Two more months have past and I have yet to update you on the daily happenings in this crazy life HE has given me! Please continue to pry about my internet situation! I know it has been frustrating for you not to receive this weekly updates and skype chats. Please know the same has been true to me as well!

I am just going to give you the highlights of my time here over the past two months...
- We had a volunteer team come in to do sports ministry throughout Cartagena and it was a neat time of watching HIM work in the volunteer's lives and the lives of the people.
- I have spoken at several different clubs about Palenque and trying to get the clubs to think outside of their 4 walls. HE has been sovereign and placed the desire on several people's hearts to go out with me. Please pry as I listen to HIS direction on how to form this team, what to teach them, and when/where to start.
- I have made several contacts with about 15 different women in Centro who are Palenqueros. We meet weekly and just chat. I ask them questions and they ask me questions and every time HE is faithful to open up the door for me to share HIS TRUTHS! Please pry about what HE desires out of these relationships!
- Every Friday I go to El Nido with R and D to teach PE to the kids on the farm and R's kids. We do TRUTH drill, tell HIS Stories, and PE! It has been a great opportunity for us to serve the adults by giving them some much needed alone time to do whatever...spend more time with HIM, evangelize with LF, take a nap, or whatever. I am excited to see how HE grows our relationships together and uses us to help support this work!
- The youth from the sports ministry have decided that they want to not do work right now but focus on learning more about Christian character and who they are in Christ and how to plant churches. So each week, we are studying together and preparing our team for whatever HE has in store for us!
- Started a weekly pryr meeting amongst the M's here on the coast. It has been very interesting to watch HIM work through this time of sharing and pryng for one another personally and their work. 
- I went to spend a week with my family and Kerri in Bogota as she prepared to get married! It was a fabulous time...absolutely fabulous! The week was busy but HE received all the glory! There are so many stories to share...from the trip to the civil wedding which seriously could have been a scene from a movie...HILARIOUS! (ask me about it!), the 9 hours I spent in the car missing the rehearsal and almost the rehearsal dinner, and the beautiful, elegant, divine wedding ceremony! It was a huge blessing from HIM!
And I think that about catches you up with me. This week has been a good week. Finished all my exams and papers for my classes!! I have had several meetings for work and finished lots of reports for work. Continue to read and study up on the Palenquero people and spend many hours in pryr for these people and HIS Plan. Tuesday night, I picked up the parent's of one of the couples on the farm. And then had the privilege of spending the day with all 9 of them...I enjoyed listening, loving on the kids, and serving them yesterday! And today is a holiday here...last night is when they light candles in hopes that Mary will come and today they do more celebrating I we are not going out to more study time for me and I am going to Centro to see my ladies!

Once again, sorry for the lack of correspondence. I will be better, I promise. Please do pry for this internet situation! I love you and will see you in a couple of weeks!

1/8/2012 10:47:22 am

Just checking this website and hoping for an update!!

1/15/2012 05:20:24 am

Just checking again! You must be very busy doing His will and having fun with friends and their families.

9/26/2012 06:52:29 am

THX for info


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