing time in His Word while I waited for everyone else to wake up. We made breakfast, packed up, and then headed to worship with the local believers. It was such a blessing to hear their hearts and share with them. We then headed back to the house, loaded up our stuff, and headed to the boat. The boat had been fixed while we were on the island and we headed back with ease. I spent the time praising Him, eating my pb and j sandwich and just bathing our time in pryr. When we get back, everyone is glad to see us and share what they had done while the women were away. I came back and unpacked, bathed, and took a little nap. When my roomie woke me up, it was time for our community meal of fish and taco soup. We ended the night with some share time together as a community as we reflected on the past week. 

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