So last week, I did not have enough money to put gas in my vehicle and go to Palenque but HE provided in huge ways! I rode my bike 3 days of the week to Narino (a local neighborhood full of Palenqueros) and HE opened up so many doors for me to just get to know knew people and share His love with them! It was such a blessing and HE was definitely glorified!

And this week started the same, I still had not be paid back for some work that was done on the vehicle two weeks ago but HE provided just enough to fill the gas tank and buy a couple of things to eat during the week.

So, Darlys and I head out to Palenque on Tuesday. It was neat to watch all the Palenqueros respond when I explained the reason we could not come last week and then also share about my father being ill. As they realized that I really did not have any money at all and that my dad was really sick, they finally saw me like they see each other and not just some outsider. HE works all things for His Glory! They had put up a wall in between me, la grienga and the palenqueros that was going to be impossible to break down. HE took everything away from me and made me vulnerable to them and they responded by letting me in. There was a definite change as they realized that nothing I had was mine and everything was borrowed. It was so beautiful and I praise HIM for my time without money and living in complete dependence on Him! HE used this time to teach me and to open up these people to His Light inside of me!! HE is SO GOOD!!

That afternoon after Darlys and I had spoken to most people we know, we headed to a little farm where they offered to store the car for us while we stay in Palenque. It was such a divine appointment as Ddr had recently lost her mother and was dealing with this tremendous loss. She asked us if we would be willing to teach her His Words and different activities she could do with kids to teach them about HIM. Are you kidding me, Dad? She asked us. We arrived about 3 hours ago and had already seen many miracles done by His Hands! Palenqueros opening up to me, seeing me like one of them, and then Ddr asking if we will teach her His Words! WOW!! At this moment, I was on the edge of my seat to see what HE was going to the rest of the week just to show HOW BIG HE is!

As we are heading to the club for their meeting that night, it was dark and we were outside of the village without a flashlight but thankful we had Brody and the moon was fairly bright that evening. As we were just praising HIM for what we had seen, a huge snake crosses over my feet and I scream which scares Darlys and alerts Brody. Praise HIM that it was just crossing the road and did not turn around to bite my foot. Two ladies were coming towards, saw the snake, screamed, and then asked who we were. Darlys and I laughed that they probably thought we were witches because the snake didn’t bite us or follow us.

We get into the club and they are all pryng in a circle and a new man Js Mnl is there leading them. I run to the bathroom (well, if you can call it a bathroom.) As I enter, there is no light and a smell that would knock you over. So I hold my breath, do what I have to do, and as I am pulling up my shorts I hear a thud in the water. First thing I think is that it is another animal and I best get out of there. When I am about to leave and realized that my cell phone was in my pocket. Are you kidding me? What an idiot. My phone has dropped in this “toilet”. Once again, I can’t see because there is no light and I grab something to stick in the toilet and get it out. Doesn’t work but it does turn on the phone just enough for me to see what really is in the toilet…I almost vomit! As I was about to leave the phone, I realized that I have to have a phone to communicate while out in the village and all my numbers were on the sim cards. So, I do what any M would do…grab some paper and stick my hand in as fast as I can to grab the phone. I think I almost vomit several times as my hand brushes against several things. Even as I write this, I am cringing to recall this incident! I get the phone, get out of the bathroom, but don’t want to disturb them so I use hand sanitizer to clean my hand/arm/body/phone and try to dry the phone out. Once I get the situation under control, I go out to find that Js Mnl is laying his hands on people, calling out spirits, and people are falling on the floor. I immediately ask The Spirit to reveal The Truth in all of this and my spirit is very uneasy throughout the entire night. Of course this would happen, I mean HE completely broke down a wall to HIS Truths penetrating their hearts and the enemy sends a false witness to lead them in this.  That evening, I spoke to Js Mnl and Hrln about what was going on in the club because I did not understand everything. Neither of them could explain the Biblical basis for what was going on and both changed the subject. That evening, Darlys and I pryd and interceded for this village. It was a long night of reading His Words and claiming them over this week.

On Wednesday, we had a small devotion in the house over Romans and HE was definitely speaking to them through His Powerful Word. And then a blessing from The Father…we get water!! So, I run to take a shower and try to get as clean as I still had not felt completely clean after my experience the night before. We then head to Ktln’s house and HE once again opened the door for me to ask about the activity the night before. Through several questions, she also was unable to share with me the Biblical basis of what was going on. Her response was it is just what we do and thru several other questions, we came to the understanding that the leaders of this club had brought this and several other things to the Palenquero people without explaining the basis behind each thing. HE then opened her heart to us as she shares about her daughter Zn and how she has been rebelling. As we listen and ask questions, we understand that her rebellion started when the leader of the club told her she could not be baptized in front of the entire group. Ktln asked me to try to meet with Zn and disciple her and of course I was thrilled. Ktln also agreed to study with us each week, after our language lessons.  She answered honestly so many culture questions that I had been asking but people were closed to share with me so that I could truly understand their culture. It was yet another miracle in His Perfect Timing. We pry and leave the house, so that she can go to her afternoon sewing session.

Darlys and I begin pryng that HE will open up the door for us to meet with Zn and see what is going on with this young rebellious girl. I began to feel really bad and so I laid down to rest. While I was asleep, the power went out and it began to storm. I got up and started to study His Words and just pry for more divine appointments to be His Light and guess who showed up at the door? Zn comes into the house to ask me if I will help her with English. From here, she opened up to me about what is going on in the club, asked me questions like what is a Chrstn, and shared with me about her father. It was incredible. I just sat in awe of HIM, Who was moving in a powerful way! She continued to share until some other youth come in to the house for our meeting that night. She desired to leave but we quickly distracted her with food and she and Darlys continued talking while I spent time with two other youth. I mean, HE just brings them to us and does all the work!! HE is incredible! And that night as the roads became rivers and we sat around candles, HE kept bringing people to us. We never thought that the youth would get out during this storm but over 20 of them showed up at the house. We had an incredible time of worship, games, and then we asked them questions. For the first hour, they responded in a very surface, fake way…which is normal for them. Darlys and I shared our real life answers to these questions and HE knocked down yet another wall and opened up the door for more teaching of His Word and challenging of their ways of doing things! We eventually had to ask the youth to leave because it was late and the rain had let up just enough that they could all get back to their homes safely. That night, Darlys and I praised HIM for all that HE had done this day!

Thursday, we have another devotion and I asked Darlys to lead it. I have been pouring a lot into her while she serves alongside of me, trying to model everything for her and mentor her as we serve. We met up with Ktln to visit some women and for a time of pryr. As we told her about Zn, she was stunned and so was I. I thought she had sent Zn to our house that afternoon but she said no and was surprised by what all she had shared with the two of us! It was beautiful to watch HIM change the countenance of this servant of His and worried mother. We went to visit several women where we listened to them, shared His Story, and pryd for them. Our last house was in the upper neighborhood and we enter into a mud house with little to nothing inside. A little 4 year old and a young pregnant girl walk out and she begins to share with us how her man has recently left her and their son for another woman and is not helping her out with anything. HE brought me to a story to share with her that I honestly did not know if she would understand…silly me! As I asked her several questions, she answered them with a wisdom that only comes from His Spirit and as she answered me, HE revealed His Truth for her to apply now. We were all blown away at how she arrived at the application from this story all by herself. Ktln shared her surprise out loud, which was exactly what she needed to boost her confidence and confirm who she is in HIM.

That afternoon, Darlys and I played soccer with some youth and shared His Stories. It was neat to watch some of them really be interested and HE gave us time to speak to them afterwards more deeply. They even invited us to go hang out with them that night and we were so excited to get to sit and listen to these youth and allow HIM to show us how HE desires to reach them. Unfortunately, it began to storm again, worse than the night before and no one left their house. Since our afternoon with the youth and evening game night were canceled, Darlys asked if we could go back because she needed to send in some of her homework for her classes. She had not been able to because of the lack of power Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. So we left and just pryd and praised HIM for what HE did this week in Palenque!! I helped walk her through a lot of processing that she had not done to understand exactly what HE did and what she learned during this week with the people. I arrived home, bathed myself and Brody, and went to sleep in my own bed (well, kind of!)

Friday, I went to the farm with the Paul’s to love on them and just serve. We had a great time of study with Stacy in His Words. I love how HE is uniting us each week. Julie was busy doing something else and my heart is heavy for her. I just feel like she is distant, so please take a moment and pry for her as well. We played with the adorable kids, loved on them, and helped prepare the lunch. I had wanted to speak with Ls Frnd about helping me in Palenque but he left early and said he would come by the house later. Well later never happened but I called and waited at my house and just rested in His Words. That evening, I met up with Js Angl (a member of Central Baptist Club) to go back to Narino to meet his family and meet his friends. It was another blessing to get to know more palenqueros and have more entrances into this community. I am excited to see what HE does with all of these open doors!

So as you can see, HE is answering your pryrs in a mighty way! He has taught me so much during this time of not having and having to depend on others. I forgot to tell you how the Palenqueros in Palenque invited me to eat with them or brought over things so we could have community meals together. And, oh how they pryd for my father each and everyday. They each would come find me to pry with me for him and find out what the latest update was and how he was feeling. HE has continued to provide as I have not missed a meal (although it wouldn’t hurt me at all), haven’t missed out on any opportunity to serve HIM, or spend time with Him! HE is showing me just how much HE desires for me to use to live on and what HE wants me to do with everything else. I cannot wait to see what HE does this week! Thank you for pryng! Please keep it up as HE is answering and is performing miracles everywhere we look!!

8/26/2012 12:29:24 am

What a sweet and wonderful story of His revealing his complete faithfullness when we totally depend on Him. Now I understand and appreciate why you needed to be in want and need. I still hate that you are so often ill and will continue to pry daily for your good health - but have learned who is really in charge. I am delighted that you don't have to be like Jeremiah and go for years w/out reaching anyone b/c that seems to be one thing that continues to fuel yur passion to serve in spite of the setbacks and roadblocks. I love you and we continue to be so very proud of you and how you have chosen to follow. I know dad will enjoy this update too! mom


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