Darlys and her birthday cake
6:00 AM came too soon on Sunday morning after going to bed only 3 hours earlier! I woke up, spent some time with Him, ran on the beach, and observed as the girls spent time with Him. They spent more time getting ready for club than they did with Him, which is good for me to know as I seek His Will for this group. We finally left for the club, and the SS class was good but the conversation is so shallow still and filled with words of man. I left to go to another club to announce the mission conference and ask the pastor if I could borrow the drum set for the band’s concert on Saturday. As I was speaking with the pastor, my heart hurt as I heard the same lines that I always here from the pastors here about the conference. But he did give me time in the service to announce the conference and the youth activities with the band, and the congregation was quite receptive. After I spoke, it appeared that maybe HE had changed the heart of the pastor who made some different comments to his group than in the conversation that the two of us had 15 minutes earlier! Then a member of the congregation took me to another club where I was able to speak and announce to them as well. It was a good morning as I feel that people are actually going to be at least pryng for this conference and maybe some youth will come to the activities specially for them. I spent that afternoon studying, watching classes, and taking a test. I actually did well on my test and so I rewarded myself by watching a little movie, or at least the last hour of the movie. I went to bed early as I was exhausted!

Ddr and her new glasses
Monday, I woke up tired but began working on paperwork for the board, updating my website, made some calls, and just did basic office work all day. I met with Darlys and we pryd for the upcoming week and planned out what we felt HE was leading us to do this week in Palenque. That evening, I organized with a couple of youth time for them to announce in all the youth group meetings during the week about the youth workshop and concert with Felipe’s band.

Having fun with the glasses
Tuesday, I worked on class work and spent the AM pryng and asking HIM to prepare me for the week. We left for Palenque and had a great time of pryr and discipleship on the way out to Palenque. We arrive, unpack, and head to Ddr’s house for a study with her and her daughter. It was neat to watch Him convict her with His Words in how they both were living in respect to the men in their lives. I love it when people come under conviction by the HS and His Words and He allows us to see it! We spent some time in pryr, answering questions, and encouraging them in these new insights from Him. We headed back to the house and spent time listening to the newlyweds and what HE had laid on their hearts. While we were there, a lady comes to the house asking to buy The Word and wants to learn how to study It. Are you kidding me? HE is sending people to the house looking for His Word and searching for Him! Praise Him. We of course sell her His Word, and arrange a time to meet with her. That afternoon, we headed to a meeting with a local foundation who had given us the opportunity to hear what they were doing and possibly add to it with His Words. They were coming in to help with the violence and illegal activities that were happening in the village. It was interesting to listen to the group of Palenqueros and learn more about their worldview. After the meeting, we head to spend some time with Krstn and her family just to see how they were and when we could meet with them. It was a good first day in the village and Darlys and I spent the evening preparing for the next day and pryng.

Youth meeting on Wednesday night
Wednesday, we were eating breakfast when Ddr called me to ask if I could take the family into another town because an aunt had passed away. I said sure and they said they would send a moto to come and get me so that I wouldn’t have to walk all the way to the farm. I continue to eat my breakfast and in like a minute a moto is at the front gate asking for me. I sip some more coffee and then head out to the farm. I had some time to talk to different members of the family who all wanted to know why I was here and so I shared the gospel with them. I took the family to the other town and came back. Elzr was the only one to stay and take care of the farm and we had some great conversation and time in His Word. We were interrupted when his cousin came and so I, dreading to walk all the way back in the hot sun, left and began my journey. As I was leaving the farm, I thought to myself it would be nice if one of these motos would give me a free ride to the village. And being the amazing DAD He is, a moto turns around to come get me. I was very skeptical at first because they always want money but this one reassured me that he would give me a ride for free. I got on the moto and repented of my lack of faith. Oh the unexpected blessings that Our Heavenly Dad gives us…time with Elzr alone, and a free ride to the village! I came back to the house and confessed my lack of faith to the others which He used in their lives to remind them of how great He IS! We waited for about an hour for Myr who was going to take us to the lady’s house that bought the Word yesterday but she never showed. So we ask Hrln for her name and more or less where she lives, and we head out to find this lady, Lz Mrn. After about a 20-minute search, we eventually find her sleeping in her chair with His Word in her lap. We enter into the house, meet her family, and listen to her story. She is searching for help economically which was sad to hear but she had been accustomed to the other M who lived in Palenque always giving out money. I cannot blame her because that is what she had been taught but it does make our jobs more difficult. We shared the gospel with her and asked if she was willing to study with us. She said yes and so we gave her homework to read and that we would tell her the stories the next time we came. She was excited and we also invited her daughters to our youth study that night.

As we headed back to the house, Darlys was disappointed in how she wanted money and not Him. I tried to encourage her that we were at least invited into her house, we spoke His Truth, and He would do whatever He wanted to glorify His Name and we would be obedient. After lunch, we headed to Krstn and Dncl to meet with them. And the theme of the day would continue, they too began to ask indirectly for things from us. Darlys was really discouraged and so I shared a story and taught them Who He Is and they applied it to their situation and at least Dncl repented of asking us and not Him. We headed back to the house and prepared for the youth study. We started the study on the porch but the group grew so much we went to the street but everyone was so distracted and so we headed in the house. Darlys shared her testimony and connected it with a story in the Bible to show them how to share a testimony and a story with others. Afterwards, we talked about the change that HE makes in our life. That our testimony is who we were before we met Him, how we met Him, and who we are now after He has changed us. In all of the discussion, I presented part of the gospel and once again He began to confront them with His Truths! Oh how beautiful! It was neat to hear out of their mouths that these things were deep and that they had to think about them because they were opposite of what they believed! And it was cool to see Darlys be more comfortable with this type of HS confrontation and conviction. A couple of the youth stayed to ask questions, and then we had a devotional with Hrln and Js Mnl. Darlys and I spent the evening praising Him for revealing Himself to so many people today and how HE is working through the HS in each of their lives. It was a great day of blessings!

Thursday, I spent the AM talking to Js Mnl and Hrln about their passions for Palenque. We did not get to finish as the women began to arrive for our weekly study together. While we were singing, HE told me to ask them what HE had been teaching them. He had told me to plan to teach on faith but as we were singing, I heard Him say to ask them what HE had been teaching them in each of their personal times with Him. And so I obediently asked them and the answers blew me away! Hrln and Js Mnl talked about how He had been teaching them about being chosen in Isaiah and how this had completely changed their ideas of salvation and of Him. (A result of the election conversation that He ordained the week before and some private convos that we had last week.) Jn shared from Isaiah as well but basically repeated the lesson from the night before with the youth which was huge in my book. She is slow to understand concepts and the fact that she could repeat the Truths that we shared was so encouraging to me! And then the biggest one, Ktln begins to share that after our study last week she had been in Romans 9 all week. She woke up meditating on it and went to bed meditating on these Truths that she had not paid any attention to before. At the time that she began to share what she had been learning and what HE had revealed to her, the pastor of the club arrived. He came in and sat and listened as she walked us verse by verse in the revelation that HE had shown her through these verses. My eyes filled with tears of joy as I watched Our DAD open her eyes to Him and His salvation power and His Sovereignty over all things. She confessed that she has now had a difficult time forgiving herself for the years that she had been teaching, serving, and thinking that she did all of this to please Him and earn her salvation. She was memorized my a Dad Who would choose her out of her family to be His Own. She was speechless. So I challenged her with some more questions that she needed to search the Scriptures to find the answers for and Darlys later shared with me that she too was needing to hear those questions that I asked because she had not known how to answer them personally. Oh what a joyful time hearing what HE has been teaching His people when His people allow Him to use His Scripture to open their hearts! My heart was so full after this time and we didn’t even get to finish our discussion but it was so rich!

That afternoon, He kept the blessings and revelations coming as we met with Myr for the first time individually. She asked for help to prepare her for her upcoming marriage. He revealed to her that she doesn’t know much about Him and her relationship with Him. It was cool for her to recognize this as we searched Scripture after Scripture and she finally understood that until her relationship with Him, the Heavenly Bridegroom is where He desires, that she will never be the wife He has designed her to be! Oh what a sweet time at His Feet. Pry for her as she continues to search His Words. Pry that she will not grow weary but honestly have a hunger for His Truths. After this time, we headed down to the farm to meet with Mnl and his family. There was something weird in the atmosphere here but we continued with our meeting. We asked them to share and a couple of them did but there was something going on here that was not normal. We had a good time in His Word as He revealed new things from a familiar story that they have all heard and knew by heart. Our focus with them is to bring everything back to the cross. He has truly revealed new aspects of Himself there. We had a brief English class with the family, as they are preparing for their exam in July when my mom and Stacey come to visit! It was late and Darlys and I pryd that HE would bless us with a free ride back to the village. And as He always does, HE responded and a guy offers to take us all the way back to the house for free and we continue praising a Dad Who doesn’t overlook little details and ways to show His love for His children! We spent the evening processing the day…all the new cultural things we have realized, their desire for things and money more than Him, their lives being confronted with His Truths, and what a blessing it has been to be on the front row for all of it.

Friday, we woke up, packed up, and headed to the farm. Today, Darlys came with me and she enjoyed some time with the kids and Luz Mercy. The women did not show up for the study/pryr time. Stacy came up and she and I had some great times just talking about the week and this next week. She and Julie are getting to go to the states for the women’s conference that I had wanted to go to but could not go. Julie comes back home and there is something not right there, so I ask for some time with her if HE allows. Stacy and the kids went back down to their home and I talked with Josh for a while. During lunch, Julie and I had a great time to just talk and for me to listen what is on her heart and how her week was going. Oh how my heart broke when she told me of situations that are not going well and how she was feeling. It was a good time of just listening and sharing. I did not get to play with the kids too much but we did for a little bit when they had finished all their chores and homework. That night, I came home, unpacked, showered, and began working on my work for my class.

Saturday was a good morning at His Feet and just preparing for SS class the next day and the study with the youth that afternoon. One of the youth arrived 3 hours early and had not eaten so I sent him to the store to eat and met with a guy from the board about my future plans. After our meeting, I went downstairs and spent some time with this youth in pryr as we waited for the rest of the youth to arrive. Once some of them starting arriving, the environment in the room completely changed. It was weird but I expected resistance as today we were talking about the gospel and more importantly how they each presented the gospel. I pryd for awhile over the group and we began. HE revealed so much to me as we listened to one of the youth present the gospel. It was clear that I had missed a step with them and so I apologized to them and redirected our conversation. I presented the gospel message and asked them to take notes of what I mentioned and what Scripture I used. I later told them my testimony and connected it with a story from His Word. I taught them how to do the same and gave them the next two weeks to prepare their testimony, connect with His Words, and meditate over the gospel message. As they left, and Brody and I went for a walk I realized that I had thought they were all stronger than they are in the faith. I had stopped discipling them personally and 3 of them were going through some tough times. I repented of my sin and called each of them that afternoon just to see how they were and encourage them and apologize. I spent the evening on my knees asking for His Plan for this group that I thought were strong and firm in their faith. I praise a Dad who always gives second chances and reveals things to us and then shows us what HE wants to be done. Please continue to pry for these youth that are passing through a faith crisis – not being able to forgive themselves and understanding His forgiveness.

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